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Japan NHK report: Clear photos of China building artificial islands in SCS

lol, are you drawing a line in the sand now? lol.

Come on, my friend. Are we in elementary school again? LOL!
Yes, the 3rd largest economy of the world, an economy of $5 Trillion is 'medium'.

You love to put Japan and Japanese down whenever given the chance, i see, @xunzi . I hope you can change that. It's not good.
I'm not putting down Japan. I'm being realistic with realpolitik here. Although your economy is quite massive for your country size and population, your global economic influence is quite limited in scale.

lol, are you drawing a line in the sand now? lol.

Come on, my friend. Are we in elementary school again? LOL!
The guy asked me what we want, and so I am just providing him our dream.
I'm not putting down Japan. I'm being realistic with realpolitik here. Although your economy is quite massive for your country size and population, your global economic influence is quite limited in scale.

Yes, our economy, which is larger than Germany's + Russia combined is small, lol. Instead of being so dismal, my friend, you should have pride in Japan. At least in knowing that East Asia leads the economy of the world. Afterall, China and Japan are the 2nd and 3rd largest economies in this earth, respectively.

You see, we Japanese are proud of Chinese achievements and success story. If only our Chinese partners could hold the same view towards us, fellow East Asian brothers.

The guy asked me what we want, and so I am just providing him our dream.

lol, its like a child being asked who does he love more -- the mother or father. there are no 'sides' , both China and Japan are the movers and shakers of East Asia. Both are vested in regional and inter-regional growth. Everyone is inter-connected, my friend.

We live in a globalized economy, where societies are linked to each other. Long gone are the days that nation states and alliances stuck to their own quarters. That time has past. Thank God.
In ur history ??! U must talk about 2,000 years ago history ... LOL ! OKay, Okay, okay
Kid, learn the history properly before posting on PDF :pop:
In 1075, Wang Anshi, the prime minister, told the Song emperor that Đại Việt was being destroyed by Champa, with less than ten thousand soldiers surviving, hence it would be a good occasion to annex Đại Việt. The Song emperor mobilized troops and passed a decree to forbid all the provinces to trade with Đại Việt. Upon hearing the news, the Lý ruler sent Lý Thường Kiệt and Tôn Đản with more than 100,000 troops to China to carry out a pre-emptive attack against the Song troops. In the ensuing 40-day battle near modern-day Nanning, the Đại Việt troops were victorious, capturing the generals of three Song armies

Lý dynasty - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Yes, our economy, which is larger than Germany's + Russia combined is small, lol. Instead of being so dismal, my friend, you should have pride in Japan. At least in knowing that East Asia leads the economy of the world. Afterall, China and Japan are the 2nd and 3rd largest economies in this earth, respectively.

You see, we Japanese are proud of Chinese achievements and success story. If only our Chinese partners could hold the same view towards us, fellow East Asian brothers.
You always think wrongly of me, my friend. I have great respect for Japan. It is indeed true that almost all Northeast Asia are rich with the exception of North Korea and Mongolia due to geopolitics being play. I, however, cannot lie to myself. Russia is a massive country with vast resources. If we take the wealth of resources into account, Russia might be the richest country in the world. Germany got the whole Europe under their belt so their influence is quite massive in that regard despite their economics is not as strong as Japan. The scale of Germany is still influential than Japan. That's why in the Iran nuclear talk, Germany is a key negotiator despite not a P5. Where's Japan? You see, for you to be consider as a great power, you will need to do a lot more in world politics than just piggyback on the US. Doing humanitarian works will not make you a great power. After all, great power makes world changing events. Donation type power is very limited.
There are other , more peaceful, legal, and constitutionally reflective means to show your opposition , my friend. Anyways, majority of Japanese people see Vietnam as a crucial player in the peace in the South China Sea, in the same league as the Philippines, China, Malaysia, Indonesia and Brunei. Let us continue to hope for the cool heads of leaders to show the way towards lasting and comprehensive cooperation and peace.

Long may the Vietnamese people and the nation of Vietnam enjoy her hard won peace, and long may Vietnam enjoy peace with China, ASEAN, and the rest of the world.
We have our own way to deal wt the bullier, and most of VNese like to solve the problem on the battle instead of on the table.

Peace in SCS(east sea) wont last for long when China keep irritating us. SCS(east sea) is not our crucial ship lane, so , its a good place to make a maximum damage to China economy when VN only suffer a little :pop:
lol, its like a child being asked who does he love more -- the mother or father. there are no 'sides' , both China and Japan are the movers and shakers of East Asia. Both are vested in regional and inter-regional growth. Everyone is inter-connected, my friend.

We live in a globalized economy, where societies are linked to each other. Long gone are the days that nation states and alliances stuck to their own quarters. That time has past. Thank God.
We are open to all cooperation. We, however, have favoritism just like you do. The US also have favoritism in their alliance system. It is human nature.
Kid, learn the history properly before posting on PDF :pop:
It looks like here we need a historian to discuss it ... HA, these 1,000 years ago War/Conflict ... im just curious today how many Vietnamese can read Chinese word in ur history book, after Vietnamese turn to learn Latin characters in last century ? Ur guys had missed urselves in past thousand years.
It looks like here we need a historian to discuss it ... HA, these 1,000 years ago War/Conflict ... im just curious today how many Vietnamese can read Chinese word in ur history book, after Vietnamese turn to learn Latin characters in last century ? Ur guys had missed urselves in past thousand years.
As I remember, we've discussed abt that conflict already. All Chinese here admit that the Song dynasty got a hard lesson when underestimated the power of Dai Viet :pop:

Here is the link.
History of Vietnam or What do you want to know about Vietnam? | Page 138
We take Russia, Central Asia, both Koreas, Mongolia, and the greater Sinosphere (Singapore, Taiwan, HK, Macau, and to some degree Thailand) and Japan can have the rest in Asia Pacific.

And with that, Japan has Australia and the rest of ASEAN along with North America and some of Western Europe.
Come on, work together to build the south china sea into dry land:lol:

Toshihiro Yatagal - Kyodo News
on board Vietnam Coast Guard ship to report about China activities in SCS.

We appreciate Japan media to precisely reports on the issues.


Akiko ( lady #4 and first left in larger picture) - NHK
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SCS and Carrebian which is better?And SCS and middle east which is better?
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