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Leader Outlines Major Observations in JCPOA Implementation


Mar 26, 2015
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iran, Islamic Republic Of
TEHRAN (Tasnim) - Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei in a letter to President Hassan Rouhani highlighted nine main points that the administration will need to take note of regarding the course of implementing a final nuclear deal with six world powers.
In the letter, Ayatollah Khamenei appreciated the efforts made by the country’s different bodies involved in the course of nuclear negotiations with the Group 5+1 (Russia, China, the US, Britain, France and Germany) and the consequent efforts to evaluate the deal.

The Leader, however, noted that the nuclear agreement, dubbed the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), contains “ambiguities, structural weak points and multiple points that could inflict heavy losses on the country” at present and in the future in case of lack of strict and constant vigilance.

Ayatollah Khamenei then explicated the observations that the administration should make about the JCPOA and its implementation.

The first point in the Leader’s letter was the necessity for the full termination of the anti-Iran sanctions under the JCPOA.

Since the purpose of Iran’s approval to the nuclear negotiations was the removal of “cruel economic and financial sanctions”, and given the fact that the termination of the sanctions has been subjected to completion of Iran’s undertakings, there needs to be “firm and sufficient guarantees” to avert the other side’s breach, Ayatollah Khamenei underlined.

The US president and the European Union must declare that the anti-Iran sanctions have been “fully lifted”, the Leader noted.

The second observation in the letter was the categorical rejection of imposition of any new sanctions against Iran, which the Leader described as a breach of the JCPOA in which case the Iranian administration would be obligated to stop implementing the deal.

Third, the Leader further said, throughout the 8-year period of implementing the JCPOA, imposing any sanctions, at any level and under any pretext –such as the “recurring and fabricated allegations of terrorism and human rights violation – by any of the parties to the talks”, will be tantamount to breach of the JCPOA and the administration will be obligated to take the necessary measures under the Clause 3 of the Iranian Parliament’s plan and cease the JCPOA activities.

The rest of the observations are as follows:

4. Measures to renovate the Arak plant, which should keep its heavy (water) nature, will begin only after signing a definite and safe contract on an alternative plan and sufficient guarantee for its implementation.

5. The trade of the available enriched uranium with the yellowcake (a type of uranium concentrate powder) with a foreign government will take place when a secure contract with sufficient guarantees is signed. The mentioned trade and exchange (of materials) should occur gradually and in multiple times.

6. In accordance with the bill passed by the Majlis (parliament), a necessary plan should be devised and meticulously discussed by the Supreme National Security Council (SNSC) for mid-term development of (the country’s) nuclear energy industry, including ways to make progress in the next 15 years, leading to the production of 190,000 SWUs (Separative Work Units).

7. The Atomic Energy Agency of Iran (AEOI) should organize research and development in different aspects in such a way that at the end of the 8-year period, there will be no technological shortages for achieving the level of enrichment as accepted in the JCPOA.

8. As for ambiguities in the JCPOA, it should be stressed that the other side’s interpretation is not accepted, and that the reference (for interpretation) is the text of the negotiations.

9. The existence of complexities and ambiguities in the JCPOA and the possibility of breach of commitments and deception on the part of the other side, especially the US, necessitate that a strong, observant and smart committee be formed to monitor the progress of works, fulfilment of the other side’s commitments and realization of the observations mentioned above. The committee’s arrangement and responsibilities should be formulated and approved by the SNSC.

Tasnim News Agency - Leader Outlines Major Observations in JCPOA Implementation


Supreme Leader Sets Conditions for Implementation of Iran-Powers N. Agreement
TEHRAN (FNA)- Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei in a letter to President Hassan Rouhani on Wednesday specified a number of conditions for implementing the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) agreed by Tehran and the world powers on July 14.
Ayatollah Khamenei started the letter by appreciating the Iranian team of negotiators, critics, parliamentarians and the media workers for their efforts to provide the public opinion with an almost complete image of the JCPOA, saying that these efforts ended up in highlighting the soft and strong points of the deal.

Then, he referred to the US administration's continued hostile approach towards Iran even after reaching the nuclear agreement, and said, "The US president's remarks in two letters to me saying that he doesn’t intend to overthrow the Islamic Republic were soon proved untrue by his support for seditious moves in Iran, financial support for the dissidents opposed to the Islamic Republic and his clear military threats – and even nuclear threats which can lead to filing a detailed lawsuit against him at the international courts- revealed the US leaders' real intention."

Ayatollah Khamenei said that the US has shown deceptive behavior during the two years of negotiations, repeated disavowals, accompanied the Zionist regime and picked up a bullying diplomacy to push the European governments and institutes to practice a hostile approach towards Iran, all aimed at advancing Washington's inimical goals against the Islamic Republic.

He added that the Iranian negotiators showed vigilance against the US administration's plots and resisted against them during the negotiations, preventing any loss or damage on the country.

He said that despite the Iranian officials' attention and vigilance, the JCPOA suffers some ambiguities and weak structures which can lead to great losses on the country's present and future situation.

