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Loudspeaker Menace: Hindu Fanaticism of Indian Political Agents



New Recruit

Jul 26, 2007
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Hindu Fanaticism of Indian Political Agents



Politicians in so-called secular India harm the communal peace in Muslim localities by using fanatic Hindus and fanatic parties. Police plays role assigned to them by the politicians and regime.

Unfortunately, Hinduism is presented almost equal to arrogance, stupidity, insanity.

No party, no regime thus far since 1947 cared to protect the genuine concerns and interests of Muslims in spite the pledge given to Muslims by Indian state then led by Jawaharlal Nehru to do so because sizable chunk of Hindus are extremely fanatic and extra terror mined. Islamaphobia and terrorism gimmicks, skillfully employed by the central-state governments and media have further strengthened fanatic Hindus to misbehave and even terrorize Muslims. And Hindus with petrified mindset, howsoever minority they might be in the society, ill-treat and insult Muslims where possible because they expect Muslims as a minority in the country to be slave-minded and serve the Hindu/Hindutva cause.

Today, Indian leaders like Sonia Gandhi, Manmohan Singh and even youthful Rahul Gandhi try not to protect Muslim interests and defend them from Hindu fanatics and covert terror elements. By taking necessary clues from New Delhi, the regional governements also pursue one and the same anti-Muslm policy.

Indian media, duty-bound to protect Muslims form majority vultural people, have also done the most disastrous anti-Muslim role in Indiana society, keeping the divide in tact for political or some other reason.

Irrespective of whether a Hindus live in Muslim locality or not, Hindus who have absolute control over the regime and state and non-state agencies, always try to contorl Muslim localities well.

The Hindus are hard testing the patience and tolerance of Muslims when Hindus from other localities come and attack them physically or mechanically. The reign agents use remote machines to make surveillance operations as well as devil dreams in sleep

I live in a Muslim locality. There is temple structure which is being used as a tool by some Hindu fanatics from nearby localities to create menace to locals. It appears there is a strong network creating menace for my stay in my room. This includes the residences of the locality and those involved in Padrakali temple in the street.

Now, as before, the temple structure people are making loud noise through loud-speakers as part of their annual drama - for 7days- and have deliberately placed multi-stereos in front of my place of stay to relay non-stop nuisance affecting my routine life and I have to go far away to escape it. But how long?

I approached them more than once requesting them to take away the terror noise from front side of my room but they flatly refused and asked me to keep cotton in my ears. Even cotton is helpless because they keep increasing the volume to a mad level. When I pleaded to reduce the volume of the menace they increased the volume to showcase their monkey power.

I told them that I would approach police for help but their reply was very cold as if local police is in their own custody. They are damn sure they have the support of "important" fanatics leaders.

It is really sad that the Hindutva moorings have now reached such a level that the temple people can do anything even in Muslim streets.

They seem to be enjoying too much sadistic pleasure at my and others’ cost and are guilty. They deserve some punishment

In fact, these guys do not live in this locality but come fro nearby localities only to show their strength in menace to Muslim living here.

I do not know how to contain these fanatic monkeys.

I appeal to Police to kindly quickly intervene to end the street and community menace by the human monkeys and let me live in my room.

People today have many other forms of entertainment and loud speakers are a serious menace especially in streets where people from other religions and those seek peace and communal harmony also live.

The old practice of loud speaker culture has no relevance today when every house has TV sets, computers, tape recorders, videos, etc and loud speaker noise has no meaning at all. Already the police has not taken any step to contain the loud speaker menace in spite of my repeated appeals. This attitude from police is not good at all. The anti-social elements are bold. And already I have suffered days this year. And the problem creators think they can go like this for ever.

Obviously, those anti-social elements who blast loudspeakers to create social tensions at street level do not have any real faith in god they claim. They are not even aware of the fact that Hindu gods do not ask them to showcase their loud speaker "power" to others or misbehave with Muslims by crating sound pollution.

Is it the way to appease gods for favors?

د. عبد راف

Dr. Abdul Ruff, Specialist on State Terrorism; Educationalist;Chancellor-Founder of Centor for International Affairs(CIA); Independent Analyst;Chronicler of Foreign occupations & Freedom movements(Palestine,Kashmir, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Xinjiang, Chechnya, etc); Anti-Muslimism and anti-Islamism are more dangerous than "terrorism" Anti-Islamic forces & terrorists are using criminal elements for terrorizing the world and they in disguise are harming genuine interests of ordinary Muslims. Global media today, even in Muslim nations, are controlled by CIA & other anti-Islamic agencies. Former university Teacher;/website:abdulruff.wordpress.com/ 91-9961868309/91-9961868309
Pakistani flag and living in India? And the over-the-top language?

Sounds like a troll using a roundabout trick to create an issue about Muslims azaans on loudspeakers.
And there is a mosque in ma locality.....
And they never let me sleep after 5 am(so early for me)....
But i am not complaining..... Social harmony is more important... My locality encourages them, no one complained to them about loudspeakers used... Cos we understand that they should do their prayers...
And this so called muslim author cant bear it for just 7 days?
Hindu Fanaticism of Indian Political Agents



Politicians in so-called secular India harm the communal peace in Muslim localities by using fanatic Hindus and fanatic parties. Police plays role assigned to them by the politicians and regime.

Unfortunately, Hinduism is presented almost equal to arrogance, stupidity, insanity.

