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Jan 11, 2011
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I have been a member of this forum since 2011. These 9 years I have taken part in countless debates and interactions. Previously this was a great forum that allowed even Indian members to express their views. There were some restrictions but overall you could have a good debate.

Lately though this forum has become a forum not of debate but conformity and India bashing. Only Pakistani views and the views of Leftist and Islamist Indians are being allowed. (I don't interact much in other sub forums like China, Middle East, US, Europe etc so don't know about them). It is like an echo-chamber.

Pakistanis and Pseudo-Pakistanis (false flaggers like @HalfMoon) are allowed to open India bashing threads left right and center. No thread mildly critical of Pakistan is allowed.

The Hindu religion is bashed in almost every thread.

The "Sanghi" voices are banned because we defend India. You are not allowed to call a terrorist as a terrorist. You are not allowed to bust Pakistani lies and propaganda. The list of all "acceptable" sources are all left leaning even if they publish blatant untruths. It is like a boxing match where you have to fight with one hand tied behind your back while leftists and Islamists from your country (@Shantanu_Left @Joe Shearer @xeuss @The_Showstopper etc) bash you from behind while Pakistanis do so from the front. Atleast Pakistanis are the enemy and the referee (mods) is with them so you can expect it from them. The back stabbing fifth coloumists from India are the real shame.

I just came back from a ban and saw this pathetic excuse of a thread

Basically it is a cop out. The Pakistanis ask these leftists and Islamists to jump and they say how high. These people have zero self worth. They think bending over backwards for Pakistanis make them "civilized".

My final comment is to @jamahir. In these 9 years you are the person with whom I have interacted the most on this forum. I will never be able to convince you to get rid of your lefty loonie ideas but just try, try once to come out of your utopia and experience the real world.

Bharat Mata Ki Jai.
Jai Hind, Jai Hind Ki Sena.
Vande Mataram.
You want us to accommodate the views of the racist and anti Muslim party BJP and are surprised that most sane members will not tolerate promoting hatred?
You had to do a final drama and start a thread?
Just leave without the drama and promote your racism elsewhere.
This thread: https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/some-duties-of-indian-members-of-this-forum.675580/page-44

- is locked and under review.

WE intervened in it.

Perhaps you are not aware of Indian efforts to sabotage Pakistan through different channels? No effort from Modi Sarkar to discuss J&K with Khan administration? Mostly blame-game and exchange of propaganda in the air?

You could open a thread and distinguish FACTS from PROPAGANDA as per your homework? An article of sorts? Analysis?

People simply complaining about each other and/or giving up.
This thread: https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/some-duties-of-indian-members-of-this-forum.675580/page-44

- is locked and under review.

WE intervened in it.

Perhaps you are not aware of Indian efforts to sabotage Pakistan through different channels? No effort from Modi Sarkar to discuss J&K with Khan administration? Mostly blame-game and exchange of propaganda in the air?

I am not sure what kind of environment you desire?

You could open a thread and distinguish FACTS from PROPAGANDA as per your homework? An article of sorts? Analysis?

People simply giving up and complaining about each other.
He doesn’t want that. He wants freedom and expression of anti Muslim and anti Pakistani.
The Fact that he has an avatar of someone I believe is responsible for mass genocide and it’s ALLOWED speaks volumes of the patience of the site owners - but that’s not enough - he wants an audience for him to promote Modi without criticism - that won’t happen. I think it’s a case of attention seeking and will probably be back with a different ID if not himself very soon.

I can't say for others but you're probably the only "Sanghi" poster I have respected a bit. And I am someone who would answer the question: "if you see a snake and a Sanghi together, what do you kill first?" with an affirmative ____ (you know the answer I will give, but just kidding) :-)

I must, however, praise a few things about you. First, you have been a respectful poster in all your debates with me. Never have you resorted to name-calling or foul language, despite I being the one that provoked you. I admire that kind of character in any person.

Secondly, I will miss our debates on education in India. You taking the position that only technical education is useful for the country whereas I seeking a more holistic education for the country. Those debates could have been more interesting, and I was enjoying them.

Having said this, one less Sanghi in this forum is always good news as far as I am concerned. Therefore, I will not give you a begrudging farewell, but I wish you the best in whatever else you do.


@Joe Shearer @jamahir @xeuss @Mad Scientist 2.0 @Nilgiri @Jackdaws
Indian and Pakistani people can be jazzbati and when it comes to the issue of ego or izzat we can be incredibly biased

Sanghi views over the last year since 27th Feb have been myopic

In the face of unfolding events they refuse to accept reality and will try to convince themselves and others that their failure is victory by shouting the loudest

The Indians remind me of the Knights who say nee
Honestly look at the you tube clip it's only minute and a half long

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indians want s PDF forum of what it was like when I joined back in 2015. Where SEVERE anti-Pakistani, anti-Muslim racism is allowed and EVERYONE believes in indian lies and propaganda without question, including Pakistani members. The fact that PDF has started combating and exposing all of this has irked a lot of indians. Especially in light of 27/02/2019 and the Galwan Valley incident of 15/06/2020.
I kindly suggest that all members of pdf do not create why leave threads. You can post your reason on status at best. And prior to that, if you have any complaints, GHQ is always available, but everyone, if you could please leave the platform in peace; if you have firmly decided, it will be good.

