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Lumbar Epidural Injection .. Sciatica

Evil Flare

Oct 3, 2008
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after two months of Sciatica pain , doctor has prescribed my mother a Lumbar Epidural Injection .

i have read on internet about this & this look scary .. lots of comment about unbearable pain ..
i have said my mother that test will be easy & no pain .. & now after reading all comments about this on internet i am starting to worry .. :frown:

anyone familiar with this injection ?
Most occurrences of sciatica are temporary, and the condition will heal itself with six to twelve weeks. In such cases, there are many non medical methods to help ease the pain or discomfort.

Is her pain constant and severe?
Most occurrences of sciatica are temporary, and the condition will heal itself with six to twelve weeks. In such cases, there are many non medical methods to help ease the pain or discomfort.

Is her pain constant and severe?

Pain first come 3 months ago , all medication taken but no relief & doctor said to go for MRI LS Screening .. & reports shows that there is problem L5 S1 Disc Protrusion . so doctor said for this injection .. we'll go on Saturday . :confused:
after two months of Sciatica pain , doctor has prescribed my mother a Lumbar Epidural Injection .

i have read on internet about this & this look scary .. lots of comment about unbearable pain ..
i have said my mother that test will be easy & no pain .. & now after reading all comments about this on internet i am starting to worry .. :frown:

anyone familiar with this injection ?

I hope doctor have tried conservative therapy. Which doctor are you consulting?
Pain first come 3 months ago , all medication taken but no relief & doctor said to go for MRI LS Screening .. & reports shows that there is problem L5 S1 Disc Protrusion . so doctor said for this injection .. we'll go on Saturday . :confused:

3 month's time is not ample to decide for epidural steroids. Injection is not a treatment in itself, what all it can do is to reduce pain for a short span.
Pain first come 3 months ago , all medication taken but no relief & doctor said to go for MRI LS Screening .. & reports shows that there is problem L5 S1 Disc Protrusion . so doctor said for this injection .. we'll go on Saturday . :confused:
I think if you have qualified doctors then they know better what they are doing. Doctors suggest treatment based on symptoms and length of time you have had them. If Patient cannot heal with exercises and other non medical treatments then some aggressive treatments for sciatica are physical therapy, epidural steroid injections and surgery as a last resort.

These are the answer of some of your questions

What is an Epidural Steroid Injection?

Epidural Steroid Injection is an injection of long lasting steroid ("cortisone") in the Epidural space – that is the area which surrounds the spinal cord and the nerves coming out of it.

What is the purpose of it?

The steroid injected reduces the inflammation and/or swelling of nerves in the Epidural space. This may in turn reduce pain, tingling & numbness and other symptoms caused by nerve inflammation / irritation or swelling.

How long does the injection take?

The actual injection takes only a few minutes.

What is actually injected?

The injection consists of a mixture of local anesthetic (like lidocaine or bupivacaine) and the steroid medication (triamcinolone – Aristocort® or methylprednisolone – Depo-medrol®, Celestone-Soluspan).

Will the injection hurt?

The procedure involves inserting a needle through skin and deeper tissues (like a "tetanus shot"). So, there is some discomfort involved. However, we numb the skin and deeper tissues with a local anesthetic using a very thin needle prior to inserting the Epidural needle. Also, the tissues in the midline have less nerve supply, so usually you feel strong pressure and not much pain. Most of the patients also receive intravenous sedation and analgesia, which makes the procedure easy to tolerate.

Will I be "put out" for this procedure?

No. This procedure is done under local anesthesia. Most of the patients also receive intravenous sedation and analgesia, which makes the procedure easy to tolerate. The amount of sedation given generally depends upon the patient tolerance.

How is the injection performed?

It is done either with the patient sitting up or on the side, or on your stomach. The patients are monitored with EKG, blood pressure cuff and blood oxygen monitoring device. The skin in the back is cleaned with antiseptic solution and then the injection is carried out. After the injection, you are placed on your back or on your side.

What should I expect after the injection?

Immediately after the injection, you may feel your legs slightly heavy and may be numb. Also, you may notice that your pain may be gone or quite less. This is due to the local anesthetic injected. This will last only for a few hours. Your pain will return and you may have a "sore back" for a day or two. This is due to the mechanical process of needle insertion as well as initial irritation form the steroid itself. You should start noticing pain relief starting the 3rd day or so.

What should I do after the procedure?

You should have a ride home. We advise the patients to take it easy for a day or so after the procedure. Perform the activities as tolerated by you.

Can I go back to work the next day?

You should be able to unless the procedure was complicated. Usually you will feel some back pain or have a "sore back" only.

How long the effect of the medication last?

The immediate effect is usually from the local anesthetic injected. This wears off in a few hours. The cortisone starts working in about 3 to 5 days and its effect can last for several days to a few months.

