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LGBT (Transgender) : All legalized through parliament


May 21, 2006
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Transgender Rights Bill passed by the parliament .​



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“Islamic” republic of Pakistan

At this point just remove Islamic from the name. They made “Islamic” a joke. I rather Pakistan just call it self Republic of Pakistan then “Islamic” republic of Pakistan but do everything anti Islamic.
And for anyone that thinks Pakistan is even 1% Islamic your living in a fantasy.

I want to see the specific lines on that bill to make up my mind instead of seething for no reason

I don't believe these click bait titles or PTI politicians trying to Cash politcal points

FYI- technically you can be a homosexual in Pakistan police can't really do much, same goes for pre marital relationship

as long as you're not married and openly living together as gay partners or partners without marriage, police power's are limited

Only the living together part is where police have significant powers
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Btw don’t get me wrong, giving intersex and hermaphrodite’s is a MUST and Islamic. Giving them rights is what we must do because they didn’t choose to be like that and they are humans too whom Allah creates like that so we must give them their full rights.

What is wrong with this bill is the use of and/or in the conditions essentially allowing one to identify as a women or man and marry the same gender.

These people used the legit issues faced by intersex people as a cover to allow same sex marriages and lgbtq filth.

I don't believe these click bait titles or PTI politicians trying to Cash politcal points
Pti politicians? This bill was presented during PTI tenure supported by mazari.
Pti are as much criminal as pdm is in this.

FYI- technically you can be a homosexual in Pakistan police can't really do much, same goes for pre marital relationship
So called “Islamic” republic of Pakistan.
Maybe they should open up a Quran and learn about the people of Lut A.S.
Lut A.S. wife was also punished for supporting homosexuality even though she didn’t participate in it. For all these desi liberals who just support it should open a Quran and learn about Lut A.S. wife and his people. They were all punished even if they didn’t commit homosexuality but they supported or approved of it.

You can never be successful by challenging the law of Allah SWT!
Giving Khawaja Sira their due rights should be a must, the most prosecuted and underdeveloped community within Pakistan over something they did not chose.
Everyone agrees with you.

The issue is:

The use of “or” has changed the whole meaning of this

Point number 3.
You can identify your self as the opposite gender and are protected by this bill.
So basically allowing lgbtq.
I don't think this law is suitable for Pakistan.

Pakistan urgently needs to unite all ethnic and local groups under the same banner, so that they all consider themselves Pakistanis. This flag can only be Islam, not LGBT.

LGBT will only stimulate some conservative groups to produce greater centrifugal force.
I don't think this law is suitable for Pakistan.

Pakistan urgently needs to unite all ethnic and local groups under the same banner, so that they all consider themselves Pakistanis. This flag can only be Islam, not LGBT.

LGBT will only stimulate some conservative groups to produce greater centrifugal force.

Pakistan is a majority conservative society. Majority people in villages are religiously conservative even in big cities. Pakistan’s creation was on the name of Islam and on the name of Islam we fought many wars with india.
When Pakistan tried pushing other ideologies on people we seen high rise in terrorism either religiously motivated or ethnically.
When you force liberal secularism on a highly conservative society you’ll suffer greatly because the backlash will be severe. We’ve already lost more then 80 000 citizens due to terrorism caused by our state pushing opposing ideologies.
In fact religious societies especially Islamic are much much more respectful and easy to work.
When the state pushes anti Islam ideologies in Pakistan, terrorist groups who we called khawarij in Islam use this to manipulate and brainwash people into fighting against the state.

We need to stick to the ideology on which we were created.
Transgender association of Pakistan is not a fan of the bill due to gender based on thaught part
Everyone agrees with you.

The issue is:

The use of “or” has changed the whole meaning of this

Point number 3.
You can identify your self as the opposite gender and are protected by this bill.
So basically allowing lgbtq.
I understand that we Pakistani's abuse and misuse any and every law/bill, so I have full confidence that we will hear about misuse/abuse of this bill soon, but in Pakistan we still have damn well crazies, so this can't reach the level of west where a dude can one day wake up, dress as women and can enter girls Bathroom, I doubt anyone would dare do that in Pakistan cause if a news of such breaks out, than you have massive shit show and I don't think that would be benefitting to any Political party.
I cannot believe a conservative country like Pakistan approves this
I understand that we Pakistani's abuse and misuse any and every law/bill, so I have full confidence that we will hear about misuse/abuse of this bill soon, but in Pakistan we still have damn well crazies, so this can't reach the level of west where a dude can one day wake up, dress as women and can enter girls Bathroom, I doubt anyone would dare do that in Pakistan cause if a news of such breaks out, than you have massive shit show and I don't think that would be benefitting to any Political party.
What happened to the dha lgbtq creature which posted naked in front of Pakistani landmarks? Or those creatures which hold lgbtq flag with Pakistani flag?
Absolutely nothing. It was media hype but nothing else.