No party, no regime thus far since 1947 cared to protect the genuine concerns and interests of Muslims in spite the pledge given to Muslims by Indian state then led by Jawaharlal Nehru to do so because sizable chunk of Hindus are extremely fanatic and extra terror mined. Islamaphobia and terrorism gimmicks, skillfully employed by the central-state governments and media have further strengthened fanatic Hindus to misbehave and even terrorize Muslims. And Hindus with petrified mindset, howsoever minority they might be in the society, ill-treat and insult Muslims where possible because they expect Muslims as a minority in the country to be slave-minded and serve the Hindu/Hindutva cause.

Today, Indian leaders like Sonia Gandhi, Manmohan Singh and even youthful Rahul Gandhi try not to protect Muslim interests and defend them from Hindu fanatics and covert terror elements. By taking necessary clues from New Delhi, the regional governements also pursue one and the same anti-Muslm policy.

Indian media, duty-bound to protect Muslims form majority vultural people, have also done the most disastrous anti-Muslim role in Indiana society, keeping the divide in tact for political or some other reason.

Irrespective of whether a Hindus live in Muslim locality or not, Hindus who have absolute control over the regime and state and non-state agencies, always try to contorl Muslim localities well.

The Hindus are hard testing the patience and tolerance of Muslims when Hindus from other localities come and attack them physically or mechanically. The reign agents use remote machines to make surveillance operations as well as devil dreams in sleep

I live in a Muslim locality. There is temple structure which is being used as a tool by some Hindu fanatics from nearby localities to create menace to locals. It appears there is a strong network creating menace for my stay in my room. This includes the residences of the locality and those involved in Padrakali temple in the street.

Now, as before, the temple structure people are making loud noise through loud-speakers as part of their annual drama - for 7days- and have deliberately placed multi-stereos in front of my place of stay to relay non-stop nuisance affecting my routine life and I have to go far away to escape it. But how long?

I approached them more than once requesting them to take away the terror noise from front side of my room but they flatly refused and asked me to keep cotton in my ears. Even cotton is helpless because they keep increasing the volume to a mad level. When I pleaded to reduce the volume of the menace they increased the volume to showcase their monkey power.

I told them that I would approach police for help but their reply was very cold as if local police is in their own custody. They are damn sure they have the support of "important" fanatics leaders.

It is really sad that the Hindutva moorings have now reached such a level that the temple people can do anything even in Muslim streets.

They seem to be enjoying too much sadistic pleasure at my and others’ cost and are guilty. They deserve some punishment

In fact, these guys do not live in this locality but come fro nearby localities only to show their strength in menace to Muslim living here.

I do not know how to contain these fanatic monkeys.

I appeal to Police to kindly quickly intervene to end the street and community menace by the human monkeys and let me live in my room.

People today have many other forms of entertainment and loud speakers are a serious menace especially in streets where people from other religions and those seek peace and communal harmony also live.

The old practice of loud speaker culture has no relevance today when every house has TV sets, computers, tape recorders, videos, etc and loud speaker noise has no meaning at all. Already the police has not taken any step to contain the loud speaker menace in spite of my repeated appeals. This attitude from police is not good at all. The anti-social elements are bold. And already I have suffered days this year. And the problem creators think they can go like this for ever.

Obviously, those anti-social elements who blast loudspeakers to create social tensions at street level do not have any real faith in god they claim. They are not even aware of the fact that Hindu gods do not ask them to showcase their loud speaker "power" to others or misbehave with Muslims by crating sound pollution.

Is it the way to appease gods for favors?

د. عبد راف

Dr. Abdul Ruff, Specialist on State Terrorism; Educationalist;Chancellor-Founder of Centor for International Affairs(CIA); Independent Analyst;Chronicler of Foreign occupations & Freedom movements(Palestine,Kashmir, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Xinjiang, Chechnya, etc); Anti-Muslimism and anti-Islamism are more dangerous than "terrorism" Anti-Islamic forces & terrorists are using criminal elements for terrorizing the world and they in disguise are harming genuine interests of ordinary Muslims. Global media today, even in Muslim nations, are controlled by CIA & other anti-Islamic agencies. Former university Teacher;/website:abdulruff.wordpress.com/ 91-9961868309/91-9961868309

:no: :no:
ruff can go to pakistan na.. who stopped him.. he can go there and say woof..
Pakistani flag and living in India? And the over-the-top language?

Sounds like a troll using a roundabout trick to create an issue about Muslims azaans on loudspeakers.

My house is in a Muslim majority area in Kanpur , UP. Each morning we used to wake up by Azaan,

In fact my Grandfather used to say.. wake up when you hear azaan and start studying.....

We are a Brahmin family but my Grandfather had lot of Muslim friends ,so do I .

He used to tell me how he had studied Persian since that was the language used in courts..I can still recall the
Aliphs .. :angel: , .. We never complained about the Azaans, nor anybody else complained about the Devi Jagarans..

And then Kites, Cricket and Sevai...

These are the best memories I had with my Muslim neighbours.
azaans lose their effectiveness when it comes from loudspeaker,, the mullah is supposed to shout during call for prayer. Loudspeaker is shirk for azaan.
I hated all these uses of loudspeakers and bells in the name of religion when I grew up - temples playing songs especially in Dec, Mosques calling for prayers, Churches making use of bells. SC need to ban all these shenanigans in the name of religion. I live in US and there is nothing of that sort happening here. If people in US can live without these loudspeakers why not people in India?
azaans lose their effectiveness when it comes from loudspeaker,, the mullah is supposed to shout during call for prayer. Loudspeaker is shirk for azaan.

Please do not try to interpret things that you don't even know... Shirk for Azaan! I mean are you sure you know Islam?

Religion based threads must not be discussed, mods need to delete this thread..
Please do not try to interpret things that you don't even know... Shirk for Azaan! I mean are you sure you know Islam?

Religion based threads must not be discussed, mods need to delete this thread..

true... religion based threads must not be discussed....
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