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LHC directs NA speaker to administer oath to Punjab CM-elect Hamza

Lol. Banana republic. What we are doing will send the message that anything is possible in this country to all the world powers.

Expect extreme arm twisting and do mores in the future and no excuses will be heard because… anything is possible in this country.

The repercussions will be far and wide and will be felt for a long time to come. Way after the “biggest” Mir Jafar retires and dies. Who probably was a mole to begin with.
Jawwad Hassan ordered this by hook or by crook order...


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Shouldn't Lahore High Court be renamed as a brothel for Sharif family?

Beghairat lahore. Haven't beard peshawar, quetta and karachi court to do this shit. I hope india bomb whole North.

Sind high Court has been acquitting Uzair Baloch in every case. Every court is like this. If courts improve and dont take side of the criminals, Pakistan current polarization will end.
Every 2 hours in the Lahore High Court, the case seems to be to take oath from Hamza Shahbaz, but there is no discussion on the case of looting. In the Sindh House case, two of our MNAs went to jail but not a single member of Ansar-ul-Islam who attacked Parliament Lodges was arrested for even one hour.
When decision comes in favor

PTI is kind of single biggest party right now. I think everyone should act maturely and don't start abusing right away if somethings are not happening to according to their wishes. Allah bhi sab dekh raha hai. You can't take everything in your hands, sometimes we humans are helpless and its ok.

But But some ex-ministers are just posting immature tweets day and night like Donald Trump.

I wanted PTI to complete 5 years but then again no PM completed its term in the history of Pakistan. PTI is now experiencing some real challenges and shouldn't expect everything will be easy.

PTIians are now abusing Judges/Judiciary - PMLN also did that and they went one step ahead and attacked on Supreme Court building. PTI wants to do the same thing it seems like.

PTIians are now abusing Army - PMLN also did that just recently openly.

If some other party or leader gains support and in future everyone says PTI is same like PMLN. Would you like that? So don't be like that. But I think its too late to advise now because if someone gets popularity in Pakistan, he thinks he is the king now and can do whatever he wants.

IK keeps shouting I want peaceful huge protests not violent small protests from what I understand. I think that is the right path.

Anyone suggesting violent protest should understand that, this will be bad PR in media not only locally but internationally.

Protests like below:

Remember anything violent will result in Emergency rule or Martial Law. Media blackout. Curfews. and then forget election also.

PTI should play safe and just wait for election and make sure they are free and fair and if PTI wins I am sure everything will be ok. Judges, Army etc.. will be one of the best.

Also PTI will complete 10 years of rule in KPK next year. I have no idea of ground realities but they were losing some local election before this US conspiracy thing. Why was that? Bad performance? In the end when this narrative will die. People will demand performance. If PTI is getting huge support they should handle it carefully not immaturely because in future if same huge support turns against them, they will face one of the worst backlash in the history of Pakistan.
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I say, let them have it their way. Absolutely. No holds barred. Let the khalai makhlooq experiment for as long as it wants. In my opinion, the masses will decide whether enough is enough. As PTI I would play the role of a strong opposition. Pounce on every mistake and happening. Just sit back and expose every transgression. From exposing a broken economy which is set to get terribly worse to shambolic governance. PML-N and its bandwagon can't do anything to restore the economy. That much is certain.

1. Elections will be delayed as much as possible. That much is confirmed.
2. Elections are set to be rigged. Horse trading and mass rigging are going to be a major problem.

PTI should highlight this as much as possible.
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Seems like most PTIian now will agree/support this act of PMLN

ahh NO, dont mix the two.

this was done by amritsari ##### because court asked the #### kabarias about their corruption and as always these amritsari attack institutions and weaken them.

institutions are already compromised don't attack like kabaria party just have pressure and highlight their actions.
I say, let them have it their way. Absolutely. No holds barred. Let the khalai makhlooq experiment for as long as it wants. In my opinion, the masses will decide whether enough is enough. As PTI I would play the role of a strong opposition. Pounce on every mistake and happening. Just sit back and expose every transgression. From exposing a broken economy which is set to get terribly worse to shambolic governance. PML-N and its bandwagon can't do anything to restore the economy. That much is certain.

1. Elections will be delayed as much as possible. That much is confirmed.
2. Elections are set to be rigged. Horse trading and mass rigging are going to be a major problem.

PTI should highlight this as much as possible.
On the contrary, PMLN gov't will get the massive cash injections in the shape of IMF packages and some aid from uncle Sam, which will definitely help in short term relief but still add to the debt tally, enough to get by and survive as we have been for the last 70 years. There won't be any structural reforms and Pakistan will continue to limp on.

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