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Kashmir unrest: Sympathisers of radicals in Delhi are a bigger threat than Pakistan, Islamic State

i am adding you to ignore list because you cant write two coherent lines... although you have been here since 2014... my iq has taken a hit since I last talked to you... bye.. :)

I think reading your justification of Pandits genocide and blatant ignoring of Wahabi terrorism in Kashmir has lowered collective IQ of a lot of people on this forum.

But I won't add you to ignore list because I want to expose people like you who will justify genocide and terrorism in guise of freedom movement.

Kashmiris deserve our sympathy and where possible they should be accommodated. Our country is our mother -- tell me which mother is not soft with its children? Yes even the errant ones

Let me know which Kashmiri's deserve our sympathy?
The Pandits?
The Hindus?
The Shias?
The Sikhs?
Or regular muslims who want to live their lives?

It looks like now a days we are demanding sympathy and understanding of people who are attacking & killing people & security forces.
I think reading your justification of Pandits genocide and blatant ignoring of Wahabi terrorism in Kashmir has lowered collective IQ of a lot of people on this forum.

But I won't add you to ignore list because I want to expose people like you who will justify genocide and terrorism in guise of freedom movement.
yeah sure... I am impressed by your sense of duty... lol.
yeah sure... I am impressed by your sense of duty... lol.

Exactly how does that add to the topic?
You want to have a sense of duty??

Alright, think you are a Kashmiri Pandits whose daughter was raped and killed, whose other kids were shot dead before you, ran away from valley with the feeling of cowardice because you could not defend your children.

Now please justify to yourself that all that is ok as long as Kashmir get's freedom and you and your kind are not welcomed back. Justify to yourself that you were not targeted because of your religion...

I have seen stupidity buy you my friend take the cake...
Exactly how does that add to the topic?
You want to have a sense of duty??

Alright, think you are a Kashmiri Pandits whose daughter was raped and killed, whose other kids were shot dead before you, ran away from valley with the feeling of cowardice because you could not defend your children.

Now please justify to yourself that all that is ok as long as Kashmir get's freedom and you and your kind are not welcomed back. Justify to yourself that you were not targeted because of your religion...

I have seen stupidity buy you my friend take the cake...
lol... i am not justifying nothing... dont put words in my mouth.. please tell me that you are a dumb *** telugu... :)
lol... i am not justifying nothing... dont put words in my mouth.. please tell me that you are a dumb *** telugu... :)

Ok the racist goes full boom..

about myself -
Did my high school in Uttarakhand, it was not called that when I studied there.
My Bachelors in Tamil Nadu
Masters in US
Worked in US
Came back and worked in Gujarat for couple of years
Relocated and worked out of Pune for couple of years
Relocated to Australia to work here..

I consider myself an India. My state, religion, caste has no meaning except the fact that I am an Indian.

Thanks for confirming my belief you are a racist...

Now back to original question...How do you justify the genocide of Pandits? Let me know if people who commit genocide of other religious people can be called freedom fighters?

Would you still stick to the same logic if Hindus in rest of India did similar thing to muslims?
you can always give stats and shut my mouth up... 'oh they did not treat me well this time' ... is not good enough
if ordinary kashmiris get roughed up elsewhere but indian visitors return unmolested, I say we should all learn a bit from 'wahabism'...
They are better a distinguishing between combatants and civilians than our own forces, it seems. :)

What stats did you quote?

you can always give stats and shut my mouth up... 'oh they did not treat me well this time' ... is not good enough
if ordinary kashmiris get roughed up elsewhere but indian visitors return unmolested, I say we should all learn a bit from 'wahabism'...
They are better a distinguishing between combatants and civilians than our own forces, it seems. :)

A truly intelligent insight.

Combatants and civilians are clearly visibly different, from their point of view. What does the policeman see? An amorphous crowd in the middle distance, or close by, all doing, apparently, the same thing. What do they do? They wave lathis menacingly and the crowd retreats, watches for a bit, and then comes forward again. In case it becomes menacing and dangerous, the police open fire with shotguns. Educate yourself with the spread of pellets from a shotgun. If they point the gun down, there is a loud bang and nothing more; keep doing it, and far from dispelling the menace, they aggravate the crowd. If they point the gun up, the same thing, but some unwary spectator peering out of a window gets peppered, and the howls of inhuman conduct go up. If it is pointed straight, a great many get hit, and if there are smaller people in the crowd, they get hit higher up, in the face for instance.

Does the stone pelter have a similar problem? He is faced by full-grown adults. A Kashmiri policeman in mufti can be spotted immediately; he is a stranger, he is much older. An obvious tourist is also easily detected.

It is asymmetric.

The trouble with this series of posts that you have made is that every single one of them stinks of the lamp. You have neither seen these confrontations nor mingled with the people nor had an opportunity to observe the development across time, but, as in the case of our favourite body part, you have an opinion.

