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Japan Calls for China To Explain Aircraft Carrier

China calls for Japan to explain aircraft carrier


The Japanese don't even have the gut to call their helicopter carriers by thier correct name, instead these are called helicopter destroyers. I would like to ask Japanese to explain why they are so deceptive and why they lied to breach their peaceful constitution.
What is even more laughable is that their designation for these 2 ships #4001 and #4002 is "Trasnport ships" , 输送舰 in Japanese. These are obviously helicopter carriers, capable of amphibious assault missions , which are considered offensive and prohibited in Japanese peaceful constitution.



Well at least we dare to speak against a country no matter how powerful it is. :)

And no one has asked India any question yet. The world knows we are peaceful. We only retaliate we don't attack anyone. :)

you are a good joker`lol
china has every right to an aircraft carrier- same as india, japan or any other country as long as they can afford it.
Stop acting like idiots, we know US is your master, but you don't have to act like them.

An island nation is always an island nation, being the Asian superpower is just a w*tdream for your nation.
U.S. questions China over Aircraft Carrier...
South Korea questions China over Aircraft Carrier...
Japan questions China over Aircraft Carrier...

I think I am seeing a pattern here.
one rusty aircraft carrier and they are getting scared of the red mist :woot:
U.S. questions China over Aircraft Carrier...
South Korea questions China over Aircraft Carrier...
Japan questions China over Aircraft Carrier...

I think I am seeing a pattern here.

east asia is turning against you:azn:
include vietnam also...

now tell me,who has more hostile neighbors:azn:
pakistan only.....we have 50-50 relations with china...

can u tell me other country???

ur list is too long than us..:lol:

those east asian countries you speak of (south korea and japan) are US territory. they're not even sovereign lol

and who says china is 50/50 with you? :)
we didn't put nukes in the highest regions of tibet for "50/50" with india :oops:
those east asian countries you speak of (south korea and japan) are US territory. they're not even sovereign lol

thats not point..even i call pakistan as pawn of china..does it make sense???
thats not point..even i call pakistan as pawn of china..does it make sense???

really? when did we conquer pakistan? when did we control their armed forces ? when did we write their constitution? when did we have military bases in pakistan under not pakistani laws but chinese ones?

if pakistan is a pawn of china then india is a pawn of the us. does it make sense?
AUG 2011 09:37

TOKYO - Japan's defense minister called
on China on Aug. 12 to explain why it
needs an aircraft carrier, after Beijing
sparked increased concerns over its
military expansion by starting sea trials
for the vessel. "As an aircraft carrier, it is of a highly
maneuverable and offensive nature. We
want China to explain the reasons why
it needs it," Toshimi Kitazawa told
reporters. "There is no doubt that it will have a big
impact on the region," he added. China put the revamped Soviet-built
aircraft carrier Varyag to sea on Aug.
10, prompting the United States to call
for an explanation. Beijing has sought to play down the
vessel's capability, saying it will mainly
be used for training and "research." In its annual defense report last week,
Japan expressed concern over China's growing assertiveness and widening
naval reach in nearby waters and the Pacific and over what it called the "opaqueness" of Beijing's military budget. China criticized the report as "irresponsible," insisting its drive to
modernize its forces was entirely

We should ask the Chinese why they never ask america and japan to explain anything. For example what are american troops doing still in Japan.

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