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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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Like other provinces, the assembly will, however, have no control over defence and treasury.

What's wrong with that? Dfence should be federal rather than provincial.

The Shia Muslim-dominated region, seen as part of its Jammu and Kashmir state by India, has seen a separatist movement gaining momentum over the past few years.

Last one checked, Baltistan has a significant ismaili population which is well-known for its peaceful outlook. And who is leading this seaparatist movement there if one may dare to ask.

Alarmingly low literacy levels, the absence of industry, deplorable road and communication links, the lack of energy sources, and the lack of job opportunities have fuelled the resentment and rebellion amongst the people in the region -- which was part of Jammu and Kashmir before Pakistan militarily occupied some parts of the erstwhile princely state in 1948.

Abscence of industry... the economy is largely agro-pastoral but has expanded to include tourism along with gemstones mining.

And low literacy levels, you should check out the work that the Aga Khan Foundation has undertaken in the NA.

What rebellion by the way?

Stringent laws make the region inaccessible to foreigners and there are few media reports from the region.

About time the writer went there and saw the foreign tourists who come every year. He probably got denied visa and is now generalising his experience :agree:
India has clearly lost this battle of so called or may I called it wana be super power they have been unsuccessful in many things like from their Nuclear tests to their Tanks. and now looks like Kashmir is lost tooo
Its just giving them the right to govern themselves but with in the federation of Pakistan. It is an inegral part of Pakistan. Unlike Indian Occupied Kashmir Pakistan did not take direct action but was invited in to form the Government as the area is a Majority Muslim area it is but natural for it to be federated to Pakistan. Yes it was in Pakistan's interest to settle the border with China and it has become a strategic relationship. India has been hotheaded and has decided not to settle with China and has paid the Price. You can not leave a population for an long period of time with out representation in the polity of the state. The people need their rights like access to the courts, legal services, schools and other things that governments do for their people. The separatist in Muzafarabad is a minority of not more then several but less than four and most likely encouraged from accross the LOC by RAW. I say bring Azad Kashmir into the federation also and let thme join into the politics of the federation.
If Pakistani Kashmir joins the federation, that means an Independent Kashmir is no longer a possibility. Am I correct?

P.S. Don't accuse RAW unless you have proof please! Its too convenient an excuse!
If Pakistani Kashmir joins the federation, that means an Independent Kashmir is no longer a possibility. Am I correct?

No it's not a possibility. But Pakistan doesn't aspire for an independent kashmir as it considers it to be its part. So your argument is pointless.
hideous, disgusting shame on largest de-mockery
India can give full autonomy under indian constitution protecting civil liberties, to the vally and *** (theoritically) as promised to Shiek Abdulla earlier and and also take out Jammu and Laddak regions as new state and a union territory respectively.I were the pm....i would gone for this plan.:cheers:

and i was wondering why are you khajoo:no:r
Musharaf not only lost two worlds himself but he made millions of People suffer in Pakistan and Kashmir because of his "wise" and "patriotic" policies. What kind of soldier was he who gave up life of Hundred Thousand sacrifices of Kashmirs and Pakistan's stance in the United Nations? Who did Musharraf fight for? for Kashmirs? for Pakistanis? The dumb head went for Karghil and upon return lied down aganst Indians to "do" him and rest of the country under his rule?

Its time for us to start supporting Kashmirs again. They are Pakistani People, the Muslim Blood that is being crushed under Military Shoes. Who is stopping us claiming for what belongs to us? The "Night" has shed, Musharaf is history.. I request the present Government to go back to the stance that BB and Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto Had. Zulfiqar Ali, the sword of Hazrat Ali and look what "followers" of him we have now.. people who call Indian attempt to invade border as "Technical Mistake" and have owned Qassab who's nationality is still not proven.. Shame on you Zardari.. Shame on you Yusuf Raza Gillani and Shame us including me who has is sitting in home and letting this bull-**** government hold on to the seat!

The blood of the Kashmiris, the blood of Pakistanis and the blood of Indians which has spilled for the cause of Kashmir. Is it not enough. I respect your sentiments for the blood of Kashmiris and Pakistani soldiers. But dont you think that same sort of sentiments would be present in India about Indian soldiers.

