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[Lahore] Operation against Afghan refugees ?


Nov 15, 2009
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I saw this on another forum, i am not aware of this source nor can i verify its authenticity but i was hoping someone here could verify or refute it.

Also this isn't a troll bait so trolls dont even bother

All of these so-called 'Afghan Mahajrins' must be restricted to the camps and deported back to Afghanistan ASAP so that the poor locals who's rights-to-earn-the-living been hijacked by these Afghans could be restored.

this will cause a riot in NWFP
this will cause a riot in NWFP
Not really; ANP has less than 17% representation of the province, who will riot other than the traditionally anti-Pakistan ANP? Besides even the pashtoons of the Khyaber-Pakhtoonkhwa are fed-up of these Afghan refugees. Anyway, if the ANP or the Pashtoons of Khyaber-Pakhtoonkhwa and Balochistan (Pashtoon belt) have that much of love for their kins, the Afghan refugees, they should host them in their provinces or areas respectively. Why the poor locals in Punjab, Sindh and Balochistan should pay the price of Pashtoon love for the Afghans?
Not really; ANP has less than 17% representation of the province, who will riot other than the traditionally anti-Pakistan ANP? Besides even the pashtoons of the Khyaber-Pakhtoonkhwa are fed-up of these Afghan refugees.

Any source on that >
Go and talk to the locals yourself especially the poor who are literally hijacked by these foreigners.

im not in pakistan and merely asked for something as a source, also i didnt know that ANP reperesented 17% of NWFP.
well you should because it is the reality , i am from Khyber .

are you pashtun too

look guys im a punjabi myself, i'm merely asking these question to get more info on the ground realities in NWFP. I wanna know where majority of pakistani pashtuns stands regarding these issues
These ungrateful bastards should be thrown out of the country as soon as possible. We have hosted them, fed them, called them our brothers and they openly call for the destruction of Pakistan and its breakage. They are also involved in terrorism and other illegal activities in Pakistan. They should not just be restricted to the camps but thrown out ASAP.
Should be sent back to afghanistan ...........Drug mafias .....Gun culture .....and most of the problems we have now days are coz of these guest we treated as our brothers .

Let them go to Afghanistan and let them see how productive they can be there in their own country .

May Allah protect my country from every aafat and museebat.May Allah give us peace and prosperity.Amen
I saw this on another forum, i am not aware of this source nor can i verify its authenticity but i was hoping someone here could verify or refute it.

Also this isn't a troll bait so trolls dont even bother


what does it say? I cant see this picture/video.
These ungrateful bastards should be thrown out of the country as soon as possible. We have hosted them, fed them, called them our brothers and they openly call for the destruction of Pakistan and its breakage. They are also involved in terrorism and other illegal activities in Pakistan. They should not just be restricted to the camps but thrown out ASAP.

Thanks for the nice word!!! But why you people take every frustration out of Afghans? Yes, you can send them back to their country, it is your country and your decision, but dont come up with emotion based statements which dont have real weight. You hosted us for your own sake, remember the soviet invasion? You had to do it to protect Paksitan, we were a buffer between you and the soviets. Secondly, you didnt feed us, that is an utter lie!! The UN paid pakistan hugely in hte name of refugees, the refugees themselves did the most difficult jobs in pakistan that pakistanis were not keen doing it, in the cities we rented your homes which was another source of income for you guys, hundreds of milions of dollars came to pakistan in the name of afghanistan to pakistan, that was a plus point for your currency market.

A teapot is calling the kettle black, we have as much terrorist as you got, you probably got more, dont you see that internationally majority of terrorits attacks are carried out by pakistanis or have links to pakistan? we didnt have drugs or gun culture before the war, but that was and still is part of your tribal culture.

And regarding breakage, your gov loves and support militarily/politicallly the same people who love to break pakistan, ask your gov.
Thanks for the nice word!!! But why you people take every frustration out of Afghans? Yes, you can send them back to their country, it is your country and your decision, but dont come up with emotion based statements which dont have real weight. You hosted us for your own sake, remember the soviet invasion? You had to do it to protect Paksitan, we were a buffer between you and the soviets. Secondly, you didnt feed us, that is an utter lie!! The UN paid pakistan hugely in hte name of refugees, the refugees themselves did the most difficult jobs in pakistan that pakistanis were not keen doing it, in the cities we rented your homes which was another source of income for you guys, hundreds of milions of dollars came to pakistan in the name of afghanistan to pakistan, that was a plus point for your currency market.

A teapot is calling the kettle black, we have as much terrorist as you got, you probably got more, dont you see that internationally majority of terrorits attacks are carried out by pakistanis or have links to pakistan? we didnt have drugs or gun culture before the war, but that was and still is part of your tribal culture.

And regarding breakage, your gov loves and support militarily/politicallly the same people who love to break pakistan, ask your gov.

We hosted you for our own sake.....what kind of stupid logic is that. What benefit would we have gained out of it other then literally ruining our economy, baring unwanted load of your kind and all of that for what? So that in end we hear the same Afghans talking about the breakage about Pakistan, sparing no moment where they could spew out venom against Pakistan. About the UN paying us.....you got to be joking. How much do you think they payed us and them compare that with the load our economy suffered. I'm sure you can do the maths.
Rest of your post is a mere rant. Because in your entire so called history Afghanistan is the reason for the instability in this region. Half of the time either you called in the Russians or now the Americans are there and really you have the audacity to accuse us of harboring terrorist.
Look at the amount of drugs being produced by your country and its direct impact on others specially Pakistan because we have a pours border.

Opium production in Afghanistan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

P.S My posts are hardly emotional. What i have said is what i truly believe in and yes it does have weight because in the end its my country that is being effected at the hands of your ungrateful people. So please spare us the BS and go back to your own country. We have had enough.
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