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Italy, Egypt To Sign Mega Arms Deal Includes 24 Eurofighters, 24 M346 Trainers and 6 Frigates

So why are you meddling in these topics if you are not familiar with them..???

OH.. we see.. all of this BS talk was like a veil on your deep resentment and jealousy about these magnificent deals ..Overkill, NATO..own population ..HaHa!.. all these words exposed your deep feelings.. but you are not to blame here alone.. these deals have baffled a lot of people and even many nations..

I did not say I was unfamiliar with the topic I simply said not too invested meaning its an arms length academic issue for me.

Why would I resent anything you buy. Its your money to do as you will.

But i see you are unable to answer a simple direct question. Who are you buying your weapons for? Bluster is not any form of answer at all.

You see you are living up to the arab cliche of sub-par intelligence. You can clear up the matter by answering directly.

Who are the raffles aimed at.... egypt just confirmed buying 30 more raffles.....you seem sure you are going to buy EFT as well.... why are you buying such similar plarform? What is the strategy? Neither of these help with against israelies. You can not go against turkey a nato country. Whats it for? Is it Sisis ego trip afterall as a dictator he is not answerable to the populace?

You see the whole conversation started because no one can understand why EAF is buying raffles and EFT. It still makes no sense....even less so now that france has confirmed sale of further 30 raffles.
I did not say I was unfamiliar with the topic I simply said not too invested meaning its an arms length academic issue for me.

Why would I resent anything you buy. Its your money to do as you will.

But i see you are unable to answer a simple direct question. Who are you buying your weapons for? Bluster is not any form of answer at all.

You see you are living up to the arab cliche of sub-par intelligence. You can clear up the matter by answering directly.

Who are the raffles aimed at.... egypt just confirmed buying 30 more raffles.....you seem sure you are going to buy EFT as well.... why are you buying such similar plarform? What is the strategy? Neither of these help with against israelies. You can not go against turkey a nato country. Whats it for? Is it Sisis ego trip afterall as a dictator he is not answerable to the populace?

You see the whole conversation started because no one can understand why EAF is buying raffles and EFT. It still makes no sense....even less so now that france has confirmed sale of further 30 raffles.
There is a whole new thread answering this question and this was discussed so many times on almost every Egyptian deals' related threads..

How have you contained the zionist entity?

By proclaiming they are no longer the enemy and facilitating further entrenchment of the colonial project?

Its a tactic I suppose..... if you can not beat them join them....
I am not sure if you are aware of this, but Egypt and Israel signed a peace agreement 42 years ago. A long and lasting peace agreement. Egypt recognized Israel’s right to exist and Israel recognized Egypt’s borders. Out of all the countries surrounding Egypt, our borders with Israel have been the safest for decades.
It has nothing to do with joining them since Egypt and Israel don’t agree on a lot of issues, but people don’t fight forever. They shouldn’t. Unless they are idiots. At certain point they sit down and talk/negotiate. This was done 42 years ago.
I am not sure if you are aware of this, but Egypt and Israel signed a peace agreement 42 years ago. A long and lasting peace agreement. Egypt recognized Israel’s right to exist and Israel recognized Egypt’s borders. Out of all the countries surrounding Egypt, our borders with Israel have been the safest for decades.
It has nothing to do with joining them since Egypt and Israel don’t agree on a lot of issues, but people don’t fight forever. They shouldn’t. Unless they are idiots. At certain point they sit down and talk/negotiate. This was done 42 years ago.

Lol...sure... as i said I dont have any issue with you people eliminating the zionist state as an enemy by being its friend.

I simply asked what was EAF strategy and was meet with bizzare nonsense about nato, crusaders state, Sisi being a genius, me somehow being jealous of EAF purchases etc...

I simply asked and by the way was not the only one.... why is EAF buying the raffle and EFT? What is your threat scenario and calculus? Hardly a unusual question but I can tell you the asnwers have been somewhat unorthodox.
Who are the raffles aimed at.... egypt just confirmed buying 30 more raffles.....

Why do they have to be aimed at anyone? This is simply a modernization. There are roughly 80+ Mirage V 30 of them were last modernized back in 2009 I think and that's the strategy for the Rafales. Even with this order, they're still short on the count that they had before with the Mirages.

you seem sure you are going to buy EFT as well.... why are you buying such similar plarform? What is the strategy?

That hasn't necessarily been officially announced yet. That might or might not happen and hey, if it does, they also had bought 20 Mirage 2000s back in 84/86 I think and they need replacing pretty soon. Plus I think their numbers have dwindled to 15 due to attrition etc. So they could have a particular strategy where they want to have separate platforms for separate roles. Why do they need to be like almost everyone else?

Neither of these help with against israelies

Why not? The Israelis are invincible? Do you realize how many of their aircraft we shot down in 1973? I don't understand where that comment came from since we have a peace treaty with them.

You can not go against turkey a nato country. Whats it for? Is it Sisis ego trip afterall as a dictator he is not answerable to the populace?

