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"Kahsmir Hour" around the world

Kashmir Solidarity Day was observed in Pakistani embassies and commissions all over the world
August 30, 2019
Islamabad, Pakistan: To send a strong message to the Kashmiris that the whole nation stands behind them in these testing times, all embassies and missions of Pakistan abroad observed Kashmir Solidarity Day here today.

One of the most impressive event was arranged by High Commission for Pakistan, Canada.

One of the most impressive event was arranged by High Commission for Pakistan, Canada.
The High Commission’s officers, officials and community leaders joined together to observe “Kashmir Hour” from 1200 pm to 1230 pm. National Anthems of Pakistan and Azad Jammu and Kashmir were played to mark the event.

High Commissioner Raza Bashir Tarar briefly addressed the gathering and said that today the Pakistanis, across the globe, are standing with our Kashmiri brethren who are going through a very tough time. He said that international community should take notice of sufferings of the Kashmiri people at the hands of Indian occupation forces. Participants of the event held placards condemning human rights situation in occupied Kashmir.

Meanwhile, Pakistan Embassy in Tashkent, Uzbekistan also held an impressive gathering of staff
Meanwhile, Pakistan Embassy in Tashkent, Uzbekistan also held an impressive gathering of staff, having Kashmiri flags in their hands and showing their unbeatable support to Kashmiris of Indian Occupied Kashmir.

Ambassador Dr. Irfan Yusuf Shami explained to participants that Pakistan would stand with Kashmiris at all cost and Indian genocide in IoK would be shared with whole world by Pakistani diplomats.

Kashmir Hour Observed In Canada

2 hours ago Fri 30th August 2019 | 11:10 PM
ISLAMABAD, (APP - UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 30th Aug, 2019 ) :To send a strong message to the Kashmiris that the whole nation stands behind them in these testing times, the High Commission for Pakistan, Canada observed Kashmir Hour on Friday.

The High Commission's officers, officials, and community leaders joined together to observe ' Kashmir Hour' from 1200 pm to 1230 pm.

National anthems of Pakistan and Azad Jammu and Kashmir were played to mark the event, a message reaching here from Ottawa said.

High Commissioner Raza Bashir Tarar briefly addressed the gathering and said that today the Pakistanis, across the globe, are standing with our Kashmiris brethren who are going through a very tough time.

He said the international community should take notice of suffering of the Kashmiri people at the hands of Indian occupation forces.

Participants of the event held placards condemning human rights situation in occupied Kashmir.

‘Kashmir Hour’ observed in New Delhi, Paris, Jeddah, Tokyo


ISLAMABAD: Pakistani and Kashmiri communities on Friday observed “Kashmir Hour” in various cities and capitals around the world.

According to dispatches, a walk was held at the Pakistan High Commission in New Delhi to express solidarity with the Kashmiri people in which all diplomats, staff members and their families participated. Banners and slogans calling for rights of the people of Kashmir were raised on the occasion.

Pakistan’s Acting High commissioner Syed Haider Shah in his address to the participants said, “the peaceful demonstration was a message for the international community to fulfil promises they had made to the Kashmiri people.” He said Pakistan would continue to extend diplomatic, political and moral support to the people of Kashmir until they get all their rights including the right to self-determination.

Speaking to the Pakistani community in Paris, Pakistan’s ambassador to France, Moin ul Haque reiterated “the resolve of the government and the people of Pakistan to stand shoulder to shoulder with the Kashmiri people and to continue Pakistan’s political, diplomatic and moral support for their cause.” He called on the international community and the permanent members of the United National Security Council to take notice of the blatant human rights violations in Indian Occupied Kashmir (IOK).

Pakistan Consulate in Jeddah also observed Friday as Kashmir Solidarity Day to express solidarity with the people of IOK and to show their resolve to provide all political, diplomatic and moral assistance to the Kashmiri people.

Pakistan’s ambassador to Saudi Arabia, Raja Ali Ejaz while speaking to the participants said: “The day was a manifestation of the resolve that (the) Pakistani nation would not remain silent until Kashmiris achieve their right to self-determination.”

A gathering was also held at Pakistan Embassy in Tokyo from 12:00 am to 12:30 pm. The congregation carried flags of Pakistan and Azad Jammu and Kashmir. Ambassador Imtiaz Ahmed while speaking to the gathering said, “through inhuman and barbaric actions, the Indian government cannot suppress the righteous demand of the Kashmiri people.”


