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Kiyani Demands US Limit Drone Attacks and Operations

Declassified documents from National securtity archives-
Pakistan: "The Taliban's Godfather"?

Taliban captured power in afghanistan by murdering previous rulers and hanging them in lamp post-Yet pakistan was the first one to accept them as legitimate rulers of afghanistan.Pakistan continued their support to brutal taliban govt up until they got the heat from USA after 9-11
Though pakistan no longer support afghan taliban,we can still see former ISI chiefs/high ranking officials expressing their support to taleban.
According to Colonel Imam-the mentor of mullah umer(he stayed in afghanistan as guest of taleban until 2001)
Colonel Imam: ‘I have the Green Beret but the Taleban beret is better’ - Times Online
And according hamid gul,
"The US occupation of Afghanistan is “unjust”. The Afghan resistance(by taliban) against the occupiers is legitimate. It’s a national resistance. It should be recognized as such. They’re Mujahideen of Afghanistan as they were during the occupation of Afghanistan by the Soviet Union”."
Hamid Gul: Afghanistan war ‘lost cause’ | Rehmat's World

NSA: Iraq had WMDs







Sorry, the NSA is not a reliable source, as has been proven by my links above. There were no WMDs in Iraq either, & the NSA documents were all lies. I asked for credible, substantiated proof.

These are conspiracy theories by Anthony Loyd, don't have anything to do with the reality of the situation.

I think many people might agree that the Afghan Taliban is a legitimate Afghan resistance movement made up of ethnic Afghan Pashtuns. It doesn't mean they support them in anyway, just like Gul has categorically stated he or the ISI has never supported the Taliban.
because millions of afghani traitors live in pakistan which all deserve to be deported back to afghanistan, KPK was a much better place before afghanis came here only to spread drugs, ak47 and robbery and other crimes, also..

buddy, before afghan came to your country, i mean before the disaster 3 decades ago, our country was alot safer and secure than your tribal areas and KPK, it is the tribal areas and KPK which have the gun culture, we in afghanistan didnt have that culture. Flow of gun started to come from paksitan to afghanistan, not the other way around, and you know what, we were first set on fire, but now that fire have spread to your home as well, we are experiencng this disaster for more than 35 yrs, but you have now started to see only a small percentage of it. When americans started to set fire in our home, pakistan was quite happy that time because you got the money and your country was safe and sound-no complain about americans and it was all buddy buddy situation, now the fire is burning you and you are complaining. Afghan refugees are not traitors because they are not pakistani nationals, and yes i agree with you, we must leave your country, your gov also make sure to expell us ASAP. We are thankful to the people of countries who have let us in their countries but not your gov.
there was no land mafiya in karachi, no transport mafia, no gun culture, no drug mafia, rare prostitution, no illeteracy, no ethnic division, rare robbery(became common with the arrival of guns), no terrorism, no bomb blast, no begars, no child kidnappings, less security problems, more thankful people, peshawar was not destroyed too.. less food problems, less smuggling, no charsis

what is the population of afghans in karachi? and how can you support your claim that afghans are causing all of those problems?
Even the sources I gave you claim Pak government did support Taliban, it's a reality that took place and the web is full of claims about ISI supporting Taliban.

You are free to believe conspiracy theorists, whether they are from Pakistan or abroad.

You have again quoted me articles from the Telegraph, BBC to support your claims. If you are claiming that all of CIA's words (3rd link) should be taken at face value, so should the ISI's. Meaning the CIA funded the TTP, Jundullah & is doing covert secret ops in Pakistan. Meaning India is aiding the TTP, BLA, BLF. See how your credibility vanishes in thin air? Again, most of these things are just speculation, & there is concrete evidence implicating the ISI, because if they were, they'd be labeled as something else in the world, which they aren't. The US government says the Pakistani government is very important to them, & that they should do more to eradicate safe havens in the tribal areas; not that they support the Taliban in anyway. Name me one high ranking official in the US government that says the following statement: "Pakistan created the Taliban, & it is supporting it".

May I add that you are actually the first creature in this entire world who is eager to deny Pak government's links with Taliban?

Not really, you are just going on hearsay of conspiracy theorists from both Pakistan & Western countries to support your claims, but you have no evidence implicating the ISI. In fact, no one in the world has any evidence implicating the ISI, besides hearsay & speculation, as the ISI has not been labeled as a terrorist organization by anyone in the world.