Ayatollah Khamenei underlined that in addition to the parliament's recent bill and the Supreme National Security Council (SNSC)'s considerations, there are certain points which should be paid careful attention:

1. Since accepting negotiations by Iran was basically aimed at terminating the cruel economic and financial sanctions, and as its implementation has been set to happen after Iran adpots its measures, it is necessary that powerful and efficient guarantees are provided to prevent the other sides' (possible) violations, including the US president and the EU's written declaration on the termination of sanctions in which they should state that the sanctions have been removed completely. Any comment that the structure of sanctions will remain is equal to the violation of the JCPOA.

2. During the 8-year period, imposition of any sanctions at any level and under any pretexts (including the repeated and fabricated pretexts on terrorism and human rights) by any of the negotiating countries will be considered as violation of the JCPOA and the government is responsible to take the necessary measures based on the paragraph 3 of the parliament's approval and stop the activities based on the JCPOA.

3. The measures related to what will come in the next two paragraphs will start only when the Agency (IAEA) declares the end of the case of the present and past issues (PMD).

4. Renovation of Arak plant starts only with maintaining its heavy (water production) nature and just when a definite and guaranteed contract on the alternative plan and efficient guarantees for its implementation has been signed.

5. The deal on (exchanging) the existing enriched uranium for the yellow cake with a foreign government will start when a final contract backed up by efficient assurances is inked. The said deal and exchange should be implemented gradually and in several phases.

6. Based on the parliament's approval, the necessary plan and measures to develop the nuclear energy industry in the mid run which includes the method of progress in different periods in the next 15 years and leads to 190,000 SWUs (Separative Work Units enrichment capacity) should be compiled and carefully studied at the SNSC. The plan should remove any concern resulting from certain issues in annexes of the JCPOA.

7. The Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) as an executive body should organize Research and Development (R&D) in different dimensions in a way that at the end of the 8-year period, no shortage of technology will exist for developing the enrichment (capacity) endorsed in the JCPOA.

8. It should be paid attention that the other side's interpretations are not accepted about the ambiguities of the JCPOA and the context of the negotiations will be the only source.

9. The complications and ambiguities in the text of the JCPOA accompanied by suspicions about the opposite side's (probable) disloyalty, violation and deception, specially by the US, requires that a powerful, informed and intelligent team be formed to monitor the progress of affairs, implementation of the other side's undertakings and materialization of the above-mentioned. The combination and responsibilities of the team should be decided and approved by the SNSC.

"Taking into account the aforementioned, the approval of SNSC session 634 dated August 10 is approved," he added.

Ayatollah Khamenei, meantime, referred to his past meetings and speeches during which he spoke of the JCPOA and the necessity for the removal of sanctions, and underlined that as said before, while the termination of embargos is necessary to restore the Iranian nation's rights, improvement of Iran's economy and the people's living conditions is merely possible through resistance economy, including strengthening national production and prevention of excessive imports, specially consumption goods form the US.

Iran and the six world powers held several rounds of talks in Geneva, Lausanne and Vienna before striking a final agreement in Vienna on July 14 to end a 13-year-old nuclear standoff.

After the agreement, the UN Security Council unanimously endorsed a draft resolution turning into international law the JCPOA reached between Iran and the 5+1 (the US, Russia, China, Britain and France plus Germany) group of countries.

In a joint statement on Sunday, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif and EU's Foreign Policy Chief Federica Mogherini underlined importance of the prompt implementation of the Vienna nuclear agreement by both Tehran and the six major world powers.

Zarif and Mogherini reaffirmed commitment of all parties to implement the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) in the shortest possible time.

"Today is the adoption day of the JCPOA regarding Iran nuclear program. That's the outcome of successful completion of examination of the JCPOA by the legislative bodies of our countries. That's another turning point that will brings us one step closer to start of implementation of the JCPOA, to which we are strongly committed. We observed the timetable in the JCPOA, which reveals our collective resolve to adhere to its provisions," the two officials said in a joint statement on Sunday.

"Now, Iran will honor its nuclear commitments with the aim of full and effective completion of JCPOA. The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) will also arrange necessary preliminaries for monitoring and verification of the measures," the statement added.

Ahh, lets go back to the old miserable days... NOT.

Actually , Rouhani and Larijani are reviving Qajarieh policy , signing worst kind of treaties and calling it " victory for Iran " , having no program for managing country and let it to be run by itself , and making meaningless speech with good words , and trying to kill any opposite voice ....

old miserable days ...

what Rouhani achieved in this 2 years !?
نگران بودن چیز خوبیه ... ولی حد و حدودی داره

نباید تبدیل به چیز دیگری بشه
The negotiations has been such a waste of time. Instead of spending all his time talking to 5+1, Zarif should have had one Skype video conversation with all six, accepted their terms in 5 minutes if he wanted to make a shitty legacy for himself and shake Obama's hand, and then spend the rest of his time talking to Russia, China, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Pakistan, Turkey, etc. The new middle east is being shaped, and our guys are stuck in the 90s.
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