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Japan threatens opening tracer fire on Chinese aircraft from F-15J

Do you think a fleet of J-10/J11 with KJ2000 would be afraid of those old toys? This action is a very clear message sent to japs that we are not afraid of any form of confrontations in this area, we act with confidence and sense of responsibility, it is japs that becomes more and more panic.
Besides, I don't think Diaoyu island itself is an independent issue, it is just a fulcrum of China's east sea strategies, a series of new policies and movement will come out soon.
No! They are fueled by Pakistan!
They fled the area before the F-15's reached gun distance.
LOL at Americans and Koreans feeling so inferior because PLAAF is attacking China's enemies and they run away from combat!
A ministry official told a press conference that two J-10 fighters flew to the area on Thursday to monitor two Japanese F-15 fighters that had trailed a Chinese Y-8 aircraft, China's official Xinhua news agency said.

The Beijing defence ministry official said that Japanese military planes have been increasingly watching Chinese aircraft and have also extended the areas where they are active, Xinhua reported.

China's military will be on high alert and the country will protect its air defence force, the official said.

China 'launches fighters' amid Japan dispute | Bangkok Post: news

Besides, I don't think Diaoyu island itself is an independent issue, it is just a fulcrum of China's east sea strategies, a series of new policies and movement will come out soon.

Like backing off as was the case in the SCS?
Remember, China pushed through laws that gave it (unilaterally) the right to board and seize ships in the SCS after Jan.1.
Soon after came a communique from some ministry that the new laws will only be applicable 80km from Hainan.

Or, like, seeing Vietnam is aggresively rearming, CCP sent Navy ships on visit to Vietnam instead of threats.

edit: dont take the above as a sign of weakness, but rather a sign of maturity, which is most welcomed in today's world.
We didnt't finished with India yet with AP, better watch yourself, we're coming to fix you.

India is already digging in SCS and we are building relations with the countries around you. Chinese will be taught a lesson this time around.
The Chinese jets were J-7 and J-10. China didn't send out J-11.
Correct,JH-7A bomber/fighter not J-7 ... ... news reported wrong name, the pic showed the JH-7A
Japan needs to teach these hans a lesson like they did in the old days
Watch a movie called IP man how these Japanese used to treat han chinese it was far worse to British rule in India.

There is a good reason why Chinese eat anything that moves it is due to their past and what happened with them they were starved in the most brutal way by the Japanese.
Japan needs to teach these hans a lesson like they did in the old days
like this lesson??

I want to see how Su27 family perform against F15 family...

My brain say Su27 family win, heart say otherwise... :)
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