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Jaswant Singh expelled from BJP


Feb 19, 2007
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Jaswant Singh expelled from BJP

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Tags : BJP, L K Advani, RSS, Jaswant Singh, Vasundhara Raje, Rajnath Singh, Chintan Baithak

Posted: Wednesday, Aug 19, 2009 at 1247 hrs
Jaswant Singh, whose book eulogising Muhammad Ali Jinnah has come under attack from BJP and the sangh parivar, was expelled on Wednesday from the BJP.

The decision to expel Singh, a Lok Sabha member and a former Union Minister, was taken at the Parliamentary Board of the party which met in Shimla during the opening session of the three-day brainstorming session of the top leaders here.

former Union Minister, was taken at the Parliamentary Board of the party which met in Shimla during the opening session of the three-day brainstorming session of the top leaders here.

President Rajnath Singh, who had yesterday issued a statement totally distancing the party from Jaswant Singh's book "Jinnah - India, Partition, Independence", announced the decision to the media here.

"I had issued a statement yesterday that the party fully dissociates itself from the contents of the book. Today I put up the matter before the Parliamentary Board which decided to end his primary membership.

"So he has been expelled. From now onwards he will not be a member of any body of the party or be an office bearer," he said on the expulsion of the 71-year-old party veteran.

Rajnath Singh said yesterday he had told Jaswant Singh not not to come to Shimla for participating in the 'chintan baithak'.

Jaswant Singh has been having an uneasy relationship with the party leadership ever since the Lok Sabha elections on which he had circulated a note demanding thorough discussion on the debacle
Thank God and our ancestors that we didn't join it.

Good for you as well as us.

:) aha gharib welcome back.

If people related to a specific nation can not tolerate some praise from their own people of our leader how can they tolerate us?
Jaswant Singh is wrong here and BJP has shown that they have nothing to do with his thinking and hence he is expelled.

Even Bengali's couldn't tolerated you. Baloch can't tolerate you. Taliban can't tolerate you.

We were always tolerating you. It was you who could not tolerate us and hence demanded a separate country which you got.

Shame that you couldn't keep it intact and Bangladesh was born.

From which *** hole did you come out?

Jaswant Singh gives credit where its due and your extremists BJP kicks him out? Great 'India Shining' Party!!

Regarding hating, last time I checked, Nepal hates you, Sri Lanka Hates you, Pakistan Hates you, Bangladesh hates you, Bhutan Hates you, China Hates you! Did I leave anyone out oh great peaceful and self-praising neighbor?

We demanded a separate homeland because your freakin' self-loving HINDU's refused to give equal representation to Muslims in India! Thank God for Pakistan and Good Riddance to United India!! :wave:
Jaswant Singh is wrong here and BJP has shown that they have nothing to do with his thinking and hence he is expelled.

expelling him just because he has praised great Jinnah shows the metality of BJP claiming to represent majority Hindu Indians.

If BJP already said the party has nothing to do with Jaswant's remarks then expelling him from party for his personal views is nothing but their born haterd for Pakistan.

Even Bengali's couldn't tolerated you. Baloch can't tolerate you. Taliban can't tolerate you.

We were always tolerating you. It was you who could not tolerate us and hence demanded a separate country which you got.

Shame that you couldn't keep it intact and Bangladesh was born.

Carry your BS to some other thread and i will discuss it with you there.. You are again as usual trying to troll.

Anyway gharib if you want to discuss this off topic issue here in this thread then be ready there are many other issues relating to India that could make their way to this thread. starting from Indian brutalities with Muslims, Christians, Dalits and many other sections of low cast Hindu Indians. Besides Moists, Naxals, Assam, Naga Land and many more you name you will have it here.

I would request the mods to instruct all members to stick to the topic.
^^If you added whole Indians to this mindset, that shows how much broad mind you have.

You mean to say BJP is party of 200 isolated Indians sitting in Parliament who consider themselves to be leaders because their mama said so and they do not represent people of India. Hmm.. Well yaa why not... that makes perfect sense!
I don't know why such a big thing is being made out of this expulsion.
While there is a need for moderation at all levels & ends there is little reason to connect this expulsion to being grateful that we got another country.

Two countries were created percisely coz these narrow minded thought existed in the minds of our ancestors. See how little things have changed over 62 years .Though I feel that the partation was a good thing poorly executed.

After Bajpai visited the Minar - e - pakistan, it was washed by bigots in Pakistan. I am bringing this out just to highlight how little education, modernisation & the ' global village' has changed thoughts . Narrow minded & short term gains of politicians carries the day in our part of the world.

They sucessfully pursue their agenda while we squabble along - aiding them.
Thank God and our ancestors that we didn't join it.


Thank god you never came here... you're happy with your country we're happy with ours.

Dont know why the indians cant get over the fact that Pakistan is going to be there whether they like it or not; we dont want to be in your cesspool...
I would suggest to all people here on this forum to read the book first before commenting.

Jana, in the book Jaswant Singh has not praised Mr.Jinnah. In fact for the large portion he has been quite critical of him.

I have had the oppurtunity to read the unedited book last month and I can assure you there are things which are definitely not palatable.

All the comments that are being made are based on couple of pages of a book which has more than 500 pages.This book contains lot of cross references to other historical archives, quotations from contemporary leaders and Mr.Jaswant singh's own interpretation of history.

The media is only highlighting excerpts which will help them sell their story.

Regarding his expulsion it is nothing more than a power struggle in the party and in light of yesterday's interview by the RSS chief something big had to happen.

Mr.Jaswant Singh is one of the liberal faces of BJP. One must remember that during the Rath yatra of Adavani, he was absent from all the road shows and during the 1st Govt formation by BJP his name as a Minister in the cabinet was vetoed by RSS.

Please read this very interesting article in the BBC by Soutik Biswas

BBC - Soutik Biswas's India
they cannot admit the great character of our QUAID .When they are against our country how come they be admirer of it founder

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