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JF-17 Test & Trials in Malaysia - Mahatir Mohammad

As per mahatir mohammad - the Malaysian PM, Pakistan has been requested to position 2 JF-17s in Malaysia for extensive trials and testing.

there was akready avideo on youtube where the Malaysian pilot was being assisted by Pakistani crewman in flying the aeroplane.
that video is not turning up in the search and there is a lot of tejas videos that come up maybe because they have tagged JF-17 in their tejas videos
If one unit is $35 million then 36 planes means $1.26 Billion with support, logistics, weapons, training etc it might come out $2-4 billion.
Hi my friend any idea how much will they make out of setting up a Proton plant in Pakistan
Sorry just a offtopic Q as per the press conference of Dr MM one should do business even with your enemy around
So looks like he is a staunch business man doesn’t mind spending 2-4 billion on jets if he is
Milking double the amount from the car plant
Any input will be appreciated
Thank you
Hi my friend any idea how much will they make out of setting up a Proton plant in Pakistan
Sorry just a offtopic Q as per the press conference of Dr MM one should do business even with your enemy around
So looks like he is a staunch business man doesn’t mind spending 2-4 billion on jets if he is
Milking double the amount from the car plant
Any input will be appreciated
Thank you
It depends on how well Proton does against Suzuki, Honda, and Toyota. In theory, Proton could make hundreds of millions a year, but it isn't as if Pakistan's auto-market is easy to crack. It's huge with lots of potential, but in the end, dominated by a few with far deeper pockets and experience than Proton.

I'd try to get a Pakistani company to set-up an aviation firm in Malaysia on the back of the JF-17. Basically, set-up a MRO site in Malaysia and employ Malaysians, but service Malaysian and third-party Southeast Asian aircraft. Employ the locals, but bring the FDI revenue to Pakistan.
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