It is for sure we can not have solution to this problem by force neither India nor Pakistan because neither of two want to nor they will go for the conventional war over the same issue. because it will ensure "Mutually Assured Destruction" for both the nations.

Is it not enough or we want more blood to be spilled on the both sides.?
Here's a radical thought:

Instead of Pakistanis or Indians imposing a solution on the Kashmiris, why not let them decide for themselves?

Withdraw troops, hold plebiscite monitored by UN/Pak/Indian observers, and abide by the Kashmiri decision.

It's not that complicated, really, if both India and Pakistan really want to do what's best for the Kashmiri people.
Here's an even more radical plan ..... why doesn't pakistan agree it started it all by being the first agressor in 1947, withdraw from *** with an apology to the people (the UN would be the correct forum I feel), and once that is done, India will withdraw its forces from Kashmir, and then let the people of the entire kashmir decide.

Cheers, Doc

P.S. Good afternoon Gracie.
Ya, Kashmir was independent until Pak attacked and King annexed it to India.
the best solution of indian kashmir - is in kashmiri people's hand.

i tell you give them peace for 2 years give them development like whole india is getting - state will go up like no tomaroww- we have tourism, sports man , land which gives you gold in harvesting, educated people .

then ask them what do they want ??????

these jihadi are not letting that happen - and india and pakistan politics is just takign kashmir as an issue not a people's mother land.

we kashmiri just want peace and prosperity.
A Brief Catalogue of Indian Atrocities in Kashmir

Since 1989, an estimated 40,000 Kashmiris have been killed by the Indian forces stationed in Kashmir. For the last five years the people of the State have intensified their efforts in order to invite the attention of the world community towards the “Kashmir Dispute”, though the people of the State had been fighting for their just cause peacefully for the last forty eight years. Indian Government throughout these four decades has been suppressing the people by illegal use of force, putting them into the jails/ Interrogation centres etc. under draconian laws. Whenever any person demanded holding of ” Plebiscite”, he has been put behind the bars.

The Indian Forces, stationed in Kashmir, have been given a free hand to kill any person they choose. These powers have been given to them under the draconian laws like “Disturbed Areas Act of 1990″ and “Indian Armed Forces Act of 1990″. Indifference shown by world community to the miseries of people, have encouraged and given a free hand to armed forces, to deal with the people, as they like. In October 1992, the Indian Armed forces started to intensify the killing of people immediately after their arrest. These operations have been carried out under the code name of “Operation Tiger”, “Operation Eagle” and “Operation Shiva”. Now the armed forces have resorted to another policy of “Catch and Kill” which means that no sooner a person is taken into custody, within minutes he is brutally tortured and killed . The dead body is then thrown into the street. In other cases, innocent civilians are arrested and taken to border areas where they are shot. The Indian government then publicises that these people were militants killed in armed encounters with the troops.
It is common practice for the paramilitary forces to walk into a quiet village/town and start shooting indiscriminately, killing innocent and unarmed civilians - all under the pretence of crack-down operations against the Freedom-Fighters. In most cases, innocent civilians are killed, women gang-raped and properties set on fire.

Indian armed forces have let loose a reign of terror and are pursuing with the policy of unabated killings, torture and brutal methods of killings in Kashmir State since 1989. Despite the fact that international community and Human Rights Organizations all over the World have registered constant protests against this policy of Indian Government in Kashmir, no change is visible in the acts of repressions and suppression at the hands of forces. In fact the death due to torture and in custody have alarmingly increased.

Many such incidents go un-noticed due to severe restrictions on the movement of people, constant crackdowns, curfews and other repressive measures by the forces. However, the Forum has been able to collect details about some such incidents which are based on personal information, print and electronic media and data collected by Human Rights activists. The officials and armed forces are in the habit of naming such killings as the result of so called encounters. But the fact of the situation is that most of such arrests are made during crackdown operations where people of the area are collected first, bodily searched before their entry in the specified area and then subjected to identification. The arrests of the people are made when such persons are totally unarmed and there is no possibility of any encounter with the forces. Such fake encounters are carved out by the forces in order to save themselves from the wrath of international community and over all public resentment.