How many injections do I need to have?

If the first injection does not relieve your symptoms in about a week to two weeks, you may be recommended to have one more injection. Similarly If the second injection does not relieve your symptoms in about a week to two weeks, you may be recommended to have a third injection.

Can I have more than three injections?

In a six month period, we generally do not perform more than three injections. This is because the medication injected lasts for about six months. If three injections have not helped you much, it is very unlikely that you will get nay further benefit from more injections. Also, giving more injections will increase the likelihood of side effects from cortisone.

Will the Epidural Steroid Injection help me?

It is very difficult to predict if the injection will indeed help you or not. Generally speaking, the patients who have "radicular symptoms" (like sciatica) respond better to the injections than the patients who have only back pain. Similarly, the patients with a recent onset of pain may respond much better than the ones with a long standing pain. Also, the patients with back pain mainly due to bony abnormality may not respond adequately.

What are the risks and side effects?

Generally speaking, this procedure is safe. However, with any procedure there are risks, side effects, and possibility of complications. The most common side effect is pain – which is temporary. The other risk involve spinal puncture with headaches, infection, bleeding inside the Epidural space with nerve damage, worsening of symptoms etc. The other risks are related to the side effects of cortisone: These include weight gain, increase in blood sugar (mainly in diabetics), water retention, suppression of body’s own natural production of cortisone etc.

Who should not have this injection?

If you are allergic to any of the medications to be injected, if you are on a blood thinning medication (e.g. Coumadin, Plavix), or ifyou have an active infection going on, you should not have the injection.

Best of luck and may Allah give her recovery from this pain . Amin
Nothing to worry abt that, this kind of injection is quite common. Usually Steroidal related side effects will results like weight gain,hyperglycemia even such problems can be fixed(it depends). be cool
Lumbar epidural injections are generally safe if done by experienced and qualified hands (there is a small risk of nerve damage). The best people who are able to do it since they do it on daily basis are Anesthesiologists. So you may want to contact a good anesthesiologist near where you live. But the most important thing is to find the cause. Is it a tumor, injury, abscess or injury?
Pain first come 3 months ago , all medication taken but no relief & doctor said to go for MRI LS Screening .. & reports shows that there is problem L5 S1 Disc Protrusion . so doctor said for this injection .. we'll go on Saturday . :confused:

If its a disk prolapse then the injection is going to relieve the pain. But then physiotherapy must follow to treat the cause taking advantage of pain free status post injection, if not resolved by physiotherapy then next step is going to be surgery.
Lumbar epidural injections are generally safe if done by experienced and qualified hands (there is a small risk of nerve damage). The best people who are able to do it since they do it on daily basis are Anesthesiologists. So you may want to contact a good anesthesiologist near where you live. But the most important thing is to find the cause. Is it a tumor, injury, abscess or injury?

consulting Anesthesiologists ?? funny If u don't knw something better stay clam.
consulting Anesthesiologists ?? funny If u don't something better stay clam.

I already know enough. They are the best ones who can inject epidural injections since they are the most experienced. They do spinal anesthesia daily. It is better to go to them for an injection of this type than going to go to some one who just injects a few of them each year. Why risk a nerve damage?
we are seeing Dr Shahid Noor .. Probably the best around .

i find a article about him on Dawn ..

HYDERABAD, March 6: Two women underwent total knee replacement at the Liaquat University of Medical and Health Sciences during a two-day workshop which concluded on Saturday.

This was for the first time that such an operation was conducted at the university’s hospital.

Organiser of the workshop, Surgeon Fahim Ahmed Memon, said that eight more knee replacement operations would be carried out on March 16 and 17, the expenses to be paid from zakat fund. The patients should get themselves registered al least a week before March 16, he said.

He urged the university’s Vice-Chancellor, Prof Noshad Ahmed Shaikh, to take steps to equip the Orthopaedic Department with the latest equipment.

Orthopaedic surgeons from England, Tanveer Sajid, Amjad Gulzar and Awais Shaikh and Prof. Shahid Noor from Karachi delivered lectures on knee replacement.

Prof. Shahid Noor and Prof. Tanveer Sadiq performed the two operations.

The vice-chancellor said that efforts would be made to convert the Orthopaedic Department into an institute.
Lumbar epidural injections are generally safe if done by experienced and qualified hands (there is a small risk of nerve damage). The best people who are able to do it since they do it on daily basis are Anesthesiologists. So you may want to contact a good anesthesiologist near where you live. But the most important thing is to find the cause. Is it a tumor, injury, abscess or injury?
Please please, anaesthesiologist have nothing to do with this injection. Neurosurgeon or orthopaedic surgeon (Depends) can do such procedures.
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