And the fact you are so eager to portray Pashtuns of Pakistan as aliens to me only glows your desperation and sadness and I actually won't be surprised if you request those Pashtun members to comment in this thread lol

Don't flatter yourself, you're not the effort.
Wait what? I know that afghans have a tendency to blame all their problems on Pakistan but this is just ridiculous. .

no, pakistan is nto god to blame everything on them. we are also to be blamed for what we have got, we are not washing our hands clean as nothing is our fault.
what is the population of afghans in karachi? and how can you support your claim that afghans are causing all of those problems?

Theres Afghanistani refugees all over Pakistan not only in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Islamabad is full of Afghanistani refugees, even some of Karzai's relatives live in Islamabad.
what is the population of afghans in karachi? and how can you support your claim that afghans are causing all of those problems?

There are still about 5 million Afghan refugees in Pakistan till this day. 1.7 out of 5 million are registered, while the others live illegally. There are about 1 million Afghan refugees in Karachi alone.
I am not at all surprised by the comments from this "Wattani" guy. On 30th of March before the Pak-Ind semi final i was in Naif market in Dubai for some shopping (This place is particularly swarming with Afghan cloth shops) and went into an Afghan shop. The guy asked me whether i was a Pakistani and upon my confirmation he said that he is supporting India because he is Afghan. So what I did was instead of arguing with him i just said, "Good for You", and left.

It matters very little what an Afghanistani thinks or says. These people even have very little say on what happens in their own country, Afghanistan.

And did the Afghanistan Cricket Team even qualify to participate in the ICC Cricket World Cup :no:
It matters very little what an Afghanistani thinks or says. These people even have very little say on what happens in their own country, Afghanistan.

Pakistanis (& Pakistan) treats Afghanis better than their own fellow countrymen do, but they are still ungrateful, but they don't want to leave Pakistan & go to Afghanistan either. Shameless people.
Pakistan warns US 'to restrict CIA activities' - report
Pakistan has asked the US to reduce the number of CIA agents in the country and to limit drone strikes along the Afghan border, US media reports say.

The reports quote unnamed officials and come as US and Pakistani spy chiefs met at the CIA's headquarters in Virginia.

An official spokesman described those meetings as "productive".

Relations between the countries have struggled to recover after a row over a CIA contractor who shot dead two men in the city of Lahore earlier this year.

Last month a Pakistani court freed Raymond Davis after acquitting him of two counts of murder, when relatives of the two men he shot dead pardoned him in court.

Mr Davis maintained the men had been trying to rob him.

The case stoked anti-American feeling across Pakistan and led to angry demonstrations - particularly when it emerged that he worked for the CIA. Hardline religious parties were keen to see him punished.

Army demand
About 335 US personnel, CIA officers and contractors and special operations force personnel were being asked to leave the country, the New York Times reported. It quoted an unnamed Pakistani official said to be closely involved in that decision.

Pakistan also wants the removal of CIA contractors on assignments that Pakistan have not been informed about, Pakistani officials told the paper.

The officials estimated that would account for 25%-40% of CIA staff in the country. The reduction in CIA operations appears to have been personally requested by Pakistan's army chief Gen Ashfaq Kayani.

Pakistan is also demanding restrictions in the US drone campaign aimed at eliminating militants in Pakistan's restive north-west, another unnamed Pakistani official told the New York Times.

US drone attacks have escalated in the region since President Barack Obama took office. More than 100 raids were reported in the area last year.
The US does not routinely confirm it is conducting drone operations in Pakistan, but analysts say only American forces have the capacity to deploy such aircraft in the region.

Drone attacks are hugely unpopular with the Pakistani public. Correspondents say they have the tacit approval of the authorities, although Pakistani leaders deny secretly supporting the strikes.

Many militants, some of them senior, have been killed in the raids, but hundreds of civilians have also died.

Candid interview
The continuing strains in relations emerged as CIA director Leon Panetta and the head of Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence directorate, Ahmed Shuja Pasha, met for discussions.

According to unnamed US officials quoted by the New York Times, no request was made at that meeting for reductions in CIA personnel.

"Director Panetta and General Pasha held productive discussions today and the CIA-ISI relationship remains on solid footing," Preston Golson, a CIA spokesman, told Reuters news agency.

"The United States and Pakistan share a wide range of mutual interests and today's exchange emphasised the need to continue to work closely together, including on our common fight against terrorist networks that threaten both countries," he said.

These reports follow a candid interview that Pakistan's President, Asif Ali Zardari, gave to the Guardian newspaper on Monday saying that the Afghan war was "destabilising Pakistan".

He also rejected a recent White House report which said Pakistan lacked its own plan to fight insurgents in the country, adding that most US politicians lacked an understanding of the situation.

