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Kashmiris Warn India Its Crackdown Is Turning Into Militancy [Must Read]

Kashmiris Warn India Its Crackdown Is Turning Into Militancy
By Douglas Busvine and Fayaz Bukhari | SRINAGAR, INDIA


Simmering anger over India's crackdown on 10 weeks of protests in Kashmir risks drawing more young people to radical rebellion, demonstrators and security officials warn, as the sense of despair and alienation from New Delhi deepens.

In the worst unrest in the disputed Himalayan region for six years, more than 80 civilians have been killed and thousands wounded, a widespread curfew is in place and suspected ringleaders are being held without charge.

"They are treating us like 'dons', like we are criminals," said Bilal Bhat, a 27-year-old journalist who is active in a local youth civil rights movement.

Bhat was taken in by police in August and told to stop posting articles on Facebook. It was the second time he has been held. "When I was beaten by the cop, I cursed myself for taking a pen - I should have taken a gun instead," he told Reuters.

A conflict that has seeped for decades and spilled into war twice between nuclear-armed rivals India and Pakistan usually passes little noticed by the international community.

But the scale of the violence and security crackdown, and, more recently, a sharp escalation in tension between the neighbouring countries, have made the outside world sit up and pay attention.

India's security forces have also reinforced their already large presence in Kashmir, drafting in 20,000 paramilitaries and 10,000 more soldiers.


A senior Home Ministry official said India's security forces had reduced their use of pellet ammunition, which has drawn widespread condemnation, and had been instructed only to fire when they felt directly threatened.

"It is clear that the local Kashmiri youths were being used by Pakistan to attack Indian forces," the official said, responding to questions from Reuters about the use of force and risk of youth radicalisation.

"It is true that there is a lot of anger among the Kashmiris, but we cannot legitimise their anger if it is for all the wrong reasons."


India blames Pakistan for a raid earlier this month on a base that killed 18 soldiers, in the deadliest attack on its army in 14 years, prompting Hindu nationalist supporters of Prime Minister Narendra Modi's government to call for revenge.

Several countries, alarmed at the prospect of a military response by India, condemned the attack, while Pakistan denied any involvement.

Journalist Bhat and others see the start of the latest crisis in Kashmir not as the attack on the army camp in Uri on Sept. 18, but the killing by Indian security forces of Burhan Wani, a popular separatist militant leader, on July 8.


Stone-throwing protesters took to the streets in a display of support for the slain insurgent that also reflected deep-rooted unease about a central government they say is pursuing a Hindu-nationalist agenda to pacify and assimilate India's only Muslim-majority region.

Many of those killed in the clashes died from shotgun pellets or rifle bullets fired by police and paramilitary troops, and the supposedly non-lethal pellet rounds have blinded hundreds of bystanders, including children and women.

"The police are using brute force," said one protester, a 27-year-old university graduate who works in the private sector and spoke to Reuters at a safe house in the old town of Srinagar, the summer capital of India's northernmost state.

"They are leaving local boys with no choice but to take up arms. You are creating home-grown rebels by your actions - and then you are labelling them as terrorists."



The ophthalmology ward of Srinagar's main SMHS hospital is still overflowing with patients either partly or fully blinded by pellet rounds fired by police or paramilitary troops.

Some, like Mushtaq, a 22-year-old student from the restive district of Pulwama, say they were demonstrating when they were shot at.

Despite being blinded in his right eye, which was swathed in a bandage, Mushtaq said: "I would go out again and protest once I recover."

Others, like an 18-year-old high school student who gave his name as Muhsin, say they were bystanders caught in the crossfire.

Four young boys tried to escape by jumping into the nearby Jhelum river but were fired on by police. Muhsin dived in to try and rescue one boy who had been shot, only to be hit himself in the left eye and blinded.

He was unable to save the boy, who drowned.


The 850-bed hospital has received hundreds of casualties from street clashes, which have died down for now.

"I don't know how we managed," said Dr Nisur Al-Hassan, a consultant at the hospital and president of the Doctors Association of Kashmir.

Hassan said he had seen patients "with eyes gone, spleens gone, kidneys gone. These pellets have pierced their hearts, their abdomens, their brains. We can only operate on three to five patients at a time. You can only imagine."



Human rights activist Khurram Parvez, a vocal critic of the security crackdown, was on the way to present his findings to a UN rights meeting in Geneva when he was turned back at Delhi's international airport on Sept. 14.

