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Khan must be out if you wana be out of this FATF shit list

Imran Khan should have remained honest if he wanted to become a true leader. 200 canals in Bani Gala gifted by Malik Riaz are there for any PDF member to visit as evidence of his corruption. It is in Mohra Noor behind Bani Gala mountains. Can be accessed via Bani Gala through the road going up the mountain. It is enclosed by walls with security guards. However, in Pakistan all the leaders are corrupt but some are traitors as well.
Hahhahsh who gifted. .lier per Allah k lanth
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Imran Khan should have remained honest if he wanted to become a true leader. 200 canals in Bani Gala gifted by Malik Riaz are there for any PDF member to visit as evidence of his corruption. It is in Mohra Noor behind Bani Gala mountains. Can be accessed via Bani Gala through the road going up the mountain. It is enclosed by walls with security guards. However, in Pakistan all the leaders are corrupt but some are traitors as well.
Where did you find that Malik Riaz gifted it to him? I wasn't aware of this claim before.
That seems to be a common complaint on PDF only after IK's coalition government failed to keep itself together, but the Pak Army has its own ways of doing things, and not according to what anyone else would want. If you have any evidence other than astrology and your gut feelings to support any of the items on your list above, please share it with us.

Besides, VA is just lovely to visit this time of the year with the vibrant fall colors all over the Appalachians. :D

That real ruler was in place then as well, as now too. The strategy at play here is to deflect any failure onto others, while accepting accolades for the successes. It does not fool anyone with even half a functioning brain.
Don't be scared, US has freedom of speech and freedom of access to official govt archives released every 25 years.
Don't be scared, US has freedom of speech and freedom of access to official govt archives released every 25 years.

So Liaquat Ali Khan's assassination was more than 25 years ago. What has been released from the archives to support what was said above?
Pakistnis criticizing their militerroishment for conspiring with West to oust imran khan shud realize by doing so they're actually aiding and abetting the militerroblishment in hiding the reason for getting Pakistan into the terror funding watch list in the first place.
So Liaquat Ali Khan's assassination was more than 25 years ago. What has been released from the archives to support what was said above?
research, please. sir ji chunnah kaka na bano ... kuch khud bhi kar lia karoo...typical desi mentality .... lol
research, please. sir ji chunnah kaka na bano ... kuch khud bhi kar lia karoo...typical desi mentality .... lol

Right. You have nothing except astrology and an orifice to pull out unsupported opinions that you have posted above, thus far.

That is far more desi than anything. :D

Now back on topic: This claim of IK's ouster being some form of quid pro quo for exiting the FATF grey list is 100% BS, as usual.
Pakistan is more important than an individual like IK.

IK tried to destroy Pakistan's ties with China and the US at India's behest.

It is good that all his nefarious plans against Pakistan have all been neutralized.

Maryum cell zindabad
Right. You have nothing except astrology and an orifice to pull out unsupported opinions that you have posted above, thus far.

That is far more desi than anything. :D

Now back on topic: This claim of IK's ouster being some form of quid pro quo for exiting the FATF grey list is 100% BS, as usual.
making no sense...anyway...
making no sense...anyway...

You mean like this?

Anyway ... ... :D
Bajwa has most likely given 2 bases inside Pakistan to U.S as well.
Drone strikes will make a comeback soon in Afghanistan and
I don't see why that should bother anyone who not a afghanzada
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