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Kyiv calls for ‘liquidation’ of Iranian plants building weapons for Russia

Russia not only don't have motivation , don't knew about the technique of war and what to do with the technology so their technology here is also useless the motivation is on kiev , the technology is the same , the law of physics is on Russia side
I would say overall they have improved a lot more than previously. As you say, Russia has technology but doesn't seem to have mastered and trained it's soldiers in the best practices of war fighting (Not like I know any better). I would say 95% of countries are like this. But Russia and Ukraine will walk away from this war one day with probably the most experienced militaries in the world, with enormous standing armies, like the Red Army 1946.

Don't know about not being resilient. I mean you look at U.S. history in warfare and see how long the wars or conflicts been going on.
I think he means resilient in the context of tolerating losses.

Loosing 12 marines in Kabul caused huge media noise in the US, while for many countries that is just a regular week. US not willing to attack its enemies because they are worried about X number of casualties when they do their projected losses. Alot of political ingrained in military decisions. I would reckon the US government is the reason Afghanistan failed in the end, not the US military. US Presidents/Government not willing to deploy lots of soldiers and risk loosing soldiers in order to completely defeat the Taliban. Not just pushing them away from major roads but wide sweeping operations through the mountains.

Instead the "war" if you can call it that, was mostly just chilling in the military bases playing Xbox and doing some road patrols most of the time. US Gov was satisfied with this status
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different generation , different upbringing . at ww2 they were ashamed of not going to war at Vietnam , they were proud of dodging the draft
Whether its draft dodgers from WW2 or Vietnam, the U.S. military was fighting for many years. Even the Korean War hasn't ended. Still have forces in Iraq. I wouldn't rely on the perception that U.S. would not fight or wouldn't last long. Its something Saddam made that mistake in the Gulf War. Or Osama Bin Laden getting hunted down. Or Al Zawahiri getting killed even after the U.S. led forces left Afghanistan and thinks its all safe now.

considering the amount of weapon you guys injected into Afghanistan and the warlords you propped in every villages , and in Vietnam , didn't you faced a single party and it was not clear who get the power after USA? was it the situation in Afghanistan. also in Vietnam the Russia and china at the war time started an indoctrination campaign and built various school around the country that teached mainly communism to people and children , you forget about that part of war
People would assumed the Taliban are the ones that would be in power afterwards. Are the warlords in line with the Taliban and their philosophy and religion?

after the war there you guys were interested only taking back the remaining stingers.russia and china after leaving didn't left a vacuum of power , in Afghanistan you left one
Sino-Vietnamese War would disagree on that. But its the belief that the Taliban would retake control afterwards.

Russia not only don't have motivation , don't knew about the technique of war and what to do with the technology so their technology here is also useless the motivation is on kiev , the technology is the same , the law of physics is on Russia side
You explained all the problems for the Russians but still believe the war is still on Russian side. Wow!

Loosing 12 marines in Kabul caused huge media noise in the US, while for many countries that is just a regular week. US not willing to attack its enemies because they are worried about X number of casualties when they do their projected losses. Alot of political ingrained in military decisions. I would reckon the US government is the reason Afghanistan failed in the end, not the US military. US Presidents/Government not willing to deploy lots of soldiers and risk loosing soldiers in order to completely defeat the Taliban. Not just pushing them away from major roads but wide sweeping operations through the mountains.

