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'Kabul is less conservative than Pakistani cities'

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Explained and Ahmad is fed up here he told me it's a waste of time talking to walls!

As if he was sent an invitation to join! Be it walls, better to avail the opportunity to convince Afghan Taliban than banging head against so-called walls here.
Besides, now since sanity has prevailed in Afghanistan why don't Afghan refugees go back home and enjoy liberal environment there? No point living in conservative Pakistan!
I don't want my country to follow the definition of "Liberalism" taught to us by west. Period :drag:
The truth taste bitter, you should try digesting some superiority from Afghanistan now! The journalist have made the right conclusion of his visits to Kabul and cities in Pakistan so what's a big deal about it?

the journalist has been paid to blow some sunshine up your arse as NATO ( of which Germany is apart of ) has sunk 10s of millions in this gutter with very little real progress to show for and you are happy with just that

Kabul is like a open gutter where there is an ever present stink in the air

More so if the journalist thinks that Kabul is better why is he living in the safety of Islamabad ? he can go live in Kabul if he feels better being there

As such , his stance is self-contradictory
I dont understand why Afghans have such a grudge against us? they are very thankless people indeed. About 3 million of theirs are still in Pakistan and yet their ungratefulness is spectacular.

Afghan blaming Pakistan is nothing but denial. They were the ones who started infighting. They plunged their country into civil war.

Afghanistan was the only country in 1947 which did not recognize Pakistan. So Pakistan always had serious reservations to their attitude towards us. We never had anything sinister against them because they are our brothers and our relationship with them transcend centuries what to talk about physical borders!

When the civil war broke out, Pakistan had to take sides. With the history we had with them of constant acrimony, Pakistan had to fend for its interests there. Blaming Pakistan is a serious flaw in Afghan thinking.

I know Kabul is a very progressive city. I know because my uncles used to visit Kabul in early and mid seventies. The city was much more 'liberal' than Pakistani cities. But Pakistan is no way backward or in dark ages as the original post makes it out to be.

Like everywhere, Pakistan has its social problems too but Afghanistan has more of them because of constant conflict for the past three decades.

I wish you Afghans well and pray for peace and prosperity of your country. But just dont be so ungrateful as you always have been. you need to change your attitude towards Pakistan.

Buddy it's not about ungratefulness it is just an article from a German sitting in Islamabad about something positive in Afghanistan nothing serious and I do admire your thoughts :)
That has been tried before but they will fail to see their support in it and will directly label me Indian agent because most of infrastructure is being constructed by our partners who Pakistanis hate and consider them their enemies! hola that thread will be a troll feast just like this one.

These people are born to be in an acute state of denial as long as they live so why to give ourselves headache?

I look at this as an effort to educate not the Pakistanis, but those audiences on the web that do not live within the subcontinent and think of Afghanistan as a black hole...mainly because all they hear is about death and destruction happening in your country as a result of war and niche media coverage...
Frankly, someone needs to build a positive image, an inspiration that not only brings foreign investment through hope but also makes ethnic Afghans around the world want to contribute to a positive development back home...eg. The donated German buses.
Your country needs more efforts of such nature.

Im not saying that PDF which has merely 30K+ members and minimal traffic when compared to other sites/forums is going to be a game changer, but do not leave any stone unturned..

BUT Most importantly....lets the audience see for themselves where Afghanistan is heading to even through its rough phase (I as an Indian having never visited Afghanistan would love to see what our Government has been doing through its soft efforts in your country)...and especially dont let some Pakistanis and even some Indians spread propoganda about your country...
You with a vested interest must ensure that you defend your country against such rubbish....Which I think you have been doing a very good job of..
I think thats one of the reasons I come back here...so I know that we dont let propoganda against our countries go unanswered.
That has been tried before but they will fail to see their support in it and will directly label me Indian agent because most of infrastructure is being constructed by our partners who Pakistanis hate and consider them their enemies! hola that thread will be a troll feast just like this one.

These people are born to be in an acute state of denial as long as they live so why to give ourselves headache?

bravo... Sher malang bravo. So when every afghan blame pakistan, does it mean they are born to be in an acute state of denial as long as they live? Because it's your own people who invited russia, it's your own peole who killed each other after russia left and those turmoil started to affect Pakistan. ?

That has been tried before but they will fail to see their support in it and will directly label me Indian agent because most of infrastructure is being constructed by our partners who Pakistanis hate and consider them their enemies! hola that thread will be a troll feast just like this one.

These people are born to be in an acute state of denial as long as they live so why to give ourselves headache?

bravo... Sher malang bravo. So when every afghan blame pakistan, does it mean they are born to be in an acute state of denial as long as they live? Because it's your own people who invited russia, it's your own peole who killed each other after russia left and those turmoil started to affect Pakistan. ?
Buddy it's not about ungratefulness it is just an article from a German sitting in Islamabad about something positive in Afghanistan nothing serious and I do admire your thoughts :)

Ignore any insulting comments here. I know Afghans are very proud people whose bravery and loyalty has a very long history admired and appreciated in urdu prose and poetry. So you are very close to our hearts.

May Allah help us bridge our petty differences. Ameen.
Well then tell your friend not to start a topic that you don't wish to discuss . At least i don't claim to know everything about Pakistan like you guys do about India without knowing $hit.
No one commented on indian history.

We're just discussing the present.

@all indian members
Listen, indians, don't be so shy to ask Afghans for a replacement for your bollywood's Khan's, i''m sure Afghans are willing to accommodate.
Ignore any insulting comments here. I know Afghans are very proud people whose bravery and loyalty has a very long history admired and appreciated in urdu prose and poetry. So you are very close to our hearts.

May Allah help us bridge our petty differences. Ameen.

Ameen, thanks dude with this post I quit and going to sleep will continue tomorrow inshAllah!
I'm cancelling my las vegas trip. Going to kabul next summer ;)
Welcome to fabulous Afghanistan ! :cheesy:

dude dont make fun! indians have helped kabul to become less conservative, even sunil shitty goes to kabul now for fun. And if sher malang shows development pics, our arrses will be on fire as we can not tolerate made in india kabul. Respect KAbul!.

I hope i can meet the daughter of mayor of kabul now in current scenario ;)
come on guys there is no point in arguing with or convincing anyone especially the afghanis here...our 30 years of hospitality and favours couldnt convince them,nothing more should be expected more from these people.....
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