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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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Amazing now echoes of Azaadi are being sounded in the Indian government. Shor Macha, Awaz utha, Kadam barha! It is significant that a senior Indian minister has come to his senses and is discussing terms of granting Azaadi to KAshmir.

---------- Post added at 06:02 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:01 PM ----------

On another note, I hope he too doesn't get slammed with sedition charges as its India's favorite charge these days.
what was wrong with mine?

i.e. why bring up religion in this topic to begin with --I'd pose a similar question to the v-blogger himself even
Religion was 'brought' in because the dimwit has done it himself to give an impression of how, if a Kashmiri Christian is discriminated in a way that he was apparently treated, a Kashmiri Muslim is treated (5:42). It was therefore necessary to call his bluff. It was also necessary to establish his credibility, or rather, the lack thereof.
Occupied Kashmir is one issue where secularist and orthodox leanings play little to no roll in the art or act of strategic defiance and seperatism from hindustan
Regrettably, the secular nature of Kashmiri 'movement' was killed when armed insurgency took over.

which you'd have to point out where in the video said manipulation takes place.....unless you will willingly chuck the logic of your fellow comrade in the dust bin for him
First, he tries to pose as a Christian when clearly, by his own admission or rather slip of tongue, he is not. Second, in an attempt to paint an image of evil India, he narrates an incidence of Andhra Pradesh where he was apparently refused medical treatment because he was a 'Christian but was a circumcised Muslim'. But curiously, his friends managed to take him to a hospital '300 Km' from the said hospital. The dimwit didn't realise that '300 Km' from the said hospital, if he is not bang in the middle of the sea, he would still be in India, and by his own admission got treated by Indian doctors only. etc. etc.

He is just plain BSing, and effing that up as well.

especially when we (Pakistanis) feel very close to them and have moral reasons to back and support them unequivocally till death do us part
This overdose of emotion is what makes certain Pakistanis, however well meaning they may be, susceptible to such propaganda.
Sorry, but we don't want to be with India. Neither where we Indians. We're Kashmiris and we've had our State longer than India, if you count the period of 63 years of occupation.

Then go! Who's stopping you?

But the land of Kashmir remains in India. The sooner you get that into your head, the better for you.

In 1947, those who wanted to go to Pakistan, went to Pakistan while leaving their lands and property behind.

We won't mind if something like that happens once again.

If you want to go, please do go but the land stays.
Then go! Who's stopping you?

But the land of Kashmir remains in India. The sooner you get that into your head, the better for you.

In 1947, those who wanted to go to Pakistan, went to Pakistan while leaving their lands and property behind.

We won't mind if something like that happens once again.

If you want to go, please do go but the land stays.

The land is ours, we've lived on it for centuries. That's right, us - not India.
The land is ours, we've lived on it for centuries. That's right, us - not India.


The land which forms modern-day Pakistan and Bangladesh was once-upon-a-time, India but because of partition, a lot many people had to leave that land and move to modern-day India.

If it happened once, why can't it happen again. In fact, I believe that should righfully happen since we already have a precedent set upon us.

If you don't like it here, you are free to leave but the land stays.

This is what happened in 1947, it can and should happen again.
Kashmiris are not going anywhere it is the fascist indian govt that will have to go,

Congress minister stokes row, give "Azadi" to Kashmir
PTI, Dec 6, 2010, 08.00pm IST

JAMMU: A Jammu and Kashmir minister belonging to Congress has stoked a controversy by suggesting that Kashmir be granted "Azadi", remarks that embarassed his party which termed them as his personal view.

Addressing a rally at Bani in Kathua district on Sunday, Congress Minister for Health and Horticulture Sham Lal Sharma had raised the demand for making Jammu a separate state, giving union territory status to Ladakh and granting "Azadi" to Kashmir.

"Give freedom to Kashmir, that's more beneficial. Give separate statehood status to Jammu and make Ladakh a union territory. If this state has to be developed, this is the only solution", Sharma said in the presence of PCC chief Saifuddin Soz.

His remarks drew a sharp attack from state BJP which alleged they "tantamount to treason" and demanded his dismissal from the government and arrest.

In damage-control mode, Congress spokesman Abhishek Singhvi described Sharma's remarks as his "personal view" and said the party's stand "is very clear--autonomy within the framework of the Indian Constitution".

The remarks by Sham Lal Sharma had made Soz and his senior party leaders uneasy at the rally. In fact, Soz had tried to initiate damage control and expressed his party's resolve to keep all the three regions of the state united to ensure equal and balanced development in all the regions.

"We are all answerable to AICC President Sonia Gandhi and what we say here be considered as the Congress word and we must speak along the party's line", Soz said.

Seeking to downplay Sharma's view, Singhvi told reporters in Delhi that "I can only describe it as a personal opinion (of Sharma). He was having a discussion at rally in his own home state and certainly this is his personal view".

"Some of the words which I have heard, I can either describe it as a metaphorical speak and should not be taken literally", he said adding "in any case, we do not accept any such allegations".