After Parvez returned home to Srinagar he was briefly detained, and then re-arrested under a public safety law that allows suspects to be held for six months without being charged.

Parvez is not alone: in jail is moderate separatist leader Mirwaiz Umar Farooq, while hundreds more suspected protest ringleaders have been detained over the past month in raids on towns and villages across the Kashmir Valley.

Schools in Srinagar have been commandeered and turned into barracks and, even in quieter parts of the city of 1.3 million where the curfew has been lifted, there is a heavy security presence. Most shops remain shut.


A senior army officer said the outbreak of protests in Kashmir had at first been overwhelming.

"Our failure was in not being able to anticipate the extent of the protests," the officer said, on condition of anonymity because he was not authorised to speak on the record.

"We were unable to stabilise the cycle of violence and killing. Some lives were lost because the use of force was required. Our crowd control methods are primitive, but in this part of the world nothing else would have worked."

In the meantime, the protests have given a new lease of life to militants who have been sighted among the crowds and are believed by the authorities to be playing an active role in organising them.

"It's a very organised hoodlum element that works with the militants," said a senior police officer with long experience of the insurgency in Kashmir that first broke out at the end of the 1980s.

The officer pulled a smartphone out of his pocket and showed a video circulated by Zakir Rashid Bhat, named to replace Wani as Hizbul Mujahideen's commander in South Kashmir.

The video shows men in uniform beating protesters and is accompanied by a soundtrack of rhythmic chants urging people to be faithful and to take revenge against the police.

"This is the imagery of ISIS," the police officer said, referring to the extremist group Islamic State. "The radicalisation is growing stronger."

(Additional reporting by Rupam Jain; Writing by Douglas Busvine; Editing by Mike Collett-White)

Source: Reuters (India)

Dude enough with the serial tagging, PS, we do not care! please save your valuable time, the Army is doing a tremendous job defending our country. you don't have to exercise your blogging skills, it not of my interest!
Let's separate facts from fiction.

Kashmiries are still not even being internally displaced like your Pashtoons let alone taking refuse in neighbouring Pakistan very unlike East Pakistanies taking refuse in India in millions during late 60ies . I guess you got what I meant.
Then i guess the 40-50 thousand refugees came from thin air
They were displaced so they can live in peace. I can see there is lot much peace in Kashmir for 81 Days of Curfew.

That's why I am saying we are very soft state. If it were you then you would have killed more than us in just 2 days and everybody in Kashmir would have gone camatose . So no extended curfews and spectre for neighbours.

:lol: When you compare the similar situations how you and we handles it , there is world of difference. I admit your's is more effective. That was my point.
First perpetuate violence and then play the victim card, typical of these so called separatist. Because of these scum the valley was under curfew for 70 days, who will borne the responsibility of financial losses and so much trouble for the commoner?
That's why I am saying we are very soft state. If it were you then you would have killed more than us in just 2 days and everybody in Kashmir would have gone camatose . So no extended curfews and spectre for neighbours.

:lol: When you compare the similar situations how you and we handles it , there is world of difference. I admit your's is more effective. That was my point.
Compare iok to Azad Kashmir and see the difference yourself we dont have 3 month curfews or mass rapes by govt forces

First perpetuate violence and then play the victim card, typical of these so called separatist. Because of these scum the valley was under curfew for 70 days, who will borne the responsibility of financial losses and so much trouble for the commoner?
The occupying state of India

When did they came ?? Time line is very important. Did they came in last 81 days ??
Mainly in 90,s before loc was sealed and mined now anyone who tries to escape to Pakistan is shot by Indian forces but still we get refugees but now figure is small because of sealed and mined border

Don worry we will take proper revenge ....Baloochistan , Sindh , Baltistan and Karachi.....This is our target...Don forget Manmohan Government is over.... This is MODI era... He knows well how to deal with pakistan in pakistani language...

Considering India's deteriorating security situation, I predict a third attack on an Indian army base before the end of 2016.
Compare iok to Azad Kashmir and see the difference yourself we dont have 3 month curfews or mass rapes by govt forces
Compare ?? You don't have anything similar to article 370 . In absence of that your Panjabi population has infiltrated the homogeneous population of Kashmiries thereby making any long agitations non-starter. While in Valley they have driven out local Kashmiri Pandits . See the contrast. You have your informers among their ranks so that any agitation is nipped in the bud itself.
Mainly in 90,s before loc was sealed and mined now anyone who tries to escape to Pakistan is shot by Indian forces but still we get refugees but now figure is small because of sealed and mined border

