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JF-17 Thunder to Participate in Izmir Air Show in Turkey


Q 13: What are the differences in training methodologies between the PAF and TuAF?

A: There are substantial differences. TuAF follows the US and NATO training methodologies where everything is written down and you have to follow set procedures. This is not necessarily bad because these procedures are based on experience. They learnt this after their experience in air-to-air combat in Vietnam. However, the downside is that you tend to get bogged down into following procedures and you become predictable. In the PAF, pilots are given more freedom to come up with their own solutions. Our training approach is more similar to the Israelis than NATO. We do more “seat of the pants” type of flying and are required to be more creative.

PAF Falcons - PAF s' Specials - Pakistan Air Force Viper Pilot

I was at The Turksih Air Show at Izmir-Cigli Air Base and saw the JF-17's fly there. Very nice indeed. There were also 2 F-16A's from 11 Sqn 'Arrows' present and they also flew. Very rare to see Pakistan Air Force aircraft at air shows so it was a gig deal and many people travelled from Europe to Cigli to see thses and the Turkish aircraft on display. You can see some photo's on my report at Home

Regards, Mike
Hey Mike, thanks for the input.

Could you kindly tell us more about any interaction you may have had with the PAF pilots and/or personnel? What was your impression of their flying demonstration?

based on 'gossip' and talk amongst the analysts and spectators, what is the general 'feeling' about PAF --which as of late is seeking to modernize its fleet through new inductions/technologies and remain a credible air defence service.

basically any other info during your time @ the show.

kind regards
Very friendly guys. They informed us of the arrival of two C-130 Hercules and an IL-78 that were arriving to provide support for their return journey. Both the F-16 and the JF-17 gave impressive performances and were a very welcome inclusion at the show. The F-16's were I believe taking part in an 'Anatolian Eagle' exercise in Turkey.

As you say, modernisation is now taking place within the PAF and it is clear that it is moving forward in a big way, with a lot of budget being spent on improving its capabilities.

I was at The Turksih Air Show at Izmir-Cigli Air Base and saw the JF-17's fly there. Very nice indeed. There were also 2 F-16A's from 11 Sqn 'Arrows' present and they also flew. Very rare to see Pakistan Air Force aircraft at air shows so it was a gig deal and many people travelled from Europe to Cigli to see thses and the Turkish aircraft on display. You can see some photo's on my report at Home

Regards, Mike

Thanks Mike. That was a really cool report. Other reports were good too. Thanks for the wonderful share.

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