Ah, why didn't you just come out and say that from the start that it was all about Sisi instead of beating around the bush. Call it what it is. If that's what you think, that's fine you're entitled to that. Most Egyptians see this and are proud that such a deal has been made for such an advanced aircraft. There are also those who couldn't care less and the ones who show up on TV and complain about this kind of spending.

The truth is, like I said in my other post, it's simply a modernization that was able to be done rapidly through practically the entire forces. You might not like it of think corruption and all that, but old weapons don't help you defend your assets or borders very well.
France to sell Egypt 30 fighter jets in $4.5 bln deal -Egyptian defense ministry

Egypt has signed a contract with France to buy 30 Rafale fighter jets, its defence ministry said in a statement early on Tuesday, in a deal that investigative website Disclose said on Monday was worth 3.75 billion euro ($4.5 billion)
Lol...sure... as i said I dont have any issue with you people eliminating the zionist state as an enemy by being its friend.

I simply asked what was EAF strategy and was meet with bizzare nonsense about nato, crusaders state, Sisi being a genius, me somehow being jealous of EAF purchases etc...

I simply asked and by the way was not the only one.... why is EAF buying the raffle and EFT? What is your threat scenario and calculus? Hardly a unusual question but I can tell you the asnwers have been somewhat unorthodox.
Friends and enemies? This is not high school. You do what is best for your country regardless of your personal feelings. That’s the smart thing to do.

Egypt has a strategic goal of maintaining a strong military. We live in a tough world and a tough region. Egypt’s economy will probably be one of the top 20 economies in the world in 2030. Egypt will rely on its military to protect its interests.

Since the collapse of ancient Egypt, Persians, Greeks, Romans, Arabs, Mamluks, Turkish, French, and the British were able to occupy Egypt. Mostly because Egypt didn’t have a military since the collapse of ancient Egypt. So it’s kind of important to us to maintain a strong military.
It shows a repeat order costs $150million per unit which for a 4.5gen is not a bad price, at current prices. At this price point, I can see India going for a follow up order, esp now that the latest version is available for sale. I would budget on India going for another 36 at a minimum right now.
France to sell Egypt 30 fighter jets in $4.5 bln deal -Egyptian defense ministry

Egypt has signed a contract with France to buy 30 Rafale fighter jets, its defence ministry said in a statement early on Tuesday, in a deal that investigative website Disclose said on Monday was worth 3.75 billion euro ($4.5 billion)
Seems they got gold mines
Why you seem more butt-hurt than the worst of those MB Egyptians..?

On the contrary, i think my showing the mirror made u hate ur face. We criticise our own govt the most, thats how free and smart nations rise. Its the basis of success of the khulafa. A common man could stand up and ask Umar RA about his clothes.
Also if ur so sensitive to criticism, u shouldn't then be on a forum of a democratic nation that openly discusses everything.
On the contrary, i think my showing the mirror made u hate ur face. We criticise our own govt the most, thats how free and smart nations rise. Its the basis of success of the khulafa. A common man could stand up and ask Umar RA about his clothes.
Also if ur so sensitive to criticism, u shouldn't then be on a forum of a democratic nation that openly discusses everything.

Italy, Egypt To Sign Mega Arms Deal Includes 24 Eurofighters, 24 M346 Trainers and 6 Frigates

Please stay on topic and kindly refrain from promoting the turko-MB alliance you support.
On the contrary, i think my showing the mirror made u hate ur face. We criticise our own govt the most, thats how free and smart nations rise. Its the basis of success of the khulafa. A common man could stand up and ask Umar RA about his clothes.
Also if ur so sensitive to criticism, u shouldn't then be on a forum of a democratic nation that openly discusses everything.
And he will tell Omar RA.. how to wear them.. according to you..HaHa..
I know you hate your ugly face .. don't project that on others.. so I'll stop it here..

OT: Italy, Egypt To Sign Mega Arms Deal Includes 24 Eurofighters, 24 M346 Trainers and 6 Frigates
The TRANCHE 4 with the Captor-E AESA radar looks like it has a connection with the newly designed canard that looks like it might have additional equipment related to the improvement of the radar and well as a small flap of some kind? Not sure if there is any truth to this CGI and the real thing but sure looks like something is going on. They don't mention any information with the literature that came with the picture.

And he will tell Omar RA.. how to wear them.. according to you..HaHa..
I know you hate your ugly face .. don't project that on others.. so I'll stop it here..

OT: Italy, Egypt To Sign Mega Arms Deal Includes 24 Eurofighters, 24 M346 Trainers and 6 Frigates

Get educated kod, ur so stupid u cant even make an analogy. Not just us, the whole world makes fun of ur stupidity and milks u like morons. Remember what trump said, king u cant last a week without us. A man with a hint of dignity would have killed himself after such comments lolz. You are nothing more than a stupid kid being mouthpiece of dictators. Enjoy those useless begged toys lolz, history is evident that tiny israel beat the crap out of u ppl and now ur head bowing servants to them. Soon ull bow ur heads to iran as well.. as we say, beghairat aadmi lar nahi sakta. Heck u incompetent fools cant even handle houthis lolz. Dont waste my time anymore with ur stupidity, better go to school or go herd camels.
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