Stop shooting from your arse ! ! No we don't stop exfiltration and LoC isn't mined.
let us first accept that we handled Kashmir badly - in a way a feudal lord does with his errant slaves.
Our leaders were never interested in the uplifment of people. they are more interested in staying in power. in order to stay in power they would do whatever is necessary. reminds me of the british who introduced railways (looks like development, but actually it was another tool to subjugate and exploit).
however coming back to the topic, I would reiterate my earlier position:
1. Ban AFSPA or at least modify it ---- I mean, why should a soldier need protection from law if he commits rape ?
2. abolish article 370 immediately ---- kashmiris must understand that Indians are not letting them go anywhere. they will be here for a long long time. so instead of fighting the Indians and get f***ed everytime they pick up a gun/stone, they should milk the Indians and develop themselves. I m sure india is more than willing.
3. except police, send all the military n paramilitary forces either in their barracks or on the border. let the soldiers from both sides have some real fun (both will disapprovingly agree).
4. GoI and Kashmiri govt should ask for forgiveness from the kashmiris.
5. kashmiris should sternly avoid their children from participating in any form of violence and stay as far from these as possible. no participation, no firing, no Ra*di rona.

Bhakts and mullahs, if they comment, will be ignored.
That's why I am saying we are very soft state. If it were you then you would have killed more than us in just 2 days and everybody in Kashmir would have gone camatose . So no extended curfews and spectre for neighbours.

:lol: When you compare the similar situations how you and we handles it , there is world of difference. I admit your's is more effective. That was my point.

Soft state? Are you insane? Soft state kille over 100 Kashmiri civilians in 80 days. One must have gr8 amount shamelessness to say something like that.
Soft state? Are you insane? Soft state kille over 100 Kashmiri civilians in 80 days. One must have gr8 amount shamelessness to say something like that.

And what is your army doing in Balochistan, are you the dove in disguise, have a look in the mirror before you point fingers... have a read and inform yourself you lost soul!

let us first accept that we handled Kashmir badly - in a way a feudal lord does with his errant slaves.

Who is "we" ? Kashmir is run by a state government elected by the kashmiri people to look after their affairs. Law and order is a state subject which is handled by Kashmiri policemen.

Are you calling the Local state govt. and politicians as 'feudal lords' ? if so then kashmiris can always vote a new party into power. Even petition the president to dismiss this govt. and hold new elections.

Our leaders were never interested in the uplifment of people. they are more interested in staying in power. in order to stay in power they would do whatever is necessary. reminds me of the british who introduced railways (looks like development, but actually it was another tool to subjugate and exploit).

Which 'our leader' are you talking about ? Modi is ONLY interested in upliftment of people and nothing he has done so far proves otherwise.

however coming back to the topic, I would reiterate my earlier position:
1. Ban AFSPA or at least modify it ---- I mean, why should a soldier need protection from law if he commits rape ?

Why should the soldier be there in the first place ? Its not their job to maintain law and order. So rather than remove AFSPA or modify it, remove the soldier himself and suffer the consequence, whatever it may be.

2. abolish article 370 immediately ---- kashmiris must understand that Indians are not letting them go anywhere. they will be here for a long long time. so instead of fighting the Indians and get f***ed everytime they pick up a gun/stone, they should milk the Indians and develop themselves. I m sure india is more than willing.


3. except police, send all the military n paramilitary forces either in their barracks or on the border. let the soldiers from both sides have some real fun (both will disapprovingly agree).

That is for the local state government to decide. Paramilitary police force are deployed on the specific request of the respective state government.

No paramilitary wants to go to kashmir. GoI certainly do not want to send them to kashmir.

4. GoI and Kashmiri govt should ask for forgiveness from the kashmiris.

Forgiveness for what ? by that same logic, the kashmiris should also ask forgiveness for the ethnic genocide of Hindus from kashmir.

5. kashmiris should sternly avoid their children from participating in any form of violence and stay as far from these as possible. no participation, no firing, no Ra*di rona.
Bhakts and mullahs, if they comment, will be ignored.

Why would they do that ? they want to stir up trouble.
Kashmiris Warn India Its Crackdown Is Turning Into Militancy
By Douglas Busvine and Fayaz Bukhari | SRINAGAR, INDIA


Simmering anger over India's crackdown on 10 weeks of protests in Kashmir risks drawing more young people to radical rebellion, demonstrators and security officials warn, as the sense of despair and alienation from New Delhi deepens.