Pak community of France expressed solidarity with Kashmiris
By Uploader
-August 30, 2019

APP89-30 PARIS: August 30 – Ambassador of Pakistan to France Moin ul Haque addressing during an event to observe “Kashmir Hour” to express their solidarity with the people of Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir. APP
PARIS, Aug 30 (APP):Notables of the Pakistani and Kashmiri communities and the members of the Embassy of Pakistan to France, Friday observed the “Kashmir Hour” to express solidarity with the people of Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IoJ&K).

According to Pakistan embassy, the Ambassador of Pakistan to France, Moin ul Haque on this occasion reiterated the resolve of the government and the people of Pakistan to stand shoulder to shoulder with the people of Kashmir and to continue Pakistan’s political, diplomatic and moral support for their cause.

He reminded them of Prime Minister Imran Khan’s pledge that he would now act as their Ambassador and fight their cause at all international forums.

He called upon the international community especially permanent members of the United Nations Security Council to take notice of the blatant human rights violations in IoJ&K, which is the heaviest militarized zone in the world, and play their role in resolution of the longstanding Kashmir dispute in accordance with the UNSC resolution and aspirations of the Kashmiri people.

Pakistani, Kashmiri Community In Belgium Expresses Solidarity With Kashmiris

2 hours ago Sat 31st August 2019 | 12:03 AM

Pakistani and Kashmiri community residing in Belgium and Luxembourg on Friday joined in large numbers,with the national spirit,in an event organized by the Embassy of Pakistan in Brussels and expressed support to the cause of Kashmir emphatically

ISLAMABAD, (APP - UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 30th Aug, 2019 ) :Pakistani and Kashmiri community residing in Belgium and Luxembourg on Friday joined in large numbers,with the national spirit,in an event organized by the Embassy of Pakistan in Brussels and expressed support to the cause of Kashmir emphatically.

At the noon,national anthems of Pakistan and Azad Jammu and Kashmir were played, followed by national songs, a message reaching here said.

People chanted slogans for freedom of Kashmir and condemned Indian fascism in IOK that has led to human rights violations of worst kind in the past three weeks.

The acting Ambassador of Pakistan Nauman Bashir Bhatti thanked the community for participating with great fervour to express solidarity with the people of Kashmir.

He informed that, as Pakistan continues its moral, diplomatic and political support to Kashmiri People's right to self-determination, such events will be organized on regular basis in future as well. In her speech, 7 years old Maham Sohail drew world's attention to human rights violations in Kashmir particularly referring to plight of young children who were being deprived of food, medicine and education as the Indian forces continue to impose curfew.

Pakistan Embassy in Tokyo Observes Kashmir Solidarity Hour
August 30, 2019
TOKYO, Japan: In order to express solidarity with Kashmiri people, a gathering was held at the Pakistan Embassy in Tokyo from 12:00 pm to 12:30 pm on Friday.

The congregation carried the flags of Pakistan and Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) whereas the national anthems of Pakistan and Azad Jammu and Kashmir were also recited.

Speaking on the occasion, Pakistan’s Ambassador to Japan Imtiaz Ahmad referred to the continued egregious human rights violations being committed in Indian occupied Kashmir (IOK) by the Indian government and its security forces in the after math of India’s unilateral and illegal actions in IOK earlier this month.


The ambassador underlined the efforts of government of Pakistan in the unfolding situation which included Prime Minister of Pakistan Imran Khan’s active engagements with leaders of various countries, emergency meeting of United Nations Security Council to discusses situation in IOK after 50 years on Pakistan’s request, statements issued by OIC showing deep concerns on the current situation and Pakistan’s decision to take the matter to the International Court of Justice.

Imtiaz Ahmad added that through inhuman and barbaric actions, the Indian government could not suppress the righteous demand of the Kashmiri people.

Ambassador Imtiaz Ahmad reaffirmed Pakistan’s continued moral, political and diplomatic support to the inalienable right of Kashmiri people and efforts to internationalize the issue with full zeal.

The event added with prayers for emancipation of Kashmiri people from brutal aggression of the Indian government and success in realizing their goal to achieve self-determination.

Solidarity observed with Kashmiri Muslims in Iran
August 30, 2019
TEHRAN, Iran: The Embassy of Pakistan in Tehran and Pakistan Consulates in Mashhad and Zahidan observed solidarity with Muslims of Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IOK) on Friday in support for their cause of right to self-determination and against the Indian government’s decision to revoke special autonomous status of Jammu and Kashmir.