My issue is why do we have “Islamic” in our name but openly are passing laws challenging Allah SWT. This bill the use of “or” and point 3 means that anyone can identify as any gender and be protected by this bill. This is against Islam and against the Quran. We should remove “Islamic” from our name if we are passing such laws. Pakistan has made a joke out of Islam using Islam to make ridiculous blasphemy allegations against fellow Muslims and acting like big defenders of Rasulallah (ﷺ) when we’re out here passing bills that are directly against the teaching of Rasulallah (ﷺ) and using blasphemy as a tool to kill innocents.
Pakistan the country which is actually committing blasphemy of the highest order by calling it self “Islamic” while also doing everything haram in Islam. Easily available alcohol, strippers, night clubs, jahil laws, anti Islamic laws, rampant corruption, using Islam as a tool for their own gains and mass murdering (mafia politicians) but still acting very religious.

Pakistan needs to choose:
We are either a
ISLAMIC Republic of Pakistan
REPUBLIC of Pakistan.
What happened to the dha lgbtq creature which posted naked in front of Pakistani landmarks? Or those creatures which hold lgbtq flag with Pakistani flag?
Absolutely nothing. It was media hype but nothing else.

My issue is why do we have “Islamic” in our name but openly are passing laws challenging Allah SWT. This bill the use of “or” and point 3 means that anyone can identify as any gender and be protected by this bill. This is against Islam and against the Quran. We should remove “Islamic” from our name if we are passing such laws. Pakistan has made a joke out of Islam using Islam to make ridiculous blasphemy allegations against fellow Muslims and acting like big defenders of Rasulallah (ﷺ) when we’re out here passing bills that are directly against the teaching of Rasulallah (ﷺ) and using blasphemy as a tool to kill innocents.
Pakistan the country which is actually committing blasphemy of the highest order by calling it self “Islamic” while also doing everything haram in Islam. Easily available alcohol, strippers, night clubs, jahil laws, anti Islamic laws, rampant corruption, using Islam as a tool for their own gains and mass murdering (mafia politicians) but still acting very religious.

Pakistan needs to choose:
We are either a
ISLAMIC Republic of Pakistan
REPUBLIC of Pakistan.
As I said, we have crazies to the level the world has not seen anywhere, so I say that Govt should not go this way cause its dangerous, our society is not build to handle such things inserted in the society, specially not after massive radicalization of the society, the likes of Aurat March is a huge risk themselves and any rally of theirs can turn violent any moment due the fact of their offensive and provoking slogans, there are ways to give people their rights... Islam has not blocked any right for women and not discriminatory against those who are born with both genital's, That is how Allah created them and we as society must not treat them as beggars or just rejects of society. For years I am working on a story which highlight this vary issue, but due to my poor English I can not finish it :(
Transgender/Intersex laws and bills should only apply to people born that why and it should be physical in appearance.
What point 3 basically is it’s legalizing gender fluid in Pakistan. Intersex people are born with it while gender fluid people are not and it’s a mental problem not physical one. Their just mentally unstable to think their a different gender or not part of any gender.
Intersex rights = given by Islam because they are born like that
Gender fluid/Transgender by choice = openly against Allah SWT and his messenger Rasulallah (ﷺ).

We’ve barely recovered from the years of terrorism in Pakistan and now our state is trying new experiments. This is a very dangerous experiment because rejecting a verse of the Quran can nullify one’s Islam and this is agreed upon by consensus of all scholars of Islam. Anyone who rejects the verses about the people of Lut A.S. in the Quran, rejecting by thinking homosexuality is OK when it is NOT, and making haram into halal, their Islam is in question. I am not takfiring I’m just stating the consensus of scholars on rejecting a verse of the Quran or making haram into halal.
Ttp gonna have a field day.
The state is strengthening khawarij by promoting anti Islam ideologies and fitna.

This all reminds me of this Hadith:

It was narrated from Jabir bin`Abdullah that the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said:
“The thing that I most fear for my nation is the action of the people of Lut.”
-Sunan Ibn Majah 2563

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