In the worst unrest in the disputed Himalayan region for six years, more than 80 civilians have been killed and thousands wounded, a widespread curfew is in place and suspected ringleaders are being held without charge.

"They are treating us like 'dons', like we are criminals," said Bilal Bhat, a 27-year-old journalist who is active in a local youth civil rights movement.

Bhat was taken in by police in August and told to stop posting articles on Facebook. It was the second time he has been held. "When I was beaten by the cop, I cursed myself for taking a pen - I should have taken a gun instead," he told Reuters.

A conflict that has seeped for decades and spilled into war twice between nuclear-armed rivals India and Pakistan usually passes little noticed by the international community.

But the scale of the violence and security crackdown, and, more recently, a sharp escalation in tension between the neighbouring countries, have made the outside world sit up and pay attention.

India's security forces have also reinforced their already large presence in Kashmir, drafting in 20,000 paramilitaries and 10,000 more soldiers.


A senior Home Ministry official said India's security forces had reduced their use of pellet ammunition, which has drawn widespread condemnation, and had been instructed only to fire when they felt directly threatened.

"It is clear that the local Kashmiri youths were being used by Pakistan to attack Indian forces," the official said, responding to questions from Reuters about the use of force and risk of youth radicalisation.

"It is true that there is a lot of anger among the Kashmiris, but we cannot legitimise their anger if it is for all the wrong reasons."


India blames Pakistan for a raid earlier this month on a base that killed 18 soldiers, in the deadliest attack on its army in 14 years, prompting Hindu nationalist supporters of Prime Minister Narendra Modi's government to call for revenge.

Several countries, alarmed at the prospect of a military response by India, condemned the attack, while Pakistan denied any involvement.

Journalist Bhat and others see the start of the latest crisis in Kashmir not as the attack on the army camp in Uri on Sept. 18, but the killing by Indian security forces of Burhan Wani, a popular separatist militant leader, on July 8.


Stone-throwing protesters took to the streets in a display of support for the slain insurgent that also reflected deep-rooted unease about a central government they say is pursuing a Hindu-nationalist agenda to pacify and assimilate India's only Muslim-majority region.

Many of those killed in the clashes died from shotgun pellets or rifle bullets fired by police and paramilitary troops, and the supposedly non-lethal pellet rounds have blinded hundreds of bystanders, including children and women.

"The police are using brute force," said one protester, a 27-year-old university graduate who works in the private sector and spoke to Reuters at a safe house in the old town of Srinagar, the summer capital of India's northernmost state.

"They are leaving local boys with no choice but to take up arms. You are creating home-grown rebels by your actions - and then you are labelling them as terrorists."



The ophthalmology ward of Srinagar's main SMHS hospital is still overflowing with patients either partly or fully blinded by pellet rounds fired by police or paramilitary troops.

Some, like Mushtaq, a 22-year-old student from the restive district of Pulwama, say they were demonstrating when they were shot at.

Despite being blinded in his right eye, which was swathed in a bandage, Mushtaq said: "I would go out again and protest once I recover."

Others, like an 18-year-old high school student who gave his name as Muhsin, say they were bystanders caught in the crossfire.

Four young boys tried to escape by jumping into the nearby Jhelum river but were fired on by police. Muhsin dived in to try and rescue one boy who had been shot, only to be hit himself in the left eye and blinded.

He was unable to save the boy, who drowned.


The 850-bed hospital has received hundreds of casualties from street clashes, which have died down for now.

"I don't know how we managed," said Dr Nisur Al-Hassan, a consultant at the hospital and president of the Doctors Association of Kashmir.

Hassan said he had seen patients "with eyes gone, spleens gone, kidneys gone. These pellets have pierced their hearts, their abdomens, their brains. We can only operate on three to five patients at a time. You can only imagine."



Human rights activist Khurram Parvez, a vocal critic of the security crackdown, was on the way to present his findings to a UN rights meeting in Geneva when he was turned back at Delhi's international airport on Sept. 14.

After Parvez returned home to Srinagar he was briefly detained, and then re-arrested under a public safety law that allows suspects to be held for six months without being charged.

Parvez is not alone: in jail is moderate separatist leader Mirwaiz Umar Farooq, while hundreds more suspected protest ringleaders have been detained over the past month in raids on towns and villages across the Kashmir Valley.

Schools in Srinagar have been commandeered and turned into barracks and, even in quieter parts of the city of 1.3 million where the curfew has been lifted, there is a heavy security presence. Most shops remain shut.