Large banners with condemnation remarks on the recent act of repealing of special status of Jammu & Kashmir including message of Iranian Supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei supporting people of Jammu & Kashmir were installed at the Embassy and Consulate buildings in Tehran, Mashhad and Zahidan.

The Pakistani Community in Iran through displaying banners send a strong message to Kashmiris that they stand resolutely behind them and reiterate that the Kashmir issue must be resolved according to the wishes of Kashmiri people and the United Nations Security Council resolutions.

Huge crowds in Pakistan have backed the Khan's call for a nationwide protest for Kashmir cause - Watch Aljazeera's report

CNN - Pakistan brought to a standstill for 'Kashmir hour' demonstrations
(CNN) Pakistanis brought the nation to a standstill at midday Friday as they gathered for "Kashmir hour" to show their solidarity with the disputed region, after India stripped the state of Jammu and Kashmir of its autonomy and reclassified it as a union territory earlier this month.

India's move was highly contentious and one that will give the government in New Delhi greater authority over the disputed Muslim-majority region.

The national anthems of both Pakistan and Kashmir blared across TV and radio stations on Friday, according to Reuters, and traffic and trains were brought to a halt as people gathered between 12 p.m. and 12:30 p.m. local time.

Pakistani policemen and commuters shout anti-Indian slogans during a traffic stoppage in Karachi on August 30.

"Today, entire Pakistan, whether they are school children, college students, shopkeepers, labors or employees, all have gathered to show solidarity with people of Indian Occupied J&K," Pakistan's government tweeted Friday.


Govt of Pakistan


Today, entire Pakistan, whether they are school children, college students, shopkeepers, labors or employees, all have gathered to show solidarity with people of Indian Occupied J&K.#KashmirHour


6:05 AM - Aug 30, 2019
Twitter Ads info and privacy
y's event is to let Kashmiris know that the nation is standing with Kashmiris through thick and thin," Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan told demonstrators at a rally in Islamabad, a video of which was also posted on his official Facebook page.

"The message today that will go across the world is that till Kashmiris are given their independence, we the Pakistani nation are standing with them and will continue to do so."

Khan added that he will fight the case of Kashmir on every forum until India releases control of the region.

Pakistani demonstrators burn an effigy of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi during an anti-India protest rally in Peshawar.

He also tweeted about the event Thursday, calling on all Pakistanis to participate.

"We must send a strong message to Kashmiris that our nation stands resolutely behind them," Khan wrote. "So I am asking all Pakistanis for half an hour tomorrow stop whatever you are doing & come out on the road to show solidarity with the Kashmiri people."


Imran Khan


· Aug 29, 2019

I want all Pakistanis to come out tomorrow 12 noon -12.30 pm to show solidarity with the Kashmiri people and send the Kashmiris in IOK a clear message that the entire Pakistani nation stands in solidarity with them & against Indian fascist oppression, the inhumane 24-day curfew,

Imran Khan


the daily injuring & killing of Kashmiri civilians, incl women & children - all part of the ethnic cleansing agenda of the Modi Govt. & it's illegal annexation of IOK. The plan to change demography of IOK is a war crime under 4th Geneva Convention.

Article 370, revoked on August 5, granted the state of Jammu and Kashmir -- which encompasses the area of the disputed Kashmir region controlled by India -- special status, including the power to have its own constitution, flag and autonomy over all matters, save for certain policy areas such as foreign affairs and defense.

It's been the epicenter of an often-violent territorial struggle between India and Pakistan, as both nuclear-armed neighbors claim it in its entirety.

Now that the Indian government has scrapped the region's special status, non-residents will be able to buy property in the valley and apply for jobs or scholarships that had previously been reserved for the state's residents.

Experts say the move -- which was a campaign promise made by Prime Minister Narendra Modi'sHindu nationalist BJP party -- could now open the way for a steady demographic change in the country's only Muslim-majority state.

In the lead-up to the revocation of Article 370, tens of thousands of troops were sent into the state by India and internet and phone services were cut off. A near-total communications blackout was imposed throughout the region for the majority of August.


Pakistan brought to a standstill for 'Kashmir hour' demonstrations
Pakistanis brought the nation to a standstill at midday Friday as they gathered for "Kashmir hour" to show their solidarity with the disputed region, after India stripped the state of Jammu and Kashmir of its autonomy and reclassified it as a union territory earlier this month.
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