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JF17 now maritime strike role


That has happened thru BAD PLANNING---BAD MANAGEMENT---. Just like you start saving a little by a little when you don't make a lot---same way---you must buy a little by a little when you cannot afford a lot.

That is where the paf has failed miserably---. Only between 2002 and 2005 we had the cash to buy 72 F16's or 50 Rafales---or 60 Mirage 2 k's.

Posters say that the maintenance on the Rafales & Mirage 2K's is heavy---very heavy---.

So---I am going to share with you KID'S the Car salesman's tip for doing the thing right---so that the PROGRESS IS MADE AT ALL TIMES.

So---instead of buying 50 rafels or 60 M2k----buy 40 rafales or 50 M2k's.

The 650---750 million dollars that you have----put it in a 10 years fixed deposit income scheme---.

At 6% interest rate---what would that bring--$36 million a year---would that have sufficed to do the yearly upkeep of 42 Rafales / 50 Mirage2k9's

See---it was the dumbest & the most stupidest and & the most brainless thing to do----to not buy these aircraft because the maintenance and operating costs were too high----.

Remember----for astronomical problems---there are always simple solutions----simple so simple that they are simple stupid.

The idiots---these moron---these dumb fcks had cash for the 72 F16's---. These dumbo gave away that cash to charity from where it was completely stolen.

The last thing a warrior does is to give away its funds to procure a weapon for charity----they would sell their houses and properties to buy weapons----and our morons just give it away when a monster is lurking at our doors.

With all this hold up and indecision----we got nothing---because like EVERY PAKISTANI here---WE TALK ABOUT PROBLEMS----every old fa-rt talks about maintenance is expensive---price is expensive---utility is expensive----but no one has the brains to TALK ABOUT SOLUTIONS.

As a nation---that is your INHERENT problem----because you do not know how to find solutions---you people are clueless what the TERM " SOLUTIONS " is.

@Khafee @Indus Falcon @Irfan Baloch

so with GDP of 120 billion dollars, do you realistically thought PAF would have raised 6 billion dollars for 72 F-16s(the original plan that was reduced to 3.2 billion dollars deal). reality is even the 3.2 billion was paid with very difficulty and no we didnt had cash, the cash never came up. it was thought that may be we will have cash
it is wrong to think that we redirected funds to earth quake victims, it never happened, most of the money came from loans and foreign funding for that

what really happened was Pakistan never really won diplomatically to make USA fund the project or pakistan never really developed economically what mushi thought we would

yes at any time we can raise even 10s of billion $ but again will it be justified in todays dynamics..the answer is obviously no, as they are so many other things that are as important..i am talking baout power, health and education

@MastanKhan you have always looked things in two dimensions, never really thought about the 3rd dimension
so with GDP of 120 billion dollars, do you realistically thought PAF would have raised 6 billion dollars for 72 F-16s(the original plan that was reduced to 3.2 billion dollars deal). reality is even the 3.2 billion was paid with very difficulty and no we didnt had cash, the cash never came up. it was thought that may be we will have cash
it is wrong to think that we redirected funds to earth quake victims, it never happened, most of the money came from loans and foreign funding for that

what really happened was Pakistan never really won diplomatically to make USA fund the project or pakistan never really developed economically what mushi thought we would

yes at any time we can raise even 10s of billion $ but again will it be justified in todays dynamics..the answer is obviously no, as they are so many other things that are as important..i am talking baout power, health and education

@MastanKhan you have always looked things in two dimensions, never really thought about the 3rd dimension


Every year since the sanctions---money went into a piggy bank for the aircraft to be purchase after sanctions would come off.

Then there were funds made available from those who have always funded our causes.

Guy the Air chief Marshall is on record stating that they donated the money for the F16's to earthquake relief----. There have been many other instances of retd air force senior officers claiming it on tv multiple times.

Power health education will be meaningless if you don't have a strong air force---.

If you did not have the ability to recognize that after the cancellation of the 72 F16's---then that is your problem.

The enemy will never let you settle now to bring stability to the field of education---hospitals----industry----every aspect of growth has been severely sabotaged by the enemy since the last 10 + years---.

You can look at whatever dimension that you want to---but the bottomline is that the air force made us believe that they had the resource to procure 72 aircraft before the earthquake and it changed after that.

It is not my problem to justify the after effects of the SOB STORY.
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this thread is definitely v informative..
breath-taking argument analysis and some serious thoughts by members.....:close_tema::close_tema:
Mig29 is a much heavier plane and need two engines, the fuel for second engine also adds more weight and heavier the load higher the consumption

Wrong calculation. With double engine, the thrust is high, but you don't pull the full throttle in the whole flight profile and donnot represent twice the range with a single engine, because for a single engine, to generate the same thrust/or comparative thrust, you need higher throttle.

The other advantage of Twin Engine is

1. STOL -- Short take off distance -- MIG-29 can airborne in 200 Mt.

2. Better thrust -- Gives advantage in close combat maneuvour

3. More Safety -- Failure of one engine but plane could be flown and landed with single engine.

4. Bigger Fuserlarge and strong Airframe due to KEEL.
Mig29 is a much heavier plane and need two engines, the fuel for second engine also adds more weight and heavier the load higher the consumption

But better thrust, means more fuel carrying capability in its droptanks, without sacrificing capabilities.
I am talking about MIG-29 UPG/SMT not the MIG-29 supplied to yugoslavia, Iraq.
Whatever but old airframe and aerodynamic any how i dont want to go offtopic...... carry on original discussion
Whatever but old airframe and aerodynamic any how i dont want to go offtopic...... carry on original discussion

So do MLU F/16 - A/B. Kindly fixed to the maritime strike role of JF-17 topic only.

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