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Malaysian youths in Dublin assaulted by group of teens in ‘racist attack

I totally agree with you. So let's kill more Americans! lol.
View attachment 906635

You don't see widescale protests complaining about it..in fact it would be higher if the police were better shots.

...and before you say they are mostly black...
"The Washington Post has created a database of every known deadly police shooting in America since 2015. As of this writing, 6,211 people have been shot and killed by law enforcement officers. 46% of them—2,883 to be exact—were white, while 24% (1,496 total) were black."

Yet no whitelivesmatter protests...wonder why.
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You don't see widescale protests complaining about it..in fact it would be higher if the police were better shots.

...and before you say they are mostly black...
"The Washington Post has created a database of every known deadly police shooting in America since 2015. As of this writing, 6,211 people have been shot and killed by law enforcement officers. 46% of them—2,883 to be exact—were white, while 24% (1,496 total) were black."

Yet no whitelivesmatter protests...wonder why.
I totally agree with all your views. But I don't know if the battle droids will agree with you.

I totally agree with all your views. But I don't know if the battle droids will agree with you.

View attachment 906655



You Chinese seem to love Indians a lot as you are always quoting their weird sh*t left and right. Can you stop perpetually suckling on them for once and lift your heads up to see reality?

This is 2022...there's no battle droids..just remote controlled bomb squad robots.

Geez..you guys lap it up like candy.
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LOL! You Chinese seem to love Indians a lot as you are always quoting their sh*t left and right. Can you stop suckling on them for once and lift your heads up to see reality?

You raped too many lizards tonight??? Can you understand your own logic?
It is hard to imagine the British people, once civilized, will and again, run around hunting witches and other minors for scapegoats of their own seemingly unstoppable misery, while parts of sub saharan Africa can enjoy a reasonable living standard by siding with China and the East.

All can happen within 50 years. However, the British is a smart people, just not as smart as they think they are. The problem is they are going the wrong way. Hopefully, they can stand up to overthrow the current rotten regime and system, which have brought in the misery not only to themselves.
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the west is only reduced to liberal woke class and racist anti vaxxer white nationalist class. This is only going to go downhill for the west as their demographics is imploding and soon whites will be minority in their own countries.

I have to agree unfortunately - and I live in the middle of the most progressive culture in the West, California.

What California sees today, the rest of the US follows in twenty more years.

And what I see around me is just slow decay of 1st-world societal values, xenophobia and the US upper class not giving a flying rat's a$$ about the rapid "3rd world-ization" of their society. To a longtime inhabitant and adopter of Western Values to some degree, this is disheartening to say the least....

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