A senior army officer said the outbreak of protests in Kashmir had at first been overwhelming.

"Our failure was in not being able to anticipate the extent of the protests," the officer said, on condition of anonymity because he was not authorised to speak on the record.

"We were unable to stabilise the cycle of violence and killing. Some lives were lost because the use of force was required. Our crowd control methods are primitive, but in this part of the world nothing else would have worked."

In the meantime, the protests have given a new lease of life to militants who have been sighted among the crowds and are believed by the authorities to be playing an active role in organising them.

"It's a very organised hoodlum element that works with the militants," said a senior police officer with long experience of the insurgency in Kashmir that first broke out at the end of the 1980s.

The officer pulled a smartphone out of his pocket and showed a video circulated by Zakir Rashid Bhat, named to replace Wani as Hizbul Mujahideen's commander in South Kashmir.

The video shows men in uniform beating protesters and is accompanied by a soundtrack of rhythmic chants urging people to be faithful and to take revenge against the police.

"This is the imagery of ISIS," the police officer said, referring to the extremist group Islamic State. "The radicalisation is growing stronger."

(Additional reporting by Rupam Jain; Writing by Douglas Busvine; Editing by Mike Collett-White)

Source: Reuters (India)

@Adonis @SammiiPryo34 @Pluralist @Aung Zaya @fjavaid @initial_d @BON PLAN @jericho @khakhi_chaddi @Zain Iqbal 1081 @IceCold @Md Akmal @Nilgiri @CatsDelhi @Great Janjua @scorpion11 @Riyad @saiyan0321 @Fafnir @Suff Shikan @Kalazan @Aero @TowerMan @sbh02 @Mustang06 @SR-91 @srshkmr @ravinderpalrulez @RedHulk @Kal Muah @akshay gehlot @Rauf @banvanaxl @Mabs @Bitter Melon @Vatoz @surge @AyanRay @S fahad @PurpleButcher @SCOTTFELDEN29 @wiseone2 @SwAggeR @Indrajit @sreekimpact @alaungphaya @[TR]AHMET @twocents @ravinderpalrulez @Khan_21 @Sri @Great Janjua @Farah Sohail @Trichy @Darkman @banvanaxl @Nexus @Skull and Bones @muhammadali233 @Rashid Mahmood @KAJadoon @WOW_FACTOR @S.Y.A @Kalazan @Counterpunch @Aero @fjavaid @illuminatidinesh @zebra7 @Khanate @mughaljee @IAKhan @leviathan gehlot @jkroo @Zain Iqbal 1081 @alarabi @saiyan0321 @Dandpatta @Suff Shikan @IceCold @500 @SwAggeR @EyanKhan @Patriot76 @xTra @noksss @gondes @ravinderpalrulez @Trying to be honest @illuminatidinesh @Riyad @SR-91 @saiyan0321 @Syed Umair Hasan @Great Janjua @pragmatic_dude @sreekimpact @[TR]AHMET @Skull and Bones @alarabi @Deino @EyelessInGaza @Sri @ravi gupta @shah_123 @Vatoz @twocents @Rasengan @Aero @Adonis @Nexus @Rashid Mahmood @baajey @Khanate @Farah Sohail @Trichy @Darkman @banvanaxl @muhammadali233 @KAJadoon @WOW_FACTOR @S.Y.A @Kalazan @Counterpunch @Pluralist @fjavaid @initial_d @mkb95 @SwAggeR @Zain Iqbal 1081 @kankan326 @Great Janjua @Aero @sreekimpact @Sulman Badshah @kempe @Mustang06 @GuardianRED @Doodle Noodle @NirmalKrish @proud_indian @mpk1988 @smali183 @fjavaid @SammiiPryo34 @banvanaxl @Khanate @illuminatidinesh @Nilgiri @Muhammad Awais Nadeem @Rasengan @Malik Alashter @saiyan0321 @Sri @Kal Muah @Khan_21 @Skull and Bones @mkb95 @Armoured Division @Vatoz @baajey @Nexus @wiseone2 @ravinderpalrulez @[TR]AHMET @twocents @Navigator @IceCold @pragmatic_dude @noksss @gondes @Riyad @SR-91 @Syed Umair Hasan @GumNaam @alarabi

there was no Army , no milliatry crack down, no AFSPA in 1989.. yet KPs were massacred by their own neighbors thrown out from their home.
so please with sugar on top .. go ahead with ur militancy .
Oh.. Thats our internal matter and its not disputed territory. Your funded terrorists are being treated there.
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