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Its time to OLX counter terrorism

I M Sikander

Dec 22, 2010
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Enough is enough guyz.

Baituah mehsood TTP chief killed in drone attack by cia inside pakistan

Hakeem ullah mehsood TTP chief killed in drone attack by cia inside pakistan

Mullah mansoor Taliban chief killed in drone atttack by cia inside Pakistan

Umar narray APS master mind killed in drone attack by cia

Umer khalid khurasni jamat ul ihrqr chief killed in drone attack by cia

OBL killed inside Pakkstan

ہمارے والے چھٹی پر ہیں کیا ؟؟

Kill these bastards yourself or better olx counter terrorism to cia.
We should stop cheating the people of Pakistan. For at least a decade we fooled common Pakistani on drone attacked and staged fabricated protests in media and on ground against drone attacks.

We failed to kill the top rated terrorists of TTP and Taliban even inside Pakistani territory and then its was CIA drones who did the job on our behalf. What a shame.
Its time to stop the chest thumping.
I think they really need to re think policy... Afghan border should be crossed if we have actionable intelligence
I think they really need to re think policy... Afghan border should be crossed if we have actionable intelligence

Do read his post once again:

We failed to kill the top rated terrorists of TTP and Taliban even inside Pakistani territory and then its was CIA drones who did the job on our behalf. What a shame.
Most of the operations you mentioned were already OLX-ed

Some day an American official would write a book and reveal how many Pakistanis officials (both military and civilians) made how much money in Abbotabad operation. Till that we have to believe in the official version of $hit
I actually agree with above post... this is a war of perceptions.... Donny be perceived as American minions again.... that counter productive... we need to grow up grow courage and learn to flex muscles

Do read his post once again:

That was true in past not any more...

There were capability issues in past... now mostly we have intent and mind set issues
I actually agree with above post... this is a war of perceptions.... Donny be perceived as American minions again.... that counter productive... we need to grow up grow courage and learn to flex muscles

That was true in past not any more...

There were capability issues in past... now mostly we have intent and mind set issues

Sounds reasonable.

However, I have a problem with seeing how precisely you are going to implement this.

Whatever I have seen on PDF indicates a deep-rooted hatred of Afghans and of Afghanistan. How will you get the Afghan government on your side if you antagonise them on a daily basis? Or do you expect the Americans to twist their arms and compel friendly grins?
Whatever I have seen on PDF indicates a deep-rooted hatred of Afghans and of Afghanistan. How will you get the Afghan government on your side if you antagonise them on a daily basis? Or do you expect the Americans to twist their arms and compel friendly grins?

It's not that deep. If Afghanistan starts acting reasonable (recognize the durand line for starters) things would warm up real fast.

You do realize from a historical point of view Afghanistan is responsible for the friction in the first place right?

-Not recognizing Pakistan's entry in the UN (1947)
-Murdering the head of state (Liaquat Ali Khan)
-Not recognizing the Durand line as an international border
-Committing a land invasion of Pakistan by attacking Bajaur in the 60s (beaten off by tribals in FATA)
-Colluding with the USSR in an attempt to break Balochistan away (1980s)

Only now have Pakistanis become aware and angered of all the treachery that Afghanistan has shown

Lets not even talk about the 'softer' aspects of this animosity (Afghan superiority complex over Pakistanis/racial hatred)
Sounds reasonable.

However, I have a problem with seeing how precisely you are going to implement this.

Whatever I have seen on PDF indicates a deep-rooted hatred of Afghans and of Afghanistan. How will you get the Afghan government on your side if you antagonise them on a daily basis? Or do you expect the Americans to twist their arms and compel friendly grins?
What ? ....Pakistan hate Afghans or Afghanistan ? Its quite opposite....in real and in practice since inception..Had we hated them millions of afghans would not have been here..From Peshawar to Karachi all the way...
Imagine the reaction if some Indian killed Pakistani PM and that too of the stature of Liaquat Ali..I must say Pakistan would have imposed all out war on India..
It's not that deep. If Afghanistan starts acting reasonable (recognize the durand line for starters) things would warm up real fast.

You do realize from a historical point of view Afghanistan is responsible for the friction in the first place right?

