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Well, this will either be solved with Turkey would buy Israeli systems via Korea or We will buy Korean systems... I actually doN't care if its Israeli or not when it comes to our capabilities as army but I won't be too sad if Boeing-IAI *troll face*

But I don't think that this would create a big problem for IAI... Most of the arm industry in US is owned or partly owned by jewish US citizens...

Korean systems aren't as advanced as Israeli ones.
Definitly!!!! I mean Turkey couldn't access Israeli made weapons that has been sold to Azerbaijan rgiht!! No no... Azerbaijan wouldn't let Turkish engineers to inspect those systems!!! Definityl not...

Quote from Silko: Beach please....

Why are you snitching on Azerbeycan and creating mistrust between the two? They need those weapons don't destroy this source for them. You already destroyed enough to please your EGO's at least keep Azeris out of this!
Why are you snitching on Azerbeycan and creating mistrust between the two? They need those weapons don't destroy this source for them. You already destroyed enough to please your EGO's at least keep Azeris out of this!

That is a reality and do you actually think that Israel/Turkey conflict is a real one?

Nato and West needs a messenger in Muslims and suddenly Turkey and Israel fight over Palestinian issue... Than Turkey's popularity with Arabs raise to %70/80s... Than Turkish Arm sales raise to 1 billion dollar mostly Arab countries... Arab spring comes along... Turkey presented as role model for Arab spring countries...

There are alot of coincidences...

Turkish peoples understanding of country, nation and faith more related to Jews than they do with Arabs... How can someone expects me to believe that Turkey and Israel has real problems when Erdogan and Murdoch shake hands like old buddies...
Why not buy American or European AWACS if Israel refuses to sell (Which i think is stupid since Israel would be in much better position if Turkish Armed Forces uses Israeli-Made Weapons as Israelis would know the weak-points of these weapons.)..after all Turkey is NATO's Member.

That makes it even worse!! Fooling the millions who voted for them+ plus some 350 million Arabs, so after all CHP supposed ''conspiracy theories'' was true? I really don't know who to trust anymore..

That makes it even worse!! Fooling the millions who voted for them+ plus some 350 million Arabs, so after all CHP supposed ''conspiracy theories'' was true? I really don't know who to trust anymore..

Why do you take things in this forum so seriously, it's either speculation or peoples own opinions. You remind me of someone who used to post here who screamed and yelled that we were being monitored by agencies and we'd end up getting killed and stuff.
Why do you take things in this forum so seriously, it's either speculation or peoples own opinions. You remind me of someone who used to post here who screamed and yelled that we were being monitored by agencies and we'd end up getting killed and stuff.

PEHHH sanki cokta umrumdaydida!!! :lol:

BTW are you kidding me or what? the same goes for you too!

Why are you taking my post in this forum so seriously then? These are just my thoughts as well. :woot:
PEHHH sanki cokta umrumdaydida!!! :lol:

BTW are you kidding me or what? the same goes for you too!

Why are you taking my post in this forum so seriously then? These are just my thoughts as well. :woot:

I'm not, you're just too funny so I felt I should point that out :)
I'm not, you're just too funny so I felt I should point that out :)

Kid, You think I'm funny, you probably one of those clowns looking to the world through your eyes seems to view everybody funny as you are, but guess what?

There is a very strong possibility that this theory coming from Mr. Deno turns out to be a true one.. It actually makes more sense than official story whats being told to us by media. So there you go funny Shhtthan!!
The US should co-operate with Israel and not Turkey.
India-Israel forever.
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