Rape and Molestation of Women
Presently, the situation in Kashmir, according to international organiasations & global media has not changed yet very much. It is still alarming and sparking flames in South Asia, that more then seven hundred thousand Indian army deployed in a small 40 -80 square miles area is the heaviest concentration in human history, and its all without any moral, political and legal code. 92 thousand Kashmiris have been killed by the Indian army in 17 years.

Since January 1989 to April 30, 2007:
Total killing. 91,865
Custodial Killing 6,899
Women gang raped & Molested 9,708
Civilian arrested 113,798
Structures arsoned /Destroyed 105,353
Children orphaned 106,930
Women widowed 22,530

The International NGO’s Amnesty International, Human rights watch, Asia watch, Red Cross, Medicine sans frontier and others are not allowed to visit Kashmir. Torture is widespread, particularly in the temporary detention centres; methods of torture include electric shock, prolonged beatings and sexual molestation of innocent women.

Kashmir is a disputed territory. Presently, the ceasefire line between the forces of India and Pakistan has divided Kashmir into two parts. One part is under Indian occupation: this comprises 63% of the whole territory and includes the Vale; it has a population 7.5 million. The other part, with approximately 3 million people, includes Azad Kashmir and the Northern region of Gilgit and Baltistan and is administered by Pakistan. About 1.5 million Kashmiris are refugees in Pakistan, some 400,000 live in Britain, and about 250,000 are scattered around the world. The present arbitrary bifurcation of Kashmir has resulted in the division of thousands of Kashmiri families.

Kashmiris living there have no life safety and human honour. Women are degraded and humiliated, almost 10 thousands women are raped; not only adult women but even eight year old girls are victimised.

Since the Indian government crackdown against Kashmiris in the disputed territory of Kashmir began in earnest in January 1990, security forces and Indian army have used rape as a weapon: to punish, intimidate, coerce, humiliate and degrade. Rape by Indian security forces most often occurs during crackdowns, cordon-and-search operations during which men are held for identification in parks or schoolyards while security forces search their homes. In these situations, the security forces frequently engage in collective punishment against the civilian population by assaulting residents and burning their homes. Rape is used as a means of targeting women to punish and humiliate the entire community. Rape has also occurred frequently during reprisal attacks on civilians. In many of these attacks, the selection of victims is seemingly arbitrary and the women, like other civilians assaulted or killed, are targeted simply because they happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Women who are the victims of rape are often stigmatised, and their testimony and integrity impugned. Social attitudes which cast the woman, and not her attacker, as the guilty party pervade the judiciary, making rape cases difficult to prosecute and leaving women unwilling to press charges.

Government authorities have failed to bring the culprits on record. The normal trend of the Government during these years is to hide the atrocities committed by the Indian armed and paramilitary forces in order to dodge the Amnesty International and the world Human Rights Organization.

Various NGOs and human rights organisations are working for feminism and other civil & social rights, but in my opinion no satisfied work regarding Kashmiri women’s safety and modesty. Women and Children are the victim of the worst human rights violations in this area of armed conflicts and ethnic war. It is crystal clear that sexual violence, which was used to subjugate and destroy a people as a form of ethnic cleansing, was an abhorrent and heinous war crime. These persistent and gross abuses, flagrant denials of the human rights of women and their right to life itself, demanded an urgent response from international human rights bodies.

According to data maintained by a media portal of United Kingdom (UK) on reported cases of rape and molestation in which security forces were allegedly involved, nearly 500 women were raped in various parts of Jammu and Kashmir between1990-1994. Media portal maintains that it has compiled the reports from what was reported by state media. The portal maintains that non-governmental organisations (NGO) hardly took interest in documenting the plight of these silent sufferers of Jammu and Kashmir.

