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Lt.Gen Qamar Javed Bajwa the new COAS - Lt.Gen Zubair Hayat new CJCSC.

Despite his extensive involvement with Kashmir and northern areas, he is said to consider extremism a bigger threat for the country than India.
I am quite sure India factor would have played a big role in deciding Bajwa. He looks the toughest one out of the candidates by face expressions... Someone who can really lead in case of war

His military colleagues say he is not attention-seeking and remains well-connected with his troops.

“He is extremely professional, but very easy-going and full of compassion,” an officer who had served under him said, adding that he was not protocol-minded either. Gen Bajwa is also said to be an apolitical person without any biases.
Najam Sethi PM mouthpiece revealed this week ago. Gen Bajwa as COAS, Gen Hayat as JCOSC.

I disagree, Sethi throughout his show tried to imply it was General Ramday that is going to get the nod, he said that no one really knew about him, his political thinking or ideas, he got a blank slate though the other host tried to bring up the fact Ramday had clear political linkages with PML N but Sethi made it sound like he had asked around and got nothing on Ramday.

in the show he tried to imply General Baja as the one who was 'a bit gun hoe' when he tried to do some research on the four contenders.

interesting though i had all my money on Ramday getting the nod from NS
I knew Ashfaq Nadeem would never be choosen cause he is straight forward guy and rumored to be in group that wanted Gen Raheel to take action against Nawaz Sharrif in siting dharna of Imran

He joins the list of Brave and True Soildier likes Of Gen Tariq Khan of not being chosen as Army Chief , the man behind the operation Zarb E Azab Gen Nadeem will most likely retire now
I disagree, Sethi throughout his show tried to imply it was General Ramday that is going to get the nod, he said that no one really knew about him, his political thinking or ideas, he got a blank slate though the other host tried to bring up the fact Ramday had clear political linkages with PML N but Sethi made it sound like he had asked around and got nothing on Ramday.

in the show he tried to imply General Baja as the one who was 'a bit gun hoe' when he tried to do some research on the four contenders.

interesting though i had all my money on Ramday getting the nod from NS

B for the apple of PM eyes... Another capital R who ran, referred to as dark horse Exact wordings!
Qassam se I also thought the same when I saw his picture few days ago...
he also looks like.

Serious Personalities Very Good Against India Good Combination & Selection.... Congrates
Obviously... His first priority should be to implement /accept India's demands...

I said...I hope......anyway he is anti terrorist...already fearing him mullahs are spread misinformation that he is Ahamdi.

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