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Islamic State leader Baghdadi 'raped' Kayla Mueller

google for "rape british female journalist ntc libya"

there is video evidence of that.

it is from 2012.

Oh. The same "democracy loving rebels" for whom NATO was mobilized to destabilize the whole of North Africa?

Now the whole of North Africa wants to get on a boat and cross into Europe. Hopefully they will succeed and change the demographics of Europe. After all, it was Europe that played the crucial role in bringing down Ghaddafi and installing terror in North Africa. So close to their own homes, they played with fire.

British Foreign Minister: Migrant Situation Not Sustainable
Stop lying. The video exists and in fact the version I have seen was a recording from a broadcast of a Pakistani TV channel (express news?).

There was a cover up after the incident. Even the surgeon who had done postmortem examination was later on killed in order to keep things quite.

These things happen all the time every where. Even in US, police does kill innocent people. This does not give excuse to Takifiris to go on and start a civil war and bring down a government and replace it with Isis. Whether with American help or without.

FC or PC or PL or whatever. I used the term Pakistani military. I am sure whatever the name or whatever the languate they speak, they all are Pakistani military. That is why it is called military. Because they are a military force.

Yes, the problem with these kind is, if they do it, then it is all good and excellent. But if someone else is doing the same then it is evil. Hypocrites.

Can you term Basij as Iranian military ? Before generalizing, if you ponder on it by comparing organizations in your own country, you would not have termed FC as Pakistani Army.

And for this incident, it was the incompetence of persons posted at checkpost. Just like Basij guys indiscriminately fired at innocent and unarmed protesters and those videos exist on live leak as well.
Can you term Basij as Iranian military ? Before generalizing, if you ponder on it by comparing organizations in your own country, you would not have termed FC as Pakistani Army.

And for this incident, it was the incompetence of persons posted at checkpost. Just like Basij guys indiscriminately fired at innocent and unarmed protesters and those videos exist on live leak as well.

You are a shameless liar. Where did I say Pakistan army?

And yes, Basij is part of Iranian military as much as FC are part of Pakistani military. And again yes, police does kill innocent people in US too. And yes, PAF does bomb its own territory. And yes, people do get killed when PAF bombs Pakistani territory. And yes, this does not give any justification to Takfiris to fight the state, whether the Syrian one or Pakistani one.

This was the point I was making clear. That, you can not use these excuses in Syria while you have the same excuses in Pakistan or any other country.

But I think it is too difficult for you guys to understand this because you are hypocrites. If Pakistan military kills pregnant women who raise their hand for mercy, then one should not bring up Syrians doing the same thing for the same reasons. This is the point here. Doing otherwise is hypocrisy.
You are a shameless liar. Where did I say Pakistan army?

And yes, Basij is part of Iranian military as much as FC are part of Pakistani military. And again yes, police does kill innocent people in US too. And yes, PAF does bomb its own territory. And yes, people do get killed when PAF bombs Pakistani territory. And yes, this does not give any justification to Takfiris to fight the state, whether the Syrian one or Pakistani one.

This was the point I was making clear. That, you can not use these excuses in Syria while you have the same excuses in Pakistan or any other country.

But I think it is too difficult for you guys to understand this because you are hypocrites. If Pakistan military kills pregnant women who raise their hand for mercy, then one should not bring up Syrians doing the same thing for the same reasons. This is the point here. Doing otherwise is hypocrisy.

Humor me, what is difference b/w Military and Army ?

Does Pakistan drop barrel bombs on it's population, suppress protests (Imran khan public protest) through military force which lead to any uprising ? Does Pakistan target indiscriminately kills people like syrian army ?

How many pregnant women pakistan killed vs how many pregnant women syrian army has killed so far ?

Hypocrisy is you are taking cheap shots and equating syrian army and it's Shabha goons who kills and rape women of it's adversaries with professional army of Pakistan who doesn't desert nor runs away, fight till death and actually clear and hold area captured from terrorists and that too we are fighting in mountain terrain, not the urban terrain like that of syria and actually host Internally displaced persons on it's own soil instead of turning blind eye and refuges have to go to turkey for refuge. Shameful incident.
what is difference b/w Military and Army ?

