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London 2012 Olympics: China's Yi Siling wins first gold medal of the Games

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Medal count from end of yesterday:

Gold 36 Silver 22 Bronze 19 Total 77

Today, we have 1 Gold from 10m platform diving, one silver from boxing and another from taekwondo.

So we have a medal position of :

Gold 37 Silver 24 Bronze 19 Total 80

Keep up the good works Team China! You have made us proud!:china:
Ofcourse it matters, it's about racial superiority, political system superiority, geopolitical rivalry, bragging rights, etc.

Olympics is showcasing your soft power (cultural power) to the entire world.

Let me make some comments:

"racial superiority": One theory attempts to explain why the black dominate track&field, whites swimming and Chinese diving/gymnastics is about muscle density vs flexibility in different races: the African has the highest muscle density, the white second and the East Asian the lowest. The black can perform in track&field because of their high muscle density allowing stronger and speedier force to be generated; but they can't perform in pools because high muscle density makes them too heavy and they have to spend extra energy to make them afloat. On the other end, east Asians are light, but their muscle forces are not enough to compete in fields and pool but they are flexible to be good in diving and gym. The white are in between, so they dominate in pool and can reasonably extends to some degree on both ends. Nonetheless, recent results show more and more disprovable or neutralizing of that theory: Chinese/Japanese are performing better and better in pool and track and field (but relatively sucked in gym this time). We also start to see the black in gym and pools. Of course, I wouldn’t be surprised to see them in diving and other non-traditional fields for black people one day.

Racial factor exists, but it is not dominating or deterministic factor. Racial superiority is not appropriate here: a racial advantage must accompany with some other racial disadvantages for the same race. If you are racially superior here, you must be racially inferior somewhere else. Take our Indian friends, for example: you can’t say if they don’t perform in Olympics they are racially inferior: their 600+ million can endure the blazing summer heat without electricity. I think in this sense they are racially superior. In addition, if they don’t perform today, that doesn’t mean they can’t tomorrow. Make sense?

“political system superiority”: really there are so many democracies and communisms in the world, yet the results are vastly different. Look at communist Vietnam which is so inferior than communist N Korea. Even for the same system, over the time it still can have different results.

I think the performance is more like tradition+resources related than anything else.

“bragging rights” you hit the nail, especially for internet bickering. :lol:
10m diving Champion - Chen Ruolin!






Silver medallist Brittany Broben of Australia, gold medallist Chen Ruolin of China, and bronze medallist Pandelela Pamg of Malaysia on the podium for the women's 10m Platform Diving final on Day 13 of the London 2012 Olympic Games at the Aquatics Centre.
Complete bullsh!t!

Just by your above statements, you obviously know nothing about Wushu! Zero!

In fact, neither Wushu, nor Kungfu, while written in English, reflects the true meaning of Chinese martial arts. This is a) Chinese martial arts are a very subtle topic with vast contents that no single person, no matter how great he/she self-proclaim to be, can comprehend. Many subtle contents are basically beyond the description of language. You have to feel while practice; b) a master of technical fighter never confines himself to one format. In fact, he doesn’t care the format. Actually he doesn’t have any format, like fluid. He changes according to his opponent(s) and the environment.

Chinese martial arts (again I don’t think a proper English word has ever been invented for it, but just make do with it for the moment) are not just about fighting. It is also about spiritual purification and elevation; about combining human and the nature into one; about nurturing and storing and using your energy; about (self) enlightening and improving mentally; about enhancing speed, flexibility and endurance physically; about healing and recouping …

Of course, self-defence is one of its essence but frequently being abused by trigger-happy street fighters (perhaps such as you).

Thus, you don’t even have the basic understanding of what Wushu is.
Yeah...As if those things can be reasonably judged. Now THAT is an exercise in bullsh1tting I definitely would pay to watch.


Well here's an example of TKD being effective at practical, thus useless.

