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Kashmiris join insurgency against India at highest rate in two decades

This article is utter bullshit of the highest order.

Guess who it's written by? Fayaz Bukhari!! Jeeez!

I just came back from Kashmir and what the author has written is pure unadulterated nonsense.

Muslims also participated in ''elections'' under the British occupation. Its an apt strategy for Kashmiris to participate in elections and continue armed resistence against Indian colonial forces. It will divide Indian public opinion as well as indulge India into a perpetual insurgency like USSR faced from our Central Asian kin.
'Colonial forces'!! Jeeez! If I had written this crap but substituted Kashmir, I would have been banned till Timbuktu, right? But the great ones out here have the license to troll. So carry on!
2 Hizbul militants killed, army major injured in Shopian encounter - The Times of India

Shopian Encounter: Slain Militant was a Highly Qualified Government Official

A day after army released a report wherein it was mentioned that post-2010, highly educated youth joining militancy in Kashmir is a “very disturbing” trend, another militant with MA English B.Ed qualification (besides a government official)from south Kashmir’s Shopian district was killed in an encounter on Wednesday.

Ashiq Hussain Dar son of Ghulam Hassan Dar, a resident ofTurkewangam village was killed in an encounter in Heff village of Shopian district early morning.

Sources said that Ashiq was selected as VLW in May 2014 and he joined militant ranks in August 2014 after working for three months as a government official.Highly qualified Ashiq,according to local sources had also applied for jobs in the departments of Education, Revenue, CAPD and Horticulture and he was selected in all thedepartments. But instead joining the services, he had joined militancy and could not join.24-year-old Ashiq was known as a religious youth in the area.The encounter was going on till the reports last came in.The encounter began yesterday after government forces received specific intelligence input about the presence of militants in Heff Shermal area of Shopian.As the joint team of SOG and army began a search operation in the area, the hiding militants opened fire on them triggering an encounter.The operation was halted for the night but the gunfight resumed this morningand a militant was gunned down in the early hours.Forces believe that one more militant is still trapped and the firing was going on.

@third eye @SpArK
Muslims also participated in ''elections'' under the British occupation. Its an apt strategy for Kashmiris to participate in elections and continue armed resistence against Indian colonial forces. It will divide Indian public opinion as well as indulge India into a perpetual insurgency like USSR faced from our Central Asian kin.

Believe what you want to believe & i always wanted to read more on the Islamist Insurgencies faced by the USSR in C.Asia can you post more about this topic

They pay tax and fees regularly.

People of J&K don't pay taxes at all & that state get's billions in dole

This article is utter bullshit of the highest order.

Guess who it's written by? Fayaz Bukhari!! Jeeez!

I just came back from Kashmir and what the author has written is pure unadulterated nonsense.

'Colonial forces'!! Jeeez! If I had written this crap but substituted Kashmir, I would have been banned till Timbuktu, right? But the great ones out here have the license to troll. So carry on!

Our Pakistani partners like to think of Local Kashmiri Police as colonial Forces
Well too bad for those Kashmiris then...
Coz our bullets won't discriminate between a graduate and an illiterate..
Unfortunately for the Kashmiris, their young talent will be lost to the bullet, which could have been used for much greater achievements than being a game of turkey hunt for the Indian troops...

Its for the Kashmiris to choose...Is the Juice worth the squeeze?!!
There is a simple way to deal with this crisis. Those whose families have been found involved in militancy ,confiscate their possessions ,deprive them of citizenship and tell them to leave India in 72 hours ,else face a firing squad.
India need to change it,s strategy in the occupied Kashmir ,they way current government is adopting the Israeli settlement techniques trust me it will make things worse for India.India need to respect the kashmir cause as it,s a UN issue and has been registered as a valid cause instead blaming pakistan for all this kashmir mess.
There should be a referendum in kashmir and let the kashmiri people decide what,s good for them.

There is a simple way to deal with this crisis. Those whose families have been found involved in militancy ,confiscate their possessions ,deprive them of citizenship and tell them to leave India in 72 hours ,else face a firing squad.
Dear such attitude will make your upcoming generations suffer if today you don,t realize what,s really wrong with you. Using force is not an option if you will use force things will get more worse.It,s like showing your frustration.
There are plenty of 'if's and 'but's. What if plebiscite goes against India's favor?
Then pakistan should do what,s good for kashmiri people.But it looks like they won,t opt for india and that,s the reason you dont want referendum and trying to supress the issue through extra judicial killings and genocide.
Then pakistan should do what,s good for kashmiri people.But it looks like they won,t opt for india and that,s the reason you dont want referendum and trying to supress the issue through extra judicial killings and genocide.
Isn't that the most prudent way to act? Any other state in this world would do the same thing. So why count on the impossibilities?
India need to change it,s strategy in the occupied Kashmir ,they way current government is adopting the Israeli settlement techniques trust me it will make things worse for India.India need to respect the kashmir cause as it,s a UN issue and has been registered as a valid cause instead blaming pakistan for all this kashmir mess.
There should be a referendum in kashmir and let the kashmiri people decide what,s good for them.
Referendum will be only held when Pakistani forces vacate Azad Kashmir and Indian forces take over whole of Kashmir and then facilitating return of Kashmiri pundits i.e. bring Kashmiri demograpics in Kashmir to what they were in late 40's which may take years or even decades.
Apart from this Pakistan must stop suporting and sending Mujhahideens in India/IOK.
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