On Topic: I do not like how you registered your complaint, however, I wish you good luck in life. Farewell!
One more down.
images - 2020-07-19T132324.554.jpeg

Take your piece one by one. Sub ko mauqa milega Beth jaiye.
Always enjoyed reading your point of view on a forum where endorsed viewpoints from India are left leaning.
Good talking to you @Soumitra and good luck.
Nothing wrong for a Pakistani forum to be Pakistani centric.
We need to respect their sensitivities.

Sort of like having a home crowd advantage at a cricket or football match on home turf.
You need to put in extra effort playing in an away game.

Losers better stick to forums on home turf only.
This thread: https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/some-duties-of-indian-members-of-this-forum.675580/page-44

- is locked and under review.

WE intervened in it.

Perhaps you are not aware of Indian efforts to sabotage Pakistan through different channels? No effort from Modi Sarkar to discuss J&K with Khan administration? Mostly blame-game and exchange of propaganda in the air?

You could open a thread and distinguish FACTS from PROPAGANDA as per your homework? An article of sorts? Analysis?

People simply complaining about each other and/or giving up.
Not agreed. India and Pakistan blame each other. You don't know who is bad, who is good. If the authority will behave like "only we are right, other are bunch of fools" then it is bad a sign for the future of a discussion forum. Different views should be tolerated in a discussion forum, but not fake news and propaganda which happens from both sides. None of side is a saint here. So only the discussion would decide what is the outcome.
I have been a member of this forum since 2011. These 9 years I have taken part in countless debates and interactions. Previously this was a great forum that allowed even Indian members to express their views. There were some restrictions but overall you could have a good debate.

Lately though this forum has become a forum not of debate but conformity and India bashing. Only Pakistani views and the views of Leftist and Islamist Indians are being allowed. (I don't interact much in other sub forums like China, Middle East, US, Europe etc so don't know about them). It is like an echo-chamber.

Pakistanis and Pseudo-Pakistanis (false flaggers like @HalfMoon) are allowed to open India bashing threads left right and center. No thread mildly critical of Pakistan is allowed.

The Hindu religion is bashed in almost every thread.

The "Sanghi" voices are banned because we defend India. You are not allowed to call a terrorist as a terrorist. You are not allowed to bust Pakistani lies and propaganda. The list of all "acceptable" sources are all left leaning even if they publish blatant untruths. It is like a boxing match where you have to fight with one hand tied behind your back while leftists and Islamists from your country (@Shantanu_Left @Joe Shearer @xeuss @The_Showstopper etc) bash you from behind while Pakistanis do so from the front. Atleast Pakistanis are the enemy and the referee (mods) is with them so you can expect it from them. The back stabbing fifth coloumists from India are the real shame.

I just came back from a ban and saw this pathetic excuse of a thread

Basically it is a cop out. The Pakistanis ask these leftists and Islamists to jump and they say how high. These people have zero self worth. They think bending over backwards for Pakistanis make them "civilized".

My final comment is to @jamahir. In these 9 years you are the person with whom I have interacted the most on this forum. I will never be able to convince you to get rid of your lefty loonie ideas but just try, try once to come out of your utopia and experience the real world.

Bharat Mata Ki Jai.
Jai Hind, Jai Hind Ki Sena.
Vande Mataram.
Thank you and please don't come back with another I.D....

Have some shame and please get lost....

I have been a member of this forum since 2011. These 9 years I have taken part in countless debates and interactions. Previously this was a great forum that allowed even Indian members to express their views. There were some restrictions but overall you could have a good debate.

Lately though this forum has become a forum not of debate but conformity and India bashing. Only Pakistani views and the views of Leftist and Islamist Indians are being allowed. (I don't interact much in other sub forums like China, Middle East, US, Europe etc so don't know about them). It is like an echo-chamber.

Pakistanis and Pseudo-Pakistanis (false flaggers like @HalfMoon) are allowed to open India bashing threads left right and center. No thread mildly critical of Pakistan is allowed.

The Hindu religion is bashed in almost every thread.

The "Sanghi" voices are banned because we defend India. You are not allowed to call a terrorist as a terrorist. You are not allowed to bust Pakistani lies and propaganda. The list of all "acceptable" sources are all left leaning even if they publish blatant untruths. It is like a boxing match where you have to fight with one hand tied behind your back while leftists and Islamists from your country (@Shantanu_Left @Joe Shearer @xeuss @The_Showstopper etc) bash you from behind while Pakistanis do so from the front. Atleast Pakistanis are the enemy and the referee (mods) is with them so you can expect it from them. The back stabbing fifth coloumists from India are the real shame.

I just came back from a ban and saw this pathetic excuse of a thread

Basically it is a cop out. The Pakistanis ask these leftists and Islamists to jump and they say how high. These people have zero self worth. They think bending over backwards for Pakistanis make them "civilized".

My final comment is to @jamahir. In these 9 years you are the person with whom I have interacted the most on this forum. I will never be able to convince you to get rid of your lefty loonie ideas but just try, try once to come out of your utopia and experience the real world.

Bharat Mata Ki Jai.
Jai Hind, Jai Hind Ki Sena.
Vande Mataram.
Yes mate..this forum used to be a great place for debate..but since feb 26th 2019 when india bombed pakistan all that civility vanished in the air.
But i dont take online forums seriously...this one is just for timepass for me...i have been here from 2011 too.
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