Instead the "war" if you can call it that, was mostly just chilling in the military bases playing Xbox and doing some road patrols most of the time. US Gov was satisfied with this status
Losing 12 Marines on the final days of evacuation was the big story put out by the news media. Its not the question of not willing to attack its enemies because fear of casualties especially for 20 years of war and 2500 dead American personnel.
Whether its draft dodgers from WW2 or Vietnam, the U.S. military was fighting for many years. Even the Korean War hasn't ended. Still have forces in Iraq. I wouldn't rely on the perception that U.S. would not fight or wouldn't last long. Its something Saddam made that mistake in the Gulf War. Or Osama Bin Laden getting hunted down. Or Al Zawahiri getting killed even after the U.S. led forces left Afghanistan and thinks its all safe now.
did saddam put out a resistance ?
People would assumed the Taliban are the ones that would be in power afterwards. Are the warlords in line with the Taliban and their philosophy and religion?
taliban outside kabol is as strong as the warlord in that region is aligned with them . it was clear from the day one . and at the time when they fought russia there were several different warlord groups with different ideas , it was not taliban only
You explained all the problems for the Russians but still believe the war is still on Russian side. Wow!
no I believe the war continue to the last Russia and Ukrainian and pole mercenaries . who said i believe the war is on Russian side , I believe its a shithole , that had become a meat grinder for cannon fodders so some selected few can make money out of it and bolster their ego
You explained all the problems for the Russians but still believe the war is still on Russian side. Wow!
Gonna jump in here an say, that Western media has intentionally blacked out on Ukrainian problems. While their is laser focus on the problems on Russia, some of which is poorly made propaganda that we are all aware of, they rarely aside from a few Ive seen, talk about the problems of Ukraine. I have to get them from the Russian side of which, some may or may not be propaganda.

That is to say, while Russia has problems, Ukraine has more problems.
did saddam put out a resistance ?
His army tried. His words Mother of All Battles wasn't enough to deter the U.S. led forces.
taliban outside kabol is as strong as the warlord in that region is aligned with them . it was clear from the day one . and at the time when they fought russia there were several different warlord groups with different ideas , it was not taliban only
Yes, they had the Taliban, warlords as well as the Northern Alliance led by Ahmed Masood who was assassinated few days prior to 9/11.

no I believe the war continue to the last Russia and Ukrainian and pole mercenaries . who said i believe the war is on Russian side , I believe its a shithole , that had become a meat grinder for cannon fodders so some selected few can make money out of it and bolster their ego
Okay you at least say the law of physics side with the Russians. Whether that theory is true or not, we will see. Past history says otherwise. I mean the Russians or Americans should have taken control of Afghanistan during the 1980s and 2000s right?
Losing 12 Marines on the final days of evacuation was the big story put out by the news media. Its not the question of not willing to attack its enemies because fear of casualties especially for 20 years of war and 2500 dead American personnel.
It is a question of unwillingness to take casualties, been like this for a while now. US government not willing to make sacrifices to achieve their foreign policy goals.. Calling what happened in Afghanistan a war, is also quite silly. The war was in the few first months of 2001, the rest is just an insurgency/partisan warefare, the brunt of which was dealt with by the ANA. It's insulting to call that a war and also call Russia-Ukraine a war, when the scale is unfathomably different.
His army tried. His words Mother of All Battles wasn't enough to deter the U.S. led forces.
come on , you call that resistance

Okay you at least say the law of physics side with the Russians. Whether that theory is true or not, we will see. Past history says otherwise. I mean the Russians or Americans should have taken control of Afghanistan during the 1980s and 2000s right?
russian taken control until they faced a weapon that they did not have any defense against that destroyed their motivation and morals . so its 2-1 in favor of Afghanistan , and you at least succedded at first but you forgot you most win the battle on cultural front and only focussed on winning the battles and forgot the war is not just battles , you lost the heart of people of afghanistan and as the result taliban had an ending source of man power and after 20 years your people asked why and you had no answer for that .
I want something dropped on Irani Head Mullah but Holy Boi Zelensky won't do it nor will his NATO masters.
You should care more about your Marxists being treated in India. Ayatollah has enough power to cause a civil war in India itself. You red loonies have been always wanting to do this and that but failed.