The BBC's Syed Shoaib Hasan in Karachi says that Mr Zardari's interview comes at a time when many in Pakistan feel that the US continues to point fingers at the country's instability, while directly contributing to it with its actions along the Afghan border.

Mr Zardari's statements are likely to meet with approval from Pakistan's security establishment, which increasingly feels the US is taking its Pakistani alliance for granted, our correspondent said.
BBC News - Pakistan warns US 'to restrict CIA activities' - report
Pakistanis (& Pakistan) treats Afghanis better than their own fellow countrymen do, but they are still ungrateful, but they don't want to leave Pakistan & go to Afghanistan either. Shameless people.

Dear bilal, how can I believe the bolded part? pakistan and pakistanis do treat afghans better than their own people? nah, i dont think so my friend, look at this forum at least, everytime there is a talk about afghans, people do open their mouth and say whatever nasty thing they want about us, our tajiks are even receiving worse insults than our pashtoons.
There are still about 5 million Afghan refugees in Pakistan till this day. 1.7 out of 5 million are registered, while the others live illegally. There are about 1 million Afghan refugees in Karachi alone.

thanks for the information that i didnt know 5m afghans live in paksitan, could you provide a link for it? i ask this because my information is limited. and how can we claim that afghans are causing most of problems in karachi as it was claimed by one of the members? i am sure that some afghans do commit crime in paksitan, it is quite common that every community have criminals among them(we are not an exception), but to suggest that we cause all the troubles in karachi is something hard to believe, although i can provide many examples of widespread mistrust among pakistani citizens in karachi, tenstions, killings, ethnic tensions, insecurty etc.
Theres Afghanistani refugees all over Pakistan not only in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Islamabad is full of Afghanistani refugees, even some of Karzai's relatives live in Islamabad.

yes, i know that, but you didnt answer my question.
^ He hasn't got any answer.

There are still about 5 million Afghan refugees in Pakistan till this day. 1.7 out of 5 million are registered, while the others live illegally. There are about 1 million Afghan refugees in Karachi alone.
Proof please. No BBC, no CIA, nor any other website link at all. Just proof your theory.

It matters very little what an Afghanistani thinks or says. These people even have very little say on what happens in their own country, Afghanistan.
Looking at the reactions, it actually matters alot to what we say. No wonder the annoyance just isn't reducing.

And did the Afghanistan Cricket Team even qualify to participate in the ICC Cricket World Cup :no:
Even you supported Sri Lanka when you didn't qualify for the final, remember? :)

You are free to believe conspiracy theorists, whether they are from Pakistan or abroad.
You are free to believe imaginations, whether that's caused by your brains or whether you got none at all.

You have again quoted me articles from the Telegraph, BBC to support your claims.
Both of which VERY reliable and only a plain fool will not hold BBC as a reliable news source.

If you are claiming that all of CIA's words (3rd link) should be taken at face value, so should the ISI's. Meaning the CIA funded the TTP, Jundullah & is doing covert secret ops in Pakistan. Meaning India is aiding the TTP, BLA, BLF.
I already told you I am posting whatever links suits you, not me since mine weren't 'credible enough'. You posted CIA link before and I posted this as an response and as expected, it'a 'not reliable enough'.

The US government says the Pakistani government is very important to them, & that they should do more to eradicate safe havens in the tribal areas; not that they support the Taliban in anyway.

Ofcourse it is, how else did they get into Afghanistan? On one hand you are cursing US for bombing KPK and on the other give their claim as a source lol. Tobah!

Name me one high ranking official in the US government that says the following statement: "Pakistan created the Taliban, & it is supporting it".
Ehh, now since you couldn't rubbish the source of Gul regarding Taliban you are jumping to American officials? And then what? Wikipedia, which you use yourself, isn't credible. CIA, which you use yourself, isn't credible. Articles, which you use yourself, isn't credible to you. Links mentioned with 'US officials' isn't credible. No link online, which you use yourself, is credible. This only proves you got absolutely no idea what you are talking about, or you don't want to know what you are talking about.

Not really, you are just going on hearsay of conspiracy theorists from both Pakistan & Western countries to support your claims, but you have no evidence implicating the ISI.
More than gazillions of links, quotes, sources and what not have been presented, what other evidence do you expect mister I-know-better-than-the-world?

In fact, no one in the world has any evidence implicating the ISI, besides hearsay & speculation, as the ISI has not been labeled as a terrorist organization by anyone in the world.
Nor have been the Afghan refugees, infact no source regarding Afghan refugees in Pakistan is credible since those are 'theories'. NOW, how do you back up your claims regarding the so called fuss created by Afghan refugees?

Don't flatter yourself, you're not the effort.

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