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Japan’s Abe Visits Controversial Shrine

Errr wrong. The Sino-Vietnam war was about border disputes and it was also about stopping Vietnamese expantion in SE Asia. And that's being appreciated in the region. Certainly by Cambodia.

Errr wrong. Vietnam join to SE Asia not expansion. How could small Vietnam do that when SE Asia is under influence of US in economy and politic, like Japan and Taiwan.

It was propaganda of CPC.
Errr wrong. Vietnam join to SE Asia not expansion. How could small Vietnam do that when SE Asia is under influence of US in economy and politic, like Japan and Taiwan.

It was propaganda of CPC.

Deng Xiaoping was murder, he initiate Sino - Vietnam war to protect Khmer Rouge, crime regime in Cambodia. They were murders too. How many innocent Vietnamese and Cambodian were killed brutally by Polpot and his camrades of China. How amy Vietnamese were killed in nonsense war 1979 by Chinese ?

But Chinese respected him as great leader of China. Look at yourselves first, Chinese warmongers.

You can argue that your neighbor or whoever you believe is a murder,but are they convicted and executed by the international military tribunal ? we are talking about the WWII, and those people were convited war criminals by the international tribunal.

In 1978 it quietly added to those enshrined 14 “Class A” war criminals from World War II who had been convicted in postwar tribunals by the allied forces. Among them is Gen. Hideki Tojo, who was Japan’s prime minister during most of the war.

Imagine if Hitler and other Nazi war criminals being placed in a shrine and regularly receive German leaders and the public's worship and respect.How would European people feel and would the government of Israel think it's ok?

Something being looked up to in Japan would lead to arrests in Germany.I don't think German government would allow and even join uniformed Nazi veterans parades in Berlin.



A war veteran (2nd R) leads others clad in costumes of the Imperial Japanese Army during a visit to Yasukuni Shrine to pray for war victims in Tokyo on August 15, 2012. Two Japanese cabinet ministers visited the controversial war shrine on August 15 on the anniversary of Tokyo's World War II surrender, a move set to heighten South Korean anger over an island dispute.
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Their refusal of the existence of 'comfort women' is what sickens me.

They cannot ever apologise. Not even to the Women who went trough harrowing tragedies.


Its time for the whole nation of Japan to apologize for comfort women. Instead of trying to erase their memories.

Japanese politicians want Glendale's 'comfort women' statue removed - latimes.com

Instead, comfort women should be remembered so we would not repeat the mistake as human beings.

'Comfort women' further honored|Across America|chinadaily.com.cn
The Chinese strategy should be to shame Japan in the media, and the way to do that is through Hollywood.

Private Chinese enterprise (NOT the government) should commission Hollywood movies starring major western (NOT Chinese) actors, and where the story highlights Japanese atrocities.

It has been done. Zhang Yimou picked Christian Bale for the lead role in The Flowers of War. The movie was one of the top grossing films in Asia, but did poorly in the US. Ignorant Americans thought the rape of Nanking was "too melodramatic." Critics say such "horrific subject matter deserved rather more subtle handling."
It has been done. Zhang Yimou picked Christian Bale for the lead role in The Flowers of War. The movie was one of the top grossing films in Asia, but did poorly in the US. Ignorant Americans thought the rape of Nanking was "too melodramatic." Critics say such "horrific subject matter deserved rather more subtle handling."

Wasn't Abe's Father governor of Manchuria or some other province during the Imperial occupation?

He would then have a personal stake in denying war crimes.

That being said, the Japanese are extremely xenophobic. Their depiction of the 'darker hued' members of the Human race is 'interesting' to say the least.
Wasn't Abe's Father governor of Manchuria or some other province during the Imperial occupation?

He would then have a personal stake in denying war crimes.

That being said, the Japanese are extremely xenophobic. Their depiction of the 'darker hued' members of the Human race is 'interesting' to say the least.

I think his father served in the imperial army, but not the governor of any occupied territory.

Yes, you quite right. They even discriminate among themselves. Do you know they have something similar to low caste in Japan, the Ainu people and Burakumin are historically discriminated. The only country in East Asia to practice such social caste.
I think his father served in the imperial army, but not the governor of any occupied territory.

Yes, you quite right. They even discriminate among themselves. Do you know they have something similar to low caste in Japan, the Ainu people and Burakumin are historically discriminated. The only country in East Asia to practice such social caste.

I am ignorant of the larger complexities between Japan and China.

But China's economic, military footprint is growing at a fast pace.

I think the Japanese posture might be to their internal audiences as much as externally. 'Abenomics'
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I am ignorant of the larger complexities between Japan and China.

But China's economic, military footprint is growing at a fast pace.

I think the Japanese posture might be to their internal audiences as much as externally. 'Abenomics'
I never expect Abe shinzo will do anything positive regarding China-Japan relationship, all he wanna do its to recover Japan to the imperial Japan as his grandfather wish. South Korean got fcuking furious this time as well.

China and South Korea shall stick together against Japanese Nazi restoration.

If USA keep tolerating Japanese right wing openly denying their war crime, China will have to deal with it in our way.
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