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Kanpur train accident was a conspiracy from across the border: PM Modi in UP

don't be, genocide is an alien concept to us.
Not exactly , historically the reigion has done a lot.

And there is no being alien to it
The right ideaology and hatred can create conditions for such vile acts anywhere
The amusing thing is India has never won a single war, yet their brainwashed masses spout virulent propaganda, distort history, hand fake medals, concunt fictitious haughty accounts of bravery, to soothe their broken egos. All of which is a figment of their imagination and spin doctors.
The fact remains, hindus were always inferior to the invading Muslims, that ruled over them for centuries and Sikhs alike cannot swallow this bitter pill to date. 1965 was a glorious victory for Pakistan, it really exposed technologically, and numerically superior Indian forces. Moving to 1999, which was and always will be a major military victory, coupled with being an acute political blunder, had the government given the green signal it was curtains for India, make no mistake the the Indians were totally exposed once again in the 'shell-shocked' eyes of the world, those who needed to fathom this victory, had indeed ascertained Pakistan is a indeed a very special country when it comes to the will and the resolve of the people, what a great military they have. Well done Pakistan for showcasing your ability. Shame on the various incumbent governments over the years, which have never failed to disappoint.

To conclude, Pakistan has actually never lost a war to India, Indians know this very well, at least their military does. They do not underestimate Pakistan to this day, 2008, proved once again, India did not fancy it's chances after threatening Pakistan. In recent times India has been thrashed at the border so much so, Indian spin doctors had to be roped in to alleviate the widespread apprehension in the terrorist state of India, once again, and fabricated the comical 'surgical strike', a face saving effort, which failed to impress the international community, given the next to no takers. The world knows, what Pakistan can do. Many Indians will allude to 1971, which doesn't even count, as it was 3-1 situation. Not to mention, Pakistan may have lost Bangladesh, but India has lost Pakistan, Bangladesh, parts of Kashmir and other areas to China. Fact is, it is India who has lost the lost the most territory this century.

Ps. Bollywood is run by Muslims,
Taj Mahal built by Muslims,
Amongst many the many other fabulous Mughal builds, father of the Indian nuclear programme was a muslim. Everything 'good' India has is courtesy of Muslims, the only reason the Arabs and co have a soft spot for the terrorist state of India is because of the very many Indian Muslims. Indians can now rage, all night. Who cares. There's a reason why India has given up on the military option and resorted to funding terrorism instead, the military option never worked previously, it will never work in the present or the future. Pay special attention to the recent report about 4500 dead Indian soldiers past decade or so. Pakistanis keep that chin up. Amazing country, amazing people, amazing military.. Defeated India 3 times (that acute chip will always remain on india's 'wilting' shoulders) Walk with pride Pakistani folks!
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The amusing thing is India has never won a single war, yet their brainwashed masses spout virulent propaganda, distort history, hand fake medals, concunt fictitious haughty accounts of bravery, to soothe their broken egos. All of which is a figment of their imagination and spin doctors.
The fact remains, hindus were always inferior to the invading Muslims, that ruled over them for centuries and Sikhs alike cannot swallow this bitter pill to date. 1965 was a glorious victory for Pakistan, it really exposed technologically, and numerically superior Indian forces. Moving to 1999, which was and always will be a major military victory, coupled with being an acute political blunder, had the government given the green signal it was curtains for India, make no mistake the the Indians were totally exposed once again in the 'shell-shocked' eyes of the world, those who needed to fathom this victory, had indeed ascertained Pakistan is a indeed a very special country when it comes to the will and the resolve of the people, what a great military they have. Well done Pakistan for showcasing your ability. Shame on the various incumbent governments over the years, which have never failed to disappoint.

To conclude, Pakistan has actually never lost a war to India, Indians know this very well, at least their military does. They do not underestimate Pakistan to this day, 2008, proved once again, India did not fancy it's chances after threatening Pakistan. In recent times India has been thrashed at the border so much so, Indian spin doctors had to be roped in to alleviate the widespread apprehension in the terrorist state of India, once again, and fabricated the comical 'surgical strike', a face saving effort, which failed to impress the international community, given the next to no takers. The world knows, what Pakistan can do. Many Indians will allude to 1971, which doesn't even count, as it was 3-1 situation. Not to mention, Pakistan may have lost Bangladesh, but India has lost Pakistan, Bangladesh, parts of Kashmir and other areas to China. Fact is, it is India who has lost the lost the most territory this century.

