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Justice Iftikhar Chaudhry restored as Chief Justice of Pakistan


Mar 6, 2008
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Justice Iftikhar Chaudhry restored as Chief Justice of Pakistan

Monday, March 16, 2009

Justice Iftikhar Chaudhry restored as Chief Justice of Pakistan
ISLAMABAD: In a historic address to the nation, Prime Minister Syed Yousuf Raza Gilani announced on Monday to restore the deposed Chief Justice of Pakistan, Justice Iftikhar Mohammad Chaudhry.

The prime minister also pledged that the government would steer the country out of the numerous domestic and international challenges facing it. The prime minister said that after consultations with all political forces of the country and President Asif Ali Zardari, the government has decided to restore all deposed judges including Justice Iftikahr Muhammad Chaudhry as Chief Justice of Pakistan who will assume charge on March 21. The current Chef Justice Abdul Hameed Dogar retires on March 21.

"I announce today that Iftikhar Chaudhry and all other deposed judges will be reinstated from March 21," he said in his televised address to the nation.

The current supreme court chief justice will retire on that date, allowing Chaudhry to take over, the premier said. He said that a notification for the reinstatement of the deposed chief justice would also be issued. The prime minister urged all the political forces and lawyers to work for the solidarity and welfare of the country.

Gilani said the country is standing at a critical moment. He said that no country could make progress without political tolerance and co-existence.

Speaking about the struggle for the independence of judiciary, the PM said that the lawyers and the PPP had been together for the cause of justice and democracy.

He said that Shaheed Mohtrama Benazir Bhutto actively participated in the lawyers struggle for the restoration of deposed judges. “Benazir Bhutto wanted free judiciary and supremacy of the constitution and she had promised for his restoration. PPP respects the educated segment of the society”, Gilani added.

Gilani said the federal government would file a review petition against the disqualification of the Sharif brothers. “I invite Sharif brothers to come forward to work together in the light of the Charter of democracy”.
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Justice Iftikhar Chaudhry will take over as Chief Justice of Pakistan on 21 March. Justice Abdul Hameed dogar retires as CJ of Pakistan on 21 March.
It has never been clear to me why this wasn't done months ago.

After Iftikhar Chaudry takes over as Chief Justice of Pakistan, A lot of things would clear out why Zardari didn't want him to be restored. It's only a matter of time.
Yes but is this the 2nd November justice setup or just the addition of another 4 judges
Yes but is this the 2nd November justice setup or just the addition of another 4 judges

thats a very gud question... gov still needs to answer this question

but anyways this was a victory for the ppl of pakistan.... it was ppl who forced gov to change their stance and not any broker though there were many pressure groups
Some victory all I hear on every channel is aya aya sher aya which in itself is good news for me though I personally would like a more definitive news since I am awake at 1:30 am with absolutely no justifiable excuse. Justifiable to my lecturers at university
thats a very gud question... gov still needs to answer this question

but anyways this was a victory for the ppl of pakistan.... it was ppl who forced gov to change their stance and not any broker though there were many pressure groups

Let's not forget that Nawaz Shareef was truly the one who lead the people "Right" this time. His historic speeches and call for unity between parties and people against Zardari's unfulfilled promises is what made this true today. It was also the first time when someone specifically asked the women of Pakistan to join them in their struggle.

He has clearly shown Zardari who's got the upper hand in "Professional Politics". Way to go!
I think that before the Dogar CJ goes he will use NRO to save Nawaz and Shahbaz, government will present it itself and then the PML(N) will be in the same loop and no one will file against NRo Zardari may use this scheme to save his political future.
Mr. Chaudhry may have made some promises about what he would do, with respect to Zardari and the Sharifs, before his reinstatement was agreed. Time will tell. Anyway, Zardari has lot's of money in Switzerland to live a very, very, very comfortable life ........
Mr. Chaudhry may have made some promises about what he would do, with respect to Zardari and the Sharifs, before his reinstatement was agreed. Time will tell. Anyway, Zardari has lot's of money in Switzerland to live a very, very, very comfortable life ........

I dont know about Swiss but I have witnessed that Zardari Has Alot of Money, In US Also and for more news my mouth is Shut.
Congratulation to people of Pakistan for their Victory. :cheers:
Let's hope this will help the Judiciary to be impartial, which is one of the most important institutions of any country.
Zardari again outfoxed them!!

What a BS agreement, long march should not end!

1. Chaudhary will not be reinstated till 22nd March. This means that he would SUCCEED Dogar, not replace him. This means there is no nullification of the PCO that musharraf imposed, this means, this is an acceptance of the PCO.

2. All of the above, plus when he said "We wanted to reinstate the judges as per Benazir's wishes, but since Dogar was already there and no one wanted to remove a judge, so we had to wait". With this statement the 30-40 recent appointments as judges would not be removed. These 30-40 judges are... well I don't want to invoke contempt of court on me but you get what I wanted to say about them!

3. They called off long march and said they would work with parliament now! Nothing has changed. CJ will get a ceremonial position thats it!
Well Ch. Iftikhar has been restored to the post of CJ of Pakistan. Now whether I like it or not but this is the reality.

First of all, congratulations to all of those who supported Ch. Iftikhar and Nawaz Sharif.

So what is next?

As a Pakistani, my humble suggestions to the chief justice of Pakistan are as follows:

Understand the expectations of your supporters and then decide if they are going to benefit Pakistan and Pakistanis or not.
For example, going on a revenge spree will not benefit Pakistan. If Musharraf or others are targeted then trust me there will be cases against NS and others at all level.

Second, please refrain yourself from any kind of political favouritisms. This is going to be tough as you have tasted fame and popularity but try your level best otherwise your supporters will be disappointed.

Third and most important – LIBERATE JUDICIARY!

The only way is to increase salaries from peon to the CJ level so that no one has to look for bribes.
I don’t mean a rupees 2000 increase; I would suggest increase in income and great benefits.

You may want to take the entire pay and benefits structure of Pakistan Army as an example, get the budget approved and then implement that structure for Pakistan’s judiciary.

While you were CJ, bribes were still common practice in our judicial systems so this should be your most important target.

CJ sahib you have this opportunity to work for the betterment of Judiciary, please don’t throw it away.
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