BJP National Executive Member and former Pradesh President Nirmal Singh told reporters here that "Sharma has taken oath under the Constitution and his statement tantamounts to treason and therefore an FIR should be registered against him and he should be arrested forthwith".

After making such a statement Sharma has no locus standi to be in the ministry and he should be dismissed Singh said.
Congress minister stokes row, give "Azadi" to Kashmir - The Times of India

---------- Post added at 12:33 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:32 AM ----------

YouTube - J&K minister stirs fresh controversy
^^ Honey, in future, if you expect me to reply, talk to me based on logic and not rhetoric.

Now read posts 1208 and 1211 and then we shall talk, if you could refrain from mindless rhetoric though.

The land which forms modern-day Pakistan and Bangladesh was once-upon-a-time, India but because of partition, a lot many people had to leave that land and move to modern-day India.

If it happened once, why can't it happen again. In fact, I believe that should righfully happen since we already have a precedent set upon us.

If you don't like it here, you are free to leave but the land stays.

This is what happened in 1947, it can and should happen again.

There was no nation called India until 1947 - stop posting nonsense please.

And during partition of the British colony of India, millions left their lands and homes and moved to Pakistan as well - it wasn't one way traffic.
There was no nation called India until 1947 - stop posting nonsense please.

Ok let's make it British India, shall we?

The point stays though, that people, if required by circumstances can be told to leave their lands and properties in order to fecilitate formation of new countries.

The same precedent can be cited now.

Nothing has changed, once again, the people on both sides of LoC can be told to pack their beloongings and move to the other side if they so wish.
Kashmiris are not going anywhere it is the fascist indian govt that will have to go,

Congress minister stokes row, give "Azadi" to Kashmir
PTI, Dec 6, 2010, 08.00pm IST

JAMMU: A Jammu and Kashmir minister belonging to Congress has stoked a controversy by suggesting that Kashmir be granted "Azadi", remarks that embarassed his party which termed them as his personal view.

Addressing a rally at Bani in Kathua district on Sunday, Congress Minister for Health and Horticulture Sham Lal Sharma had raised the demand for making Jammu a separate state, giving union territory status to Ladakh and granting "Azadi" to Kashmir.

"Give freedom to Kashmir, that's more beneficial. Give separate statehood status to Jammu and make Ladakh a union territory. If this state has to be developed, this is the only solution", Sharma said in the presence of PCC chief Saifuddin Soz.

His remarks drew a sharp attack from state BJP which alleged they "tantamount to treason" and demanded his dismissal from the government and arrest.

In damage-control mode, Congress spokesman Abhishek Singhvi described Sharma's remarks as his "personal view" and said the party's stand "is very clear--autonomy within the framework of the Indian Constitution".

The remarks by Sham Lal Sharma had made Soz and his senior party leaders uneasy at the rally. In fact, Soz had tried to initiate damage control and expressed his party's resolve to keep all the three regions of the state united to ensure equal and balanced development in all the regions.

"We are all answerable to AICC President Sonia Gandhi and what we say here be considered as the Congress word and we must speak along the party's line", Soz said.

Seeking to downplay Sharma's view, Singhvi told reporters in Delhi that "I can only describe it as a personal opinion (of Sharma). He was having a discussion at rally in his own home state and certainly this is his personal view".

"Some of the words which I have heard, I can either describe it as a metaphorical speak and should not be taken literally", he said adding "in any case, we do not accept any such allegations".

BJP National Executive Member and former Pradesh President Nirmal Singh told reporters here that "Sharma has taken oath under the Constitution and his statement tantamounts to treason and therefore an FIR should be registered against him and he should be arrested forthwith".

After making such a statement Sharma has no locus standi to be in the ministry and he should be dismissed Singh said.
Congress minister stokes row, give "Azadi" to Kashmir - The Times of India

---------- Post added at 12:33 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:32 AM ----------

YouTube - J&K minister stirs fresh controversy

Where is the rhetoric in this my child, it is the speech of a senior minister who believes that Kashmir should be given Azadi :woot:
^^ When a post , my dear uncle, is irrelevant to the flow of the argument and in no way contributes to it, it is called rhetoric.
Ok let's make it British India, shall we?

The point stays though, that people, if required by circumstances can be told to leave their lands and properties in order to fecilitate formation of new countries.

The same precedent can be cited now.

False - people were not told to leave their lands and properties, they made a choice to do so after the pal for dividing the British Colony of India was accepted by the British, Muslim League and Congress, and the peoples of the territories that comprised Pakistan voted for the ML and supported its platform for Pakistan.

In the case of Kashmir, India, Pakistan and the international community have already accepted a plan for resolving the status of the region, which is to allow the people of Kashmir to determine their future status as part of India or Pakistan.

Therefore the correct comparison with the partition of British India would be the partition of J&K based on the wishes of the people i.e. we can do a district by district plebiscite and have geographically contiguous districts become a part of the nation its people choose.
Correction,Republic of India did not exist prior to 1947.

“India” is as much a country as the Equator: Sir Winston Churchill

It is a total fallacy that india is a nation, it is not culturally, linguistically, or ethnically homogeneous, NUFF SAID.:coffee:
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