And btw, Kung Fu means martial art in Chinese. Wing Chun is just a type of Kung Fu, genius.
Yeah...I see the gent in the funny yellow costume was pretty damn 'effective'. :lol:
As i said before our poor performance in track & field is costing us the gold medal and overall race. Once T&F starts we are at a massive disadvantage. This must be addressed by 2016. If we can't beat the US in sprints, we must atleast medal in field events. I think if we don't not give such a massive lead in T&F, we can always beat the US on both the gold and overall medal count.

US medal count:
39G overall 90

16G (41%) overall 30 (30%)

Track & Field:
7G (18%) overall 24 (27%)

US gets 59% (41% + 18%) of their GOLD medals from swimming and T&F.

US gets 57% (30% + 27%) of their TOTAL medals from swimming and T&F.

If we start to win in swimming and T&F, not only do we win but we reduce their medal count as we take away their medals. It's a double play. We gain, they lose. Zero sum game.
I think in swimming we are making great progress, we need to build more depth in each discipline though, then we can compete in overall medal count too.
In T&F we are still behind, BUT it's encouraging that we are in many FIELD event finals, we have a world class athlete in field events. They must improve and give us medals in 2016.

The US not only wins gold, but because they have many athletes competing, they have depth, therefore they rack up many medals in these 2 sports. If we are to analyze, we must concentrate on these 2 sports to beat the US in 2016 and beyond. I tell you what, if we can equal the Americans in swimming and T&F, then team USA won't EVER beat China in gold medal count and overall medal count. We have the money, the facilities, the talent pool, coaching to do very well in these 2 sports.

I think we got breakthroughs in track cycling and rowing, and these 2 sports have many medals up for grabs too. But I still believe swimming and T&F we can not only win medals but at the same time take away medals from the US. I think this is where we need to address the issue.

We fought a brave fight, hope we get 40 gold medals, because even if we lose the gold medal count, achieving 40 golds is an extraordinary achievement considering the bias of the judges to rob us of so many gold medals.
I'm proud of our fight, we have shown even in foreign territory that we are a MAJOR challenge for American sporting dominance.
Hopefully by 2016, we top the medal table in both counts.
i saw america took over china in both form.... Gold count and medals total tally.... It seems america by the end of olympic will extend huge lead.... Man they are track and field champion.... Congratulation Gambit....
Our girl was slipped and fell. She was not knocked down! Ren beat Adams before!

Ren Cancan did a great job getting our 23rd Silver!


Ren Cancan (right) celebrates her victory over Marlen Esparza of USA in the women's 51kg boxing

Go China !:china:
eh? She stepped forward but was knocked down by a one two in the neck and face.
i saw america took over china in both form.... Gold count and medals total tally.... It seems america by the end of olympic will extend huge lead.... Man they are track and field champion.... Congratulation Gambit....

You rubbing it in?
i saw america took over china in both form.... Gold count and medals total tally.... It seems america by the end of olympic will extend huge lead.... Man they are track and field champion.... Congratulation Gambit....

That is some a$$ kissing that I have seen today. FYI, his home country has only won 1 gold and 3 silvers in the entire history of Olympics and none this time.
I want to further add to my post #1162.

If we can beat the US in the pool and do decent in T&F, then we have a great chance to beat them in medal race. In T&F there are more countries to beat the US, but in pool, not many countries can beat the US. This is the first time China has finished 2nd in the swimming medal table. I think we should build on this and hope more Sun Yangs and Ye Shiwens emerge by 2016.
I want to further add to my post #1162.

If we can beat the US in the pool and do decent in T&F, then we have a great chance to beat them in medal race. In T&F there are more countries to beat the US, but in pool, not many countries can beat the US. This is the first time China has finished 2nd in the swimming medal table. I think we should build on this and hope more Sun Yangs and Ye Shiwens emerge by 2016.

It took your govt. support to make this possible, we weren't even trying and we still on top.
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