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Leaving Afghanistan, and the Lessons of America’s Longest War

They are not shifting to Pakistan. No base is being given to them. If you can't understand the difference between Aerial route and a base then you need to learn things.
Very respectfully, l do understand the difference between support and treason. Many people tell us that we can't take away paper weight because it's against national security, but the same people give bases and network accesses to USA. I am sick of this game. I am sick of Pakistans Kashmir, Afghan and national security policies, where security forces are sharing wihsky with enemy, but many national decisions are pending just because civilians don't know the things.
Pakistan better not give any, I repeat any kind of military support to USA. And also, the interest USA cousulate in Sindhi language should also be thoroughly investigated.
Sindh is being prepared for liberation.
Wasting time...
Better use that time to learn about india, china, and south china sea..

Middle east and europe are now tucked in
Arabs (except for 8million homeless palestinains) and israel are friends where as russia is dying slowly..so china is the next frontier
they are, the afpak area has been in the curriculum for 2 decades, its just been more and more focused on pakistan.
They are not leaving. Just shifting from Afghanistan to Pakistan, as many media reports are suggesting.
If this is true then it's my pledge to myself that, I will kill my patriotism with my own hands.
I am not going to sacrifice anything for sake of few harami elites in Pakistan, who don't have any intention to pass their retirement days in Pakistan.
If you can kill your patriotism or are doubtful about it, than May b it’s not patriotism to began with. You’re gullible that is a perfect candidate to be recruited as a foreign assets.
Very respectfully, l do understand the difference between support and treason. Many people tell us that we can't take away paper weight because it's against national security, but the same people give bases and network accesses to USA. I am sick of this game. I am sick of Pakistans Kashmir, Afghan and national security policies, where security forces are sharing wihsky with enemy, but many national decisions are pending just because civilians don't know the things.
Pakistan better not give any, I repeat any kind of military support to USA. And also, the interest USA cousulate in Sindhi language should also be thoroughly investigated.
Sindh is being prepared for liberation.
No body is giving any bases to any one. If you want to remain blind because of your biases then no one can wake you up. Afghanistan is a landlocked country so we have to give Aerial access not just to USA but any country which wants it. No bombing missions are being allowed and no bases is being given to USA or NATO.
Very respectfully, l do understand the difference between support and treason. Many people tell us that we can't take away paper weight because it's against national security, but the same people give bases and network accesses to USA. I am sick of this game. I am sick of Pakistans Kashmir, Afghan and national security policies, where security forces are sharing wihsky with enemy, but many national decisions are pending just because civilians don't know the things.
Pakistan better not give any, I repeat any kind of military support to USA. And also, the interest USA cousulate in Sindhi language should also be thoroughly investigated.
Sindh is being prepared for liberation.
You are expecting to much from bhoki nangi establishment. At the end jasi qom wasay idary
well they asked me for my opinion and a quick rundown of Pakistan's history. I gave them a quick rundown and yes all of the above.

Unlike Saddam Hussain we will never give you a good enough reason to invade and decimate Pakistan, no matter how much you study on Pakistan that situation will never arise we will make sure of that, your next frontier is China good luck with that as your "allies" are not what they used to be in the past.
A bigger humiliation for Americans will be if they were forced to flee Afghanistan before 11 Sep 2021. That will be an insult on top of injury.
Thats not what intelligence officers do. You must be trolled and cheated. But when you are getting jobs just because you speak a particular language, then who cares about education... :lol:
Right, now pack your bags and get ready. Afghani boys are waiting for fresh meat.
Unlike Saddam Hussain we will never give you a good enough reason to invade and decimate Pakistan, no matter how much you study on Pakistan that situation will never arise we will make sure of that, your next frontier is China good luck with that as your "allies" are not what they used to be in the past.
of course not, the USA can not invade Pakistan. it would be foolhardy, but the USA can put sanctions and trade restrictions. That is gonna hurt Pakistan.
I hope at least one lesson is learned by Americans, Don't ever come back to Afghanistan. It's not worth it, nor does they can change anything in Afghanistan, let them live however they want to.
I hope at least one lesson is learned by Americans, Don't ever come back to Afghanistan. It's not worth it, nor does they can change anything in Afghanistan, let them live however they want to.
the USA is still gonna infiltrate and influence. , just no troops on the ground
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