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LOL Govt eyes $11bn aid from China, Saudi Arabia amid crunch

behkari khsssi mulk run by khassi begerat mafia - known as so called Army in Pakistan lol
Elecrion karawao aur dafa ho yahan se.
Its not your work or mendate to give statements about economy.

Bloody Defacto Martial Law.
1- stop massive infrastructure funding decrease it.
2- privatize or close everything you can because we are too corrupt
Pia and desco at all costs as soon as possible
3- turn all Diesel plants into coal plants especially the jamshoro one
4- renegotiate power IPPs. It has to be mutual, you can't strong arm then. May be given a 10yr extension to IPP hydros to bring down the upfront tarrif
No more Cpec non feasible projects, do open bidding
5- import gas from Iran, figure it out!!
6- talk to Taliban and America get the TPI gas pipeline rolling
7- talk to countries who have surplus locked gas for long term contracts e.g like baku
8-decrease govt size
9- increase taxation on retail
10- abolish pension create a vested fund instead
11- subsidize exports
12- abolish 5000 note.
13- penalize cash economy incentive cashless economy
14- do third party audit for assets of all govt employees arrest those with assets beyond means
You left out the biggest sector that fuels the GHQ monster, real estate. Without taxation of real estate, economy will continue to falter.
Looks like the Pak Deep State is using its Deep Reserves, stacked in "brotherly" countries, to lubricate the economy. Uneasy lies the head that wears the crown....

The Pak Deep State never fails to leverage the existential wars of the West. Thanks to Putin, another window of opportunity has opened. The longer this war continues the better for the Pak Deep State.....

The Pentagon Boys can't live without wars, and neither are the Pindi Boys....

*Even the ultra clever Hindutva has failed to take the heat of the war. Once a darling and now a downtrodden for it has chosen the wrong side in the Pentagon wars.

I was saying this since 2006 that black money sent to abroad is be rediverted/reinvested into Pakistan as financial assistance from Middle East countries with sovereign guarantee, otherwise how can you even think of Middle East countries providing financial assistance to Pakistan without any profit.

@ThunderCat $11 billion aid?

Its quite strange and suspicious that aid coming without any conditions

Lower than what you got and what you'd be asking for....

how much you were expecting ?

Elecrion karawao aur dafa ho yahan se.
Its not your work or mendate to give statements about economy.

Bloody Defacto Martial Law.

are you expecting newly elected government will implement stringent reforms at popularity cost ?
No one will give a single penny to tugs. Especially our loyal Establishment.
Unless security situation and political climate improves why would anyone want to waste money? I am sure many will invest if conditions are right. The Pak Army seems to be detrimental to it's own country's well being.
Gov eyes $11 billion in aid whilst Saudi and China’s eyes look elsewhere.

The corrupt generals haven’t got long now….

I hope so, the corrupt generals have already milked the country to the bones.
Unless security situation and political climate improves why would anyone want to waste money? I am sure many will invest if conditions are right. The Pak Army seems to be detrimental to it's own country's well being.

No one in thier right mind is going to invest any money in a lawless, banana republic when the constitution has been broken, rule of law not being followed and the police given free hand to terrorise anyone.

They go around begging for billions. No shame on their humiliated faces.

The reason why these corrupt generals have no shame, they build thier illegal wealth then retire abroad in cosy mansions.
They go around begging for billions. No shame on their humiliated faces.

Their begging is not availing them, the people hate them and they’ve locked away the competent people.
They face collapse very soon.
Their begging is not availing them, the people hate them and they’ve locked away the competent people.
They face collapse very soon.

Economically finished. Clueless.
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