-Not recognizing Pakistan's entry in the UN (1947)
-Murdering the head of state (Liaquat Ali Khan)
-Not recognizing the Durand line as an international border
-Committing a land invasion of Pakistan by attacking Bajaur in the 60s (beaten off by tribals in FATA)
-Colluding with the USSR in an attempt to break Balochistan away (1980s)

Only now have Pakistanis become aware and angered of all the treachery that Afghanistan has shown

Lets not even talk about the 'softer' aspects of this animosity (Afghan superiority complex over Pakistanis/racial hatred)

Point well taken. Afghanistan has to bear its own share of guilt.

But I still need to ask this: isn't it in your own favour to stop waiting for them to get on their knees, confess their faults and beg to be forgiven? Isn't it better for you to swallow hard, step across and drive whatever kind of initial settlement can be worked out, and get on with the job?

I feel that your righteous indignation is getting horribly in the way of cutting a deal, arriving at an agreement with the Afghans.

What ? ....Pakistan hate Afghans or Afghanistan ? Its quite opposite....in real and in practice since inception..Had we hated them millions of afghans would not have been here..From Peshawar to Karachi all the way...
Imagine the reaction if some Indian killed Pakistani PM and that too of the stature of Liaquat Ali..I must say Pakistan would have imposed all out war on India..

I hate to say this, but in today's atmosphere, even if an Afghan, or even a native Pakistani, were to kill your Prime Minister, the immediate reaction would be to want to wage war on India.

Look around and check; that is precisely what is happening now, with the TTP.
I hate to say this, but in today's atmosphere, even if an Afghan, or even a native Pakistani, were to kill your Prime Minister, the immediate reaction would be to want to wage war on India.

Look around and check; that is precisely what is happening now, with the TTP.
No i don't think so..Deep down establishment and every other organ of the state knows the fact..India must have been contributing them through money or otherwise( obvious enemy will take advantage) but TTP are our own people with deviant idology to kill anyone not coincide with there point..
The fact that Internal threat was given priority officially then external threat speaks the volume..Baitullah Mahsud , Khurrasani or all other TTP are not Indians...
Enough is enough guyz.

Baituah mehsood TTP chief killed in drone attack by cia inside pakistan

Hakeem ullah mehsood TTP chief killed in drone attack by cia inside pakistan

Mullah mansoor Taliban chief killed in drone atttack by cia inside Pakistan

Umar narray APS master mind killed in drone attack by cia

Umer khalid khurasni jamat ul ihrqr chief killed in drone attack by cia

OBL killed inside Pakkstan

ہمارے والے چھٹی پر ہیں کیا ؟؟

Kill these bastards yourself or better olx counter terrorism to cia.
The Pakistani establishment sympathise with these people mentioned above because of religious commonality.
After all they are fighting the great satan USA.
But they forget to see the damage these people and their ideology does to the local population?
Do they want Pakistan to be like Afghanistan, Where people are largely uneducated and have extremist views?

I admit that Pakistan was created in the name of Islam but that doesn’t mean every extremist can call Pakistan home..!

Baitullah Mahsud , Khurrasani or all other TTP are not Indians...
Exactly, everything wrong happening in Pakistan cannot be dumped on to India or external powers, certainly something is rotten internally too....!
Hardly. Pakistan still has a lot more folks who need to be droned.
Molon Labe.
If that's what it takes to satisfy the blood lust of Neo cons, come and try.
Drone operators tell themselves at night that it was a dog that got collateral'd and not a child. Have some sense of humanity please.

But I still need to ask this: isn't it in your own favour to stop waiting for them to get on their knees, confess their faults and beg to be forgiven? Isn't it better for you to swallow hard, step across and drive whatever kind of initial settlement can be worked out, and get on with the job?

Nobody is asking Afghanistan to kneel and submit or whatever kind of equal humiliation. All it takes is for them to discuss the durand line in a civil manner. The world recognizes it as a border and there is no measure of dispute about it at all.
On top of that there's a level of ownership that they need to recognize over the conflict. Its not Pakistanis anymore that hanging around Afghanistan from kunduz to jalalabad. Its their own citizens. If they have substantial proof of Pakistanis being malicious they have evewry right to report it in in the UN. The Afghan taliban is led and manned by Afghan citizens. They should reflect on this and wonder why whatever they are doing isn't working instead of blaming Pakistan wholesale.
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