Does Pakistan drop barrel bombs on it's population, suppress protests (Imran khan public protest) through military force which lead to any uprising ? Does Pakistan target indiscriminately kills people like syrian army ?

How many pregnant women pakistan killed vs how many pregnant women syrian army has killed so far ?

Hypocrisy is you are taking cheap shots

The joke is on you. You brought it up. And don't you know the difference between terminologies military and army? :lol:

Oh, yes. Pakistan drops real bombs. Does not need to use fake barrels.

As for protests last year in Islamabad and Lahore, how many were killed? Dozens? More? Who killed them? Pakistani police? Military? FC? Does it even matter, since they are all part and parcel of Pakistani state. These are not Indian agencies. They are Pakistani 'Basijis'.

PAF has been dropping bombs on its own territory. You are clearly uniformed if you are disputing this.

I think it is rather tastless of you trying to prove that Pakistan can go on and do "zarb azb" or whatever and Syria should not. You are being a hypocrite here. A cheap hypocrite.

But then you are yourself on the side of Takfiris and therefore it is no surprise.
The joke is on you. You brought it up. And don't you know the difference between terminologies military and army? :lol:

Oh, yes. Pakistan drops real bombs. Does not need to use fake barrels.

As for protests last year in Islamabad and Lahore, how many were killed? Dozens? More? Who killed them? Pakistani police? Military? FC? Does it even matter, since they are all part and parcel of Pakistani state. These are not Indian agencies. They are Pakistani 'Basijis'.

PAF has been dropping bombs on its own territory. You are clearly uniformed if you are disputing this.

I think it is rather tastless of you trying to prove that Pakistan can go on and do "zarb azb" or whatever and Syria should not. You are being a hypocrite here. A cheap hypocrite.

But then you are yourself on the side of Takfiris and therefore it is no surprise.

So the hidden shia inside you finally came up on the surface and spew such crap and ignorance in your post that a Jaahil Irani knows more than you.

1. In Pakistan, Pakistan Military == Pakistan Army. Media, Official communique, Government Communique refers Pakistan military as Pakistan Army The joke is you are such ignorant about Pakistani semantics and terminologies that you are making fun of others with zero knowledge of Pakistani affairs and terminologies.

2. Now the the most hilarious thing comes up next. The word idiot and stupid is too small to describe it to you. We are discussing Pakistan army and it's branches suppressing civilian uprisings with heavy handedness , and you drag Police actions and equating them with Pakistan army actions in Operational areas of FATA and Balochistan ? I mean are you drunk or are you high ?

3. Lanat on your thinking that You are equating a civil uprising with a Religious terrorism. Before you go on harping on all those Nusra and ISIS. Open another thread and I will be happy to debate, when civil uprising started, if there was any Nusra or ISIS back then or it was only FSA.

3.5 You are such a cheap hypocrite, that you won't acknowledge If Assad if fighting terrorist than why is he not hosting refuges on it's own soil instead of letting them go to turkey or other countries ? and mind boggling thing is why Iran is not helping assad to deal with refuge crises ? You won't acknowledge Pakistan clear areas from civilians before dropping bombs there. Give me one example where Assad did that ? But what can we expect from a ignorant moron like you who would open his mouth without proper research

and one more thing, there are tons of videos of barrel bombs and you are shamelessly calling it fake barrel bombs. High five on your thinking.

4. The problem is Shias like you are only good for helping/defending murderes and killers and don't care about hosting actual Syrian refuges on your soil. Height of shamelessness and hypocrisy and sectarian mindset who can't host sunni refugges on iranian soil.
Thank you Syrians and Iraqis for giving Muslims a shit name. Every time I turn on the TV I see you idiots in the news and they call it a Muslim attack, or Islamist attack bla bla.

Thank you for being f**king morons. Please civilize when you get a moment.
Bull shit, post said video.
It did happen .. But there were no children .. Only men and women ... Syicide bombers ,.. Chechans illegals ... FC shot them after they didn't stop at a check post..

You are a shameless liar. Where did I say Pakistan army?

