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Kargil’s military success was converted into political defeat: Musharraf

Pathetic lie to cover up his military Failure and justification of his Junta Rule.

He long dream of evicting IA from Siachen but failed every time and Kargil being the last,now several peaks are well connected by Roads so that even an APC could reach there.

Here what his deputy Lt Gen Mehmud Ahmad dream of Kargil war

Lt Gen Mehmud Ahmad

“Come October, we shall walk in to Siachen — to mop up the dead bodies of hundreds of Indians left hungry, out in the cold,” Ahmad is quoted as having said during the briefing, adding that “I have Stingers on every peak” to counter the threat of Indian air strikes against Pakistani intruders.

Instead of evicting IA from Siachen, PA end up with 249 unclaim bodies of AL badr Mujahideen , Pak army/NLI

Apart from several Stingers/Anza,MG 3,portable sentry posts and other weapons as war Trophies.
Pakistan still occupies four kargil peaks

Tehelka - The People's Paper
Just 4 ,anyway all 4 are in same sector surrounding by Indian occupied peaks.

But every single Kargil peak belonged to Pakistan before 1971 India occupied it in 1971 and forced you to sign simla agreement.

Occupying those peaks in 71 helped us in annexing Siachin later
Such baat hey, akhir Tehlka Pakistani paper jo hey. :cheesy:
If you don't believe us believe some of your own. I got few Pakistani friends here but none of them have your kind of intelligence. Sometimes its better to accept the truth and move on.
It doesn't mean Kargil was a military success. The number of times Musharraf changed strategy and how ignorant he was about ground realities was really embarrassing.
According to some foreign military observers, it was a classic military operation, lost by clay footed politicians.

Indian newspapers and their public believe--or say they believe--that the conflict in Dras-Kargil last year was a military victory for India. In fact, it was a war 'won' by briefings and a slavishly supportive media. The Indian public wanted to be assured of 'victory,' and every effort was made to provide that assurance. Kargil was disastrous for Pakistan in worldwide political terms, and was an important public relations coup for the Indian government, both internally (in the run-up to the election), and internationally. But militarily it was a shambles for India whose brave but ill-prepared soldiers suffered gravely and would have sustained even heavier casualties had the conflict continued. The prime minister of Pakistan was ordered by the president of the United States to withdraw his troops from a successful military operation and this was done in time to save the Vajpayee government from the wave of criticism that would have swamped it had the confrontation not been stopped.
According to some foreign military observers, it was a classic military operation, lost by clay footed politicians.

Politicians werent in the war-room with General musharraf. It was General Shahid. His views triumphs whatever BS official narrative is given about politicians.
pakistan could have won the war if atleast one general in the "inner circle" was playing devil's advocate ! That's the plain simple truth !

Kargil was failed attempt of PA to regain its territory it lost in 1971.

Infact capturing Kaegil peaks was the biggest award for India in 1971 more than the liberation of BD

Here what Brig. Javed Hussain,Former SSG said

"October 1947, following the announcement of Kashmir’s accession to India, the Gilgit Scouts, a predominantly Muslim force raised by the British for internal security, revolted against the Dogras, and in a series of daring actions in1948 captured Kargil, Drass, Zoji La Pass and Skardu. However, in November 1948, Zoji La Pass and Kargil were recaptured by the Indians while the Kargil heights remained with the Gilgit Scouts.

During the Rann of Kutch conflict, these heights were captured by the Indians for the first time on May 17, 1965, for use as a bargaining counter in the negotiations. As a result of the agreement reached, the heights were returned to Pakistan in June 1965. In the first week of August 1965, Operation Gibraltar was launched. One of the areas used by the infiltrating force was the Kargil heights. To block these routes, the Indians captured the heights for the second time in the third week of August 1965. But after the signing of the Tashkent Agreement, the heights were once again returned to Pakistan.

On the outbreak of war on the western front on December 3, 1971, the INDIANS captured the heights for the THIRD TIME on December 9, 1971. This time, however, they retained the heights in line with the SHIMLA AGREEMENT under which the violable Cease Fire Line (CFL), created in December 1948 on cessation of hostilities in Kashmir, was converted into an inviolable Line of Control (LoC), on the basis of actual possession of territory at the time of the ceasefire in December 1971. When the Indians captured the heights on three different occasions, the Pakistani force that was overwhelmed, consisted mostly of lightly armed, inadequately equipped Karakoram and Gilgit Scouts, both paramilitary outfits"
Back then the Pakistani govt. was trying to resolve issues with India peacefully, doesn't make sense that N.S would have wanted the military to go on for an adventure. And when Mushy came into power he didn't attempted for military action but was rather bent to resolve issues peacefully. This is how i see it. What i don't understand is that why did Musharaf went for the Kargil adventure.

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