Are you butthurt about how Iranians rejected the minority of Marxists that wanted to take advantage of the revolution?
It is a question of unwillingness to take casualties, been like this for a while now. US government not willing to make sacrifices to achieve their foreign policy goals.. Calling what happened in Afghanistan a war, is also quite silly. The war was in the few first months of 2001, the rest is just an insurgency/partisan warefare, the brunt of which was dealt with by the ANA. It's insulting to call that a war and also call Russia-Ukraine a war, when the scale is unfathomably different.
Well if the U.S. government was not willing to make sacrifices then the first American death would have ending the war 20 years ago then. Same for Vietnam, Gulf War, Iraq War, etc. All the wars should have been over on the first day the moment an American soldier dies.

come on , you call that resistance

russian taken control until they faced a weapon that they did not have any defense against that destroyed their motivation and morals . so its 2-1 in favor of Afghanistan , and you at least succedded at first but you forgot you most win the battle on cultural front and only focussed on winning the battles and forgot the war is not just battles , you lost the heart of people of afghanistan and as the result taliban had an ending source of man power and after 20 years your people asked why and you had no answer for that .
Lost the heart of the people of Afghanistan? Most of them don't care and just want to mind their own business. Many tried to flee, even to the point of grabbing on to the outside of the plane evacuating. The ANA itself just collapse on its own since it had no motivation to fight the Taliban even with billions of dollars of equipment and training. At least the Ukrainians are not like the ANA with their equipment and training.
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Well if the U.S. government was not willing to make sacrifices then the first American death would have ending the war 20 years ago then. Same for Vietnam, Gulf War, Iraq War, etc. All the wars should have been over on the first day the moment an American soldier dies.
Those were different times, with a whole different generation of Americans. The backdrop of 9/11 is a major contributing factor and the backdrop of Saddam invading Kuwait adds context that influences the Government decisions and the people acceptance.

These days if you ask, their is nothing to justify it in the mind of Americans, and so even the slightest casualties is met with vitriol and political assassination (metaphorically). Ex: Biden starting a land invasion of X country, would kill his political career. This is the point I am making. The Americans of the 1970's and 1950's in Korea and Vietnam don't exist anymore, their is little willing to sacrifice anything for the sake of the country. Their would have to be a serious incident that can shake up the people for another 2500 deaths + 40,000 wounded to be acceptable.
Those were different times, with a whole different generation of Americans. The backdrop of 9/11 is a major contributing factor and the backdrop of Saddam invading Kuwait adds context that influences the Government decisions and the people acceptance.

These days if you ask, their is nothing to justify it in the mind of Americans, and so even the slightest casualties is met with vitriol and political assassination (metaphorically). Ex: Biden starting a land invasion of X country, would kill his political career. This is the point I am making. The Americans of the 1970's and 1950's in Korea and Vietnam don't exist anymore, their is little willing to sacrifice anything for the sake of the country. Their would have to be a serious incident that can shake up the people for another 2500 deaths + 40,000 wounded to be acceptable.
Well lets hope that X country will not be part of that serious incident. We saw how significant impact 9/11 led to especially in the ME.
Well lets hope that X country will not be part of that serious incident. We saw how significant impact 9/11 led to especially in the ME.
Now, I wonder if Iran went to 90% enrichment and decided to build a nuclear arsenal, would that have the same mental impact as 9/11, or not.
You should care more about your Marxists being treated in India. Ayatollah has enough power to cause a civil war in India itself. You red loonies have been always wanting to do this and that but failed.

Are you butthurt about how Iranians rejected the minority of Marxists that wanted to take advantage of the revolution?

You really think tortured-and-thrown-to-death Nika was a Marxist when she stood on a dustbin and burnt the hijabs of hers and her friends ? :)


Nika was a regular person who was thoughtful and actively rejected the oppression of the murderous mullahs. Before I was banned for the third time on LinkedIn and abandoned that platform I met a Irani man there who lived in USA. I asked him if he can say "Zan, Zindagi, Azaadi" on LinkedIn without being censored. He said he can here but in Iran people are risking their lives daily on the streets and the homes to say that slogan. They want to chant that revolutionary slogan of the first female-led revolution in history. Most of these revolutionaries are not Marxists, Communists etc though they may have guidance from the leftists.

As for Communists in India, the Hindutvadis have the Communists on their hit list of three primary enemies, the other two being Muslims and Christians and I am all three :lol: because a Muslim must believe in Hazrat Isa being the Islamic prophet before the final one. I see Bangladesh for hijrat for Indian progressives especially Muslim, unless NATO succeeds in its regime change project there and removes Hasina and installs Khaleda Zia and the Jamaatis. Till then I will keep establishing contact with the organized Communists in my city and collaborating with them. :)

Lastly, the Irani ayatollahs don't have much influence in India because here a majority Sunni and only when Khomenei issued death fatwa against Salman Rushdie in the 1980s was when the Sunnis listened to an Irani mullah. Since 2003 or 4 the Sunni Muslims who you want to start civil war ( which the mullah types won't really ) are aligned with the Tableeghi Jamaat which is Deobandi.

