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Karakorum - 8 (K-8) | Jet Trainer Aircraft.


Nice pic's thx :)
How will IP beat the Trainee in K-8 , in T-37 they give good punches.:D
huh !
the recoil of that gun, is enough to shatter the whole fuselage in just the first burst !

I said a Gatling gun I didn't say specifically a 30mm Gatling gun. And when a lot of senior members talk about a stealthy version of JF-17 do you think they simply talk about making the current version stealthy ? No certainly it will need design modifications. what i meant was it can be used as a base to build something which can perform a similar role as A-10s.

we needed trainer not a tank buster A 10 is not a trainer sir USA uses other for this not A 10

Does my post say that A-10 is a trainer ? what i understand is K-8 will be a low maintenance and a cheap aircratf which MAY BE used as a close air support platform in Pak Army. plus if you catch me on its not simple then i would say the same what i said before " Yes it will need modifications" . But what i think its not just impossible.
Egyptian Air Force Aerobatics Team with K-8 Karakorum trainer, beautiful video.

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wah ji wah thanks for uploading these pictures!!
I said a Gatling gun I didn't say specifically a 30mm Gatling gun. And when a lot of senior members talk about a stealthy version of JF-17 do you think they simply talk about making the current version stealthy ? No certainly it will need design modifications. what i meant was it can be used as a base to build something which can perform a similar role as A-10s.

Does my post say that A-10 is a trainer ? what i understand is K-8 will be a low maintenance and a cheap aircratf which MAY BE used as a close air support platform in Pak Army. plus if you catch me on its not simple then i would say the same what i said before " Yes it will need modifications" . But what i think its not just impossible.

May be I have lived too much of my life with machines ... so I tend to take things empirically.
I am sorry I don't the machine which looks between the lines and tells me what people ACTUALLY think but don't write.

anyway ....

But a small gun on it ... what for ?

Secondly, how much do you know about aircraft design etc ?
If some thing has to be stealthy then it is designed from square zero to match that requirement.
let me make this crystal clear.
you can not take a jf-17 do some magical "modification" and roll out some thing that even qualifies for stealth.

Every time any one says that, it effectively effectively nullify all schools of engineering and design principles.

I just wish some thing could be done about education back home.
A nice plane~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
We should have our own K-8 Assembly line at PAC and we should build our K-8 on our own and i know that we are getting 25% share on sale of K-8 but only on airframe. Like we are using Honeywell engine we can take license from them to produce engine at PAC and we should build jointly avionics with E.U that can help in JF-17 as well as in K-8. We could develop supplier group in Pakistan through private enterprises or industries(newly built high tech industry) that can provide components as well as material (like carbon fiber) about 50-70% for airframe and 50-60% for engine and PAC would be assembling it at its facility and even if a industry that can produce electric or electronic equipment like some hardware electronics maker could come up that can help to provide PCB(Printing Circuit Boards) or other things to PAC. So in this way we could benefit our own economy as well as expanding our know how about aviation industry. The use of carbon fiber in K-8 & in JF-17 would reduce its weight and even RCS which would make it stealthy against some radars and overall thrust to weight ratio would be increased. And we could produce 100 K-8s (new ones) at PAC other than 12 that we have since 1994 instead of buying it from china and as well as 200-250 JF-17 and may be if GoP has invested in in Dual seater JF-17 (instead of buying L-15s) then we could go for 100-150 Jf-17 Dual seater that can enable a biggest flying school for Muslim World that can take benefit from us and we gain some good money for providing training to Muslim as well as other countries.
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