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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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The news on sat TV is that the encounter seems to have ended and 3 terrorists have been sent on the budget airline-"Bullet Airlines" (cheapest way to fly). They are all on board now to fulfill their date with 72 virgins.

the 72 virgins must b exhausted by now due to the numbers we r sending every yr,but they r very much waiting for kasab,he should b also sent as early as possible

BTW talking about virgins. How many virgins do your soldiers get when they die in IOK. I hope they(soldiers) are straight though. ;)
Guys, this 72 virgin things is not good.. The Islamic connotation is very different and all of us have been playing with a skewed interpertation of that. Just because a bunch of terrorists use this to lure impressionable young men into the life of violence and extremism, we should not be playing the same game to discredit those guys..
the 72 virgins must b exhausted by now due to the numbers we r sending every yr,but they r very much waiting for kasab,he should b also sent as early as possible

You are wrong. They are not fighting for 72 virigins. They are fighting for freedom.
the 72 virgins must b exhausted by now due to the numbers we r sending every yr,but they r very much waiting for kasab,he should b also sent as early as possible
Well, don't bring quranic verses as joke, it look funny in Indian forum,but not here. You are entitle to have your opinion and we respect and welcome, but no flaming and no disrespect of Muslims religion.
Otherwise, i would support life long ban of such statements.
Just follow this link here


Supports Kashmiri separatism
Supports Naxals.

And also she is:
Against death sentence for the terrorists of 2001 Indian Parliament attack
Against Sardar Sarovar Project.
Against Indo-US relations.
Against India's nuclear weaponisation.
Against Indo-Israel relations.

She can do anything to get cheap Publicity...

What he says in from a humanitarian POV. It is really easy said and done. But when you look at alternatives there are mostly either not present or are not feasible. It easy to talk of world peace and wage a war against hunger, but if you do not have a definite answer to world peace and hunger that is feasible you should not open your mouth.
'Kashmir stone-pelters funded by Pakistan'


'Kashmir stone-pelters funded by Pakistan' - India News - IBNLive

Have a look at the guy smiling behind this person..
It makes me feel that he doesn't even know why he is here,cuz if it was a serious protest,the facial expression would have been different.
Depicts the fact that they are funded stone pelters.

His expression is just like some students protesting against the university management for a "time-pass".
Is there anything wrong she said? Why are you guys being so upset.... someone has the courage to speak the truth.

She is courageous. I agree.. But she doesn't know what to do with it. She takes on the most controversial subjects and opposes the popular view to grab headlines.

She actually has some truth behind what she believe but she often goes to the other extreme to prove her point which often comes out as anti-national. I'll be happy to listen to what she says if she were a little more moderate doesn't cross the line in the name of fighting for the oppressed. She only fights for those who already have media attention. Not for the really oppressed who needs help.
Kashmir exposure (or the lack of) today is not because of India's good deeds in Kashmir but due to Pakistan playing the spoiler role. I believe this can reversed, if Pakistanis changes their course. the question is: Will they? They have some key trump cards which India does not have.

India's upper hand today is because support from the big guys. If this support is negotiable, India will dance to the tune.

Let me say is: For US, everything is available on the table for negotiation. We don't rule out anything and we know what string to pull to move India in the right direction

We have inherited a very rich culture of music and dance, that does not mean we dance to anybody's tunes. I appreciate your sympathy for the Kashmiris, based on your weak interpretation. However, there is a reason why US is getting close to India. Presently India has a non aligned policy, having the best of both worlds. Indias's growth is beyond dependence on American companies outsourcing to India. To put it more clearly, American companies depend on India to keep costs low.

Kashmir is a very delicate issue, and India is determined enough to not dance to America's tunes.

Please dont flatter yourself. America is a falling superpower and it needs the fastest growing democracy on it's side.

Losing an economic powerhouse of 1 billion people in exchange for cleansing your sins ? You gotta be kidding.

If America does side with Pakistan, there is no way in hell that India will give up Kashmir. Remember 1971 ? The only friend that Asia's begging bowl had was Russia, and we created a new nation and earned ourselves the greatest post WW surrender, and there was nothing US or it's friends could do about it. If the west sides with Paksitan, it will motivate India to resolve disputes with China and develop a close alliance, which will dictate the fate of the new world order. China, India, and Russia will become the new world. America will topple like a house of cards. Kashmir will be a strong, unsuccessful protest, at what cost ?
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