According to a 1994 United Nations publication from 1990 to 1996, 882 women were reportedly gang-raped by security forces in Jammu and Kashmir. But Social Stigma associated with word “Rape” has made work of human rights and women NGOs cumbersome. They say that women are reluctant to come forward. Extra Judicial killings, rapes, custodial killings, kidnappings, burning of houses by Indian security forces within IHK remain a common practice. The whole IHK has risen against the Indian Army and the Armed Forces Special Powers Act AFSPA and POTA that enables the Indian Army to arrest and kill anyone, anytime, anywhere, in a bid to suppress the ongoing Kashmir liberation movement, the Indian authorities have laid a network of torture cells to practice human rights violations. In these torture cells, the worst repressive means such as electric shocks, ironing of sensitive parts of body, are practised against the innocent Kashmiris without caring for the age and health conditions. Besides, the female folk are also taken to these centres where they are reportedly gang-raped for protesting against the Indian brutalities or filing complaints against terrorising of their near and dear ones.

This poverty struck women have nothing to feed their children. Their husbands went missing and they could not even wail over their missing husbands.1000 widows, whose husbands have disappeared but not been proven dead. Their children were killed in front of their eyes and yet they are doing rounds of the government offices to prove that their children were killed in cold blood. The dreaded attack by soldiers and an assault on their honour and body remains in the minds of every woman in Kashmir. The young widows and teenaged orphan girls are facing more problems due to their youth as they are always at danger of getting molested or raped. It is matter of concern that most of the married women face the problem of miscarriages, which is one of the fastest growing problem in the rural and border areas of Kashmir.

These happenings are not confined to Muslims. In the last 16 years the women of Kashmir have had to bear male vengeance in silence and they have been unable to find spare to transcend that. Estimates given by various organisations place widowS between 30 000 to 40 000 and Orphans between 50 000 to 80 000.the raped women are doubly victimised and have to live the rest of their carrying to stamp of stigma in silence.”

The peace process began three years ago between India and Pakistan on Kashmir, and there has been dozens of talks for 60 years, three wars in 1947, 1965 and 1971, thousands of innocent peoples from both sides have been killed. But the end is no where in sight. The United Nations had 6 resolutions passed time to time but justice, and implementation of these resolutions have been delayed.

It is imperative that the United Nations, European Union and Organisation of Islamic Conference and other powers to start the negotiation and mediation with Kashmiri leadership and influential organisations from both sides of Kashmir. Because both countries Pakistan and India have got nuclear capacity because of Kashmir. Political pundits predict cloud of nuclear war is seeing on sky of South Asia clearly. In these difficult circumstances, this dress code edict is simply misplaced, if not a deliberately planted red herring. More pain for the Kashmiri women, thousands of whom have already lost their husbands, sons and loved ones to the bullets and atrocities of the marauding Indian soldiers and many of whom have also fallen victim to sexual defilement.

The European parliament has adopted MEP Emma Nicholson report titled “Kashmir; Present situation and future prospects” on May 25, 2007, by an overwhelming 522 votes in favour to 19 votes against. The report recognised Kashmiris right to self-determination, deploring massive human rights abuses in Jammu & Kashmir, encouraging the Peace process between India and Pakistan and emphasising inclusion of Kashmiris in the Peace process. The Amnesty International released a latest Global report 2007 said in that there is many violence, torture, custodial deaths enforced disappearances and extra-judicial executions continued in Jammu & Kashmir in the year 2006.

Rape in war is not merely a matter of chance nor is it a question of sex. It is rather a question of power and control which is `structured by male soldiers’ notions of their masculine privilege. Kashmir is rising flame, which is increasing speedily. If United Nations, European Union and other world wide NGO’s do not succeeded in finding an acceptable solution with the participation of kashmiris, it will cause disaster for this part of South Asia. World powers and Global Institutions need to understand this burning issue.

The people of Kashmir demand an end to the military occupation of their land. Because they demand what they have been pledged by both India and Pakistan and guaranteed by the United Nations Security Council with the unequivocal endorsement of the United States, demilitrisation of Kashmir and a free plebiscite vote organised impartially.

Every Kashmiri is waiting anxiously for somebody to help attain freedom for them. I am a women so I understand feelings and emotions, inner voice of every Kashmiri woman.

Atrocities On Kashmiri’s - A Catalogue | India-Facts - Dedicated to truth, peace and non-violent freedom of expression
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