Ps. Bollywood is run by Muslims,
Taj Mahal built by Muslims,
Amongst many the many other fabulous Mughal builds, father of the Indian nuclear programme was a muslim. Everything 'good' India has is courtesy of Muslims, the only reason the Arabs and co have a soft spot for the terrorist state of India is because of the very many Indian Muslims. Indians can now rage, all night. Who cares. There's a reason why India has given up on the military option and resorted to funding terrorism instead, the military option never worked previously, it will never work in the present or the future. Pay special attention o the recent report about 4500 dead Indian soldiers past decade or so. Pakistanis keep that chin up. Amazing country, amazing people, amazing military.. Defeated India 3 times (that acute chip will always remain on india's 'wilting' shoulders) Walk with pride Pakistani folks!

Hi ; what was your Earlier ID ; you sound familiar
Not exactly , historically the reigion has done a lot.

And there is no being alien to it
The right ideaology and hatred can create conditions for such vile acts anywhere
Not in a nation of bean counters. It's all talk no game.
The amusing thing is India has never won a single war, yet their brainwashed masses spout virulent propaganda, distort history, hand fake medals, concunt fictitious haughty accounts of bravery, to soothe their broken egos. All of which is a figment of their imagination and spin doctors.
The fact remains, hindus were always inferior to the invading Muslims, that ruled over them for centuries and Sikhs alike cannot swallow this bitter pill to date. 1965 was a glorious victory for Pakistan, it really exposed technologically, and numerically superior Indian forces. Moving to 1999, which was and always will be a major military victory, coupled with being an acute political blunder, had the government given the green signal it was curtains for India, make no mistake the the Indians were totally exposed once again in the 'shell-shocked' eyes of the world, those who needed to fathom this victory, had indeed ascertained Pakistan is a indeed a very special country when it comes to the will and the resolve of the people, what a great military they have. Well done Pakistan for showcasing your ability. Shame on the various incumbent governments over the years, which have never failed to disappoint.

To conclude, Pakistan has actually never lost a war to India, Indians know this very well, at least their military does. They do not underestimate Pakistan to this day, 2008, proved once again, India did not fancy it's chances after threatening Pakistan. In recent times India has been thrashed at the border so much so, Indian spin doctors had to be roped in to alleviate the widespread apprehension in the terrorist state of India, once again, and fabricated the comical 'surgical strike', a face saving effort, which failed to impress the international community, given the next to no takers. The world knows, what Pakistan can do. Many Indians will allude to 1971, which doesn't even count, as it was 3-1 situation. Not to mention, Pakistan may have lost Bangladesh, but India has lost Pakistan, Bangladesh, parts of Kashmir and other areas to China. Fact is, it is India who has lost the lost the most territory this century.

Ps. Bollywood is run by Muslims,
Taj Mahal built by Muslims,
Amongst many the many other fabulous Mughal builds, father of the Indian nuclear programme was a muslim. Everything 'good' India has is courtesy of Muslims, the only reason the Arabs and co have a soft spot for the terrorist state of India is because of the very many Indian Muslims. Indians can now rage, all night. Who cares. There's a reason why India has given up on the military option and resorted to funding terrorism instead, the military option never worked previously, it will never work in the present or the future. Pay special attention to the recent report about 4500 dead Indian soldiers past decade or so. Pakistanis keep that chin up. Amazing country, amazing people, amazing military.. Defeated India 3 times (that acute chip will always remain on india's 'wilting' shoulders) Walk with pride Pakistani folks!

You need to see a Shrink for your Psychological problems
Not in a nation of bean counters. It's all talk no game.
I doubt it, bean counting works until there are beans to count
For those that have no beans, they need something to do
I don't know about you, but I'll be very nervous when 1.3b people are being marched to their inevitable doom on the hands of a mad man who happens to be extremely dumb, full of hatred, and sadistic. Specially when that nation shares a 3000 km border with mine.

correct, you do not know about me.
and in correct - the 1.3b are quite safe and happy with or without any mad men.

Nervous about a country who has never won a war on it's own accord? Your entire history is filled with misery-laden military misadventures. Whooped by Pakistan in every single conflict and then China had you begging for mercy. 1971 was 3 on 1, thus by default doesn't even count. Now if you would be so inclined, and do us all a favour- go finish your plate of locusts.

wipe that foam of you ...your idiocy is showing through your impotent anger.
I really thought that you lived in USA

My Bad ; you are just a False flagger

They are doing such an excellent job themselves

WHY would we disturb them anyway

UK, thanks. I'll adjust it in a sec. Thanks for pointing that out, princess.
You need to see a Shrink for your Psychological problems
Its the mads ones that think the whole world is mad...

Anyways back to topic, Prime suspect Shamsul Hoda has confessed he was behind the failed ghorasan train bombing which caused no damage but added that he was not involved in Kuneru or Kanpur train accidents.


Both probe panel and Police have found no evidence of sabotage.



We have won every war and conflict we fought with you.
Does the gaint bunny who visits u at night tell u that, did he molest u??, my concern in genuine, u see i run a shelter for little molested dravidian boys...
Can someone please explain why they think India didn't win the Indo-Pak wars?

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