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Mahindra uncle makes a truck :azn: .

This model is a bit kooky, why? It's a local hack job mated with Navistar.

Mahindra 'co-llaborated' with Navstar US fro turcks, Renault France for cars. Over time, both collaborations were bought out by Mahindra. Mahindra also bought out Reva electric and an Ozzy aeroplane maker Gippsland among many others.

The Indian public paid for all of the above one way or the other. One way, only one jeep in the market. Other way, Indian public sector banks funding purchases of other companies. Yet another, share with 'co-llaborators' to establish new businesses and with cash flow and stabilisation, harass and buy-out the 'collaborator'.

Thanks for posting the Trantor, nice to see it turn real.
That's how you build an auto industry giant, wot :taz: .

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