Oh boy, do you have an opinion.

Exactly how does that add to the topic?
You want to have a sense of duty??

Alright, think you are a Kashmiri Pandits whose daughter was raped and killed, whose other kids were shot dead before you, ran away from valley with the feeling of cowardice because you could not defend your children.

Now please justify to yourself that all that is ok as long as Kashmir get's freedom and you and your kind are not welcomed back. Justify to yourself that you were not targeted because of your religion...

I have seen stupidity buy you my friend take the cake...

It's not stupidity, it's cynicism.
Combatants and civilians are clearly visibly different,
Then why 100s of children and young boys being blinded by shotguns in the name of pallet guns.....are the forces are blind or they not spare any opportunity to harm the future of Kashmir Since they know they would be future freedom fighters?
Then why 100s of children and young boys being blinded by shotguns in the name of pallet guns.....are the forces are blind or they not spare any opportunity to harm the future of Kashmir Since they know they would be future freedom fighters?

First of all, it is sad that you take the injuries and inflate the number injured, in order to create a sense of pity. Even one person getting injured is a pity, and something to be deplored.

Please explain to me how YOU in a patrol party of perhaps four constables, would tackle a mob of youngsters, throwing stones at you that can (and do) maim and kill. To make it easier for you, some options:
  1. Stand still; use the cover of your cane shields and ignore the stoning;
  2. Shake your lathis; if it doesn't stop them, or make them go back, advance towards them, or run towards them with the lathi;
  3. Use tear-gas;
  4. Use a shotgun shooting pellets that don't kill;
  5. Use a rifle or pistol firing live ammunition.
I would like to know how you would react in a hostile crowd, all of whom know that they can be as provocative as they want and that you are under strict orders not to over-react, but to bear it all stoically, unless there is a danger of serious injury to yourself, loss of your side-arms or rifle, or chances of death.

Would you tell me how you would handle the situation in their place?
Use a shotgun shooting pellets that don't kill
But they can blind the child for life don't you think there other possible ways to deal with it....Don't tries to sugar quote things....There are standing instruction use shout guns which mean for hunting to use on Kashmiris since they are fighting for independence since both Indian and Pakistan get the same on same grounds but since Kashmiris can be oppress so do the shitty things even you don't mind of genocide.
But they can blind the child for life don't you think there other possible ways to deal with it....Don't tries to sugar quote things....There are standing instruction use shout guns which mean for hunting to use on Kashmiris since they are fighting for independence since both Indian and Pakistan get the same on same grounds but since Kashmiris can be oppress so do the shitty things even you don't mind of genocide.

So name the other possibilities, since you are such an expert.

What did YOU have in mind, harsh language?

Are you aware that the human rights lobby begged and pleaded for pellets and pellet guns - shotguns - on the grounds that these were non-lethal?
Kashmir and Kahmiris never be a part of India but Indian stubborn attitude create this situation....
Na ugla jaye na nigla jaye....

So name the other possibilities, since you are such an expert.
Plebiscite or simple use Chinab formula. IF you know....or read ever....
Kashmir and Kahmiris never be a part of India but Indian stubborn attitude create this situation....
Na ugla jaye na nigla jaye....

Plebiscite or simple use Chinab formula. IF you know....or read ever....

I asked you how you would control a crowd. Can you answer that, or do you admit you have no clue?

As for your interesting thought that you can re-open a closed issue by dragging it on and on and on, until the other side loses patience. That will not happen. It cannot happen. We were formed as a nation on the foundation of laws, and we will remain a nation on the basis of laws, not on the basis of aggression and conquest, or of violence.
I asked you how you would control a crowd. Can you answer that, or do you admit you have no clue?
You can't control emotions no can but when emotions are justified historically then sane person goes for roots ...you can't kill whole Kashmiri Muslims or Joe u supported that? tell me

As for your interesting thought that you can re-open a closed issue by dragging it on and on and on,
No issue is closed on Kashmir...

will remain a nation on the basis of laws
What laws oppression, genocide, shot guns.....?

aggression and conquest, or of violence.
You need some treatment...not in clinic but in asylum....
Indian need land of Kashmir no the Kashmiris that is the problem.....

We were formed as a nation
On what basis ?
Why India - Pak divide ... for sure two nations theory ...
Why not apply on Kashmir?
If you don't believe it then why Pakistan exists..?
You can't control emotions no can but when emotions are justified historically then sane person goes for roots ...you can't kill whole Kashmiri Muslims or Joe u supported that? tell me

Crowd control, please.

No issue is closed on Kashmir...

What laws oppression, genocide, shot guns.....?

You need some treatment...not in clinic but in asylum....
Indian need land of Kashmir no the Kashmiris that is the problem.....

I did not know that you were a qualified physician. And I do not appreciate personal insults.
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