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It's a Time of Celebration Eid E Milad Un Nabi SAW MubArak


Aug 29, 2012
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Greetings d,
Asalaamu'alaykum, may this message find you in the best of health, wellbeing, prosperity and peace!

As you may be aware, we are currently in the holy month of Rabi ul-Awwal, the month in which the holy Prophet Muhammad (saws) was born.

Allah Almighty describes the Prophet (saws) as Rahmatan lil-'Alameen, a "Mercy to the Worlds." Not only did he confirm and clarify all of revelation and prophecy that had come before him, purifying the Way perfectly, but he also advanced the Path as had no other prophet or messenger before, demonstrating the perfect path to the Divine Presence of God, beautifully balanced in both its inward and outward aspects.

Some scholars have said that had it not been for the pure excellence and beauty of the holy Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, Allah Almighty would not have created creation.

Allah Almighty said in a Hadith Qudsi, "I was a Hidden Treasure and desired to be known, so I created," and no other human being is so near unto perfect servanthood and annihilation in the Divine Presence of God, so absolutely in a state of pure surrender and selflessness, as is the Prophet Muhammad (saws), Khatm al-Anbiyya, the Seal of the Prophets, who said the name and title he was most pleased with was the simple description Abdullah, Honored Servant of the Almighty.

Throughout the Muslim world, it is customary to spend time this month in reflection on the beauty, the character and the Way of the Prophet (saws), and to spend time in reciting prayers and praise for his honor and love (durood, salawat, anasheed, mawlid).
"Verily, Allah Almighty and His angels send salutations upon the Prophet (saws). O you who believe! Send blessings upon him, and salute him with all respect."
-- Surah al-Ahzab (33:56)

It is widely known that one of the most meritorious acts of 'ibadah, worship, in Islam is to recite prayers and salutations upon the Holy Prophet (saws), for doing so increases our connection and love with him, he who is the living example of the Holy Quran, the perfect model and the perfect believer in the Divine Presence of God.
"Jibreel came to me and he said, 'whoever sends blessings (salawat) upon you, I will send blessings on him, and whoever sends greetings (salaam) upon you, I will send greetings upon him,' so I prostrated out of thankfulness to Allah Almighty."
-- Prophet Muhammad (saws)

Dear Friends, during this holy month of Rabi ul-Awwal, especially on Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays, as a humble suggestion, take a little extra time to learn more about the holy Prophet Muhammad (saws), send prayers and salutations upon his noble soul, develop your relationship with his personality, and thank Allah Almighty for the mercy, love and light He (swt) sent to us through the perfect example of the Prophet (saws).
A simple version of salawat (durood) which can be recited is the following:
"Allahumma sali 'ala Muhammadin wa 'ala ali Muhammadin wa sallim."
As a suggestion, recite the above during this holy month, especially this coming week, at least 100 times per day (it's always a good practice to keep count to as to maintain accountability and consistency).
Also, it is a valuable practice to fast in honor of the Prophet's birth, particularly on Monday, as was his own practice.
May Allah Almighty, for the sake of His beloved Prophet (saws), bless us all, forgive us, and guide us upon the straight and noble path of excellence, humility, compassion, love and light!

To Our Divine Success,

Please post Picture of Milad Mafil and Parade in your city .
I am from dallas we are celebrating from 1st of Rabi ul-Awwal to 12th
May allah almighty accept our love for prophet SAW and grant us peace and prosperity in both worlds.ameen
Yeah offcourse in milad un nabi saw
thats what we do we recite darud and salatu salaam on prophet Muhammad SAW and be greatfull to almighty allah to be part of Ummah of Rahmatan lil-'Alameen .
and Distribute langar for all and participate with money and love in bless event of mawlid.

give a lot of charity , distribute food to poor peoples , ask for forgiveness .... and send drud to Prophet Muhammad pbuh , probably best way to celebrate his Birthday :)
Yeah offcourse in milad un nabi saw
thats what we do we recite darud and salatu salaam on prophet Muhammad SAW and be greatfull to almighty allah to be part of Ummah of Rahmatan lil-'Alameen .
and Distribute langar for all and participate with money and love in bless event of mawlid.

you will get the reward :)
Prophet Muhammad SAW is a special favour of Allah Sub'hanahu wa Ta'ala
Certainly, Allah has shown a special favour to the believers by raising among them a (Prophetic) Messenger from among themselves who recites to them His revelations, and purifies them, and teaches them the Scripture and the Wisdom, although before (he came to them) they were in manifest error. (3:164)

Inshallah yes i will
quote="rockstar08, post: 5138816, member: 149533"]you will get the reward :)[/quote]
Prophet Muhammad SAW is the greatest favour of allah to both the world.,
"And publicize well the favor of your lord"
(Kanzul Iman the translation of Holy Quran, Sura Al Duha, Verse 11)

The companion of the Holy Prophet (Allah’s Grace and Peace be upon him) Hazrat Abdullah Ibne Abbas (Allah is well pleased with Him) explained the word favors. He says here, In this verse favor signifies the prophet hood and Islam.
(Tafseer Ibne Abbas, Sure Al Duha, Page 651).

Darud e SHAFI

“O Allah! Shower blessings on Muhammad and his children whenever he is remembered by those who remember him, and shower blessings on Muhammad and family whenever he is not remembered by the negligent, and grant him peace constantly in abundance”.

Allahoma sale ala mohammad va ale mohammad
Allah Almighty orders us:
"Say you oly Allah's grace and his mercy, on it therefore let them rejoice. That is better then all their wealth."

In this verse Allah Almighty orders us to enjoy on his grace and mercy. If we see around us we find that each favor of Allah Almighty is great mercy for us. Even our existence is also a mercy of Allah Almighty. But the greatest of Allah is the Holy Prophet (Allah's Grace and Peace be upon him). As Allah Almighty says:

"And we sent not you but mercy for all worlds."
(Kanzul Iman the translation of Holy Quran, Sura Al Ambiyaa, Verse 107)

Aap ko bhi


EID mubarak bhai log

Allah Almighty says:
“And all that we narrate to you of the tidings of the messengers is for the purpose of strengthening your heart therewith.”
(Kanzul Iman the translation of Holy Quran,
Sura Hood, Verse 121)

This Qur’anic verse reveals that the wisdom of mentioning the stories and events of Prophets (Alaihis salam) was to stand fast the heart of the last prophet (Allah’s Grace and Peace be upon him). And it is obvious that we are, also today, in need of being stand fast. We must know that how; the prophet of Allah (Allah’s Grace and Peace be upon him) faced the problems of his time so that we may face the problems of our times according to the Sunnah. Therefore Milad un Nabi (Allah’s Grace and Peace be upon him) provides us an opportunity to know about the affair of the Prophet (Allah’s Grace and Peace be upon him).

Please keep the thread free from hate today we are here to celebrate the bless birth of holy prophet saw .

Prophet(pbuh) never wanted muslims kill each other(like Tribal warfares before Islam in Hijaz)and leave their enemies

why i am not able to post picture plzzzz help

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Hahaha let them envy but we are ghulam and are showing our love for our master and allah' beloved messenger saw.
Eid Milad un Nabi SAW mubarak

lots of fatwas on my FB page by my jamat e islami fundo friends

Btw Mubaraks to all Muslims and non Muslims the birth of our Prophet (PBUH)
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