Do you remember Angry Indian Burqa Girl Muskan bibi who shouted Allahu Akbar within her burqa when confronted by a bunch of bhagwa bois ?

If instead of Allahu Akbar she had removed her burqa, stamped on it like the Afghan and Irani girls and shouted "Laal Salaam" you think she would have been able to arrange a press conference the next day with her father and get cash rewards and iPhones and be called "Sherni" ? No, she would have been declared an Urban Naxal, an anti-national and shunted off to Taloja jail or Tihar jail charged under the non-bailable UAPA act. :) The mullahs and burqis in India live comfortable in Modi's Hindutvadi India. It is the rational Muslims who must do hijrat.
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Lost the heart of the people of Afghanistan? Most of them don't care and just want to mind their own business.
say that to the people who were told it was acceptable collateral damage that killed their beloved and you see what will happen.
have you seen the movie Eye in the Sky, last seen of the movie shows it clearly(the one in the hospital and how they reached there) .
Many tried to flee, even to the point of grabbing on to the outside of the plane evacuating.
the ones in the Kabul and big cities who let say were collaborators . you even lost them for the next war when people point out how USA treated them
The ANA itself just collapse on its own since it had no motivation to fight the Taliban even with billions of dollars of equipment and training.
exactly but not because of what you said, it has no popular base , the members only saw it an income source nothing more
At least the Ukrainians are not like the ANA with their equipment and training.
wonder, ANA equipment to me look equal or better considering what they faced
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You really think tortured-and-thrown-to-death Nika was a Marxist when she stood on a dustbin and burnt the hijabs of hers and her friends ? :)


Nika was a regular person who was thoughtful and actively rejected the oppression of the murderous mullahs. Before I was banned for the third time on LinkedIn and abandoned that platform I met a Irani man there who lived in USA. I asked him if he can say "Zan, Zindagi, Azaadi" on LinkedIn without being censored. He said he can here but in Iran people are risking their lives daily on the streets and the homes to say that slogan. They want to chant that revolutionary slogan of the first female-led revolution in history. Most of these revolutionaries are not Marxists, Communists etc though they may have guidance from the leftists.

As for Communists in India, the Hindutvadis have the Communists on their hit list of three primary enemies, the other two being Muslims and Christians and I am all three :lol: because a Muslim must believe in Hazrat Isa being the Islamic prophet before the final one. I see Bangladesh for hijrat for Indian progressives especially Muslim, unless NATO succeeds in its regime change project there and removes Hasina and installs Khaleda Zia and the Jamaatis. Till then I will keep establishing contact with the organized Communists in my city and collaborating with them. :)

Lastly, the Irani ayatollahs don't have much influence in India because here a majority Sunni and only when Khomenei issued death fatwa against Salman Rushdie in the 1980s was when the Sunnis listened to an Irani mullah. Since 2003 or 4 the Sunni Muslims who you want to start civil war ( which the mullah types won't really ) are aligned with the Tableeghi Jamaat which is Deobandi.

Do you remember Angry Indian Burqa Girl Muskan bibi who shouted Allahu Akbar within her burqa when confronted by a bunch of bhagwa bois ?

If instead of Allahu Akbar she had removed her burqa, stamped on it like the Afghan and Irani girls and shouted "Laal Salaam" you think she would have been able to arrange a press conference the next day with her father and get cash rewards and iPhones and be called "Sherni" ? No, she would have been declared an Urban Naxal, an anti-national and shunted off to Taloja jail or Tihar jail charged under the non-bailable UAPA act. :) The mullahs and burqis in India live comfortable in Modi's Hindutvadi India. It is the rational Muslims who must do hijrat.
Mixed feelings.
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