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Look what PM Khan did when unable to go traditional way in inauguration ceremony

People should not wait for ideal availability of resources, those who departs with available resources are usually welcomed by success.
Man you nailed it. People who verbally abuse IK are mainly jaahil paindoos who are not only morally corrupt but have had a lot of haraam in their blood
After Allah Imran Khan is the last hope of Pakistan, we must help him to succeed otherwise vultures are ready to finish the remaining Pak
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he is down to earth man and doesn't care about protocol.

We need some laws where it should be criminal offence to abuse the PM who works for the betterment of the people. It should be allowed to abuse corrupt twunts like NS and Zardari.
if such a thing happens in military someone will get court martialled for not installing the curtains properly.
Scum is the person you're shamelessly defending. Btw this is Pakistan Defence Forum not PTI Defence forum.

There is no justification to abuse IK whatsoever. People who are abusing IK are directly or indirectly supporting the old scums who have been ruling the country for 40 years . So if your bottom itches because of PTI use some ointment

I thought he did curtain opening through zoom, virtually. This was actually funny. Great initiative too.
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