And yes, Basij is part of Iranian military as much as FC are part of Pakistani military. And again yes, police does kill innocent people in US too. And yes, PAF does bomb its own territory. And yes, people do get killed when PAF bombs Pakistani territory. And yes, this does not give any justification to Takfiris to fight the state, whether the Syrian one or Pakistani one.

This was the point I was making clear. That, you can not use these excuses in Syria while you have the same excuses in Pakistan or any other country.

But I think it is too difficult for you guys to understand this because you are hypocrites. If Pakistan military kills pregnant women who raise their hand for mercy, then one should not bring up Syrians doing the same thing for the same reasons. This is the point here. Doing otherwise is hypocrisy.

Unlike your puppet Syrian "army" PAF doesn't barrel bomb urban populated areas... PAF has been using PGMs on taliban hideouts in the mountains ... With no civilians in the area ..(close to 1.2 million people had been evacuated from the area by the army before the operations.... Now you can lie all you want but the truth is that SAA isn't innocent.... There are a shitload of Syrian Arnt videos on websites like ******** and those shock/gore tubes etc..

The joke is on you. You brought it up. And don't you know the difference between terminologies military and army? :lol:

Oh, yes. Pakistan drops real bombs. Does not need to use fake barrels.

As for protests last year in Islamabad and Lahore, how many were killed? Dozens? More? Who killed them? Pakistani police? Military? FC? Does it even matter, since they are all part and parcel of Pakistani state. These are not Indian agencies. They are Pakistani 'Basijis'.

PAF has been dropping bombs on its own territory. You are clearly uniformed if you are disputing this.

I think it is rather tastless of you trying to prove that Pakistan can go on and do "zarb azb" or whatever and Syria should not. You are being a hypocrite here. A cheap hypocrite.

But then you are yourself on the side of Takfiris and therefore it is no surprise.

Tell us more ? When was Pak military used to suppress protests in Islamabad or Lahore? Nobody died in Islamabad ... It was lahore where police (politicised) shot at the protestors..(Such incidents have happened in Iran aswell).

PAK Army was only called in to guard the National Assembly or to control mobs that had seized the PTV building which they did without firing a single fukin bullet!
It did happen .. But there were no children .. Only men and women ... Syicide bombers ,.. Chechans illegals ... FC shot them after they didn't stop at a check post..

Really? Well if they were "Syicide bombers", so are the Syrians who are being killed. You see, trying to make one side angel and the other evil does not work anymore.

It did happen .. But there were no children .. Only men and women ... Syicide bombers ,.. Chechans illegals ... FC shot them after they didn't stop at a check post..

Unlike your puppet Syrian "army" PAF doesn't barrel bomb urban populated areas... PAF has been using PGMs on taliban hideouts in the mountains ... With no civilians in the area ..(close to 1.2 million people had been evacuated from the area by the army before the operations.... Now you can lie all you want but the truth is that SAA isn't innocent.... There are a shitload of Syrian Arnt videos on websites like ******** and those shock/gore tubes etc..

Tell us more ? When was Pak military used to suppress protests in Islamabad or Lahore? Nobody died in Islamabad ... It was lahore where police (politicised) shot at the protestors..(Such incidents have happened in Iran aswell).

PAK Army was only called in to guard the National Assembly or to control mobs that had seized the PTV building which they did without firing a single fukin bullet!

Dude, get your act together. There is no difference when a PGM is falling on you or a barrel. Both kill. No one can differentiate between non-combatants and the combatants from 30 thousand feet. If Pakistan military killing the rebels is a good thing, so is the Syrian military doing the same.

Every year hundreds if not thousands of Shias are killed in Pakistan. Some of them the cream of Pakistani shia society, doctors and engineers. Have some shame when you are defending the same forces and the same mindset which is doing these killings. Whether in Syria or in Iraq or in Pakistan or in Yemen or in Turkey or etc etc.

Truth will not need your personal support. It will sustain on itself. Whether you will sustain on lies is another matter.

as ever i say, syria was invaded by thousands of terrorists in early 2011, with the total support of nato countries... this happened in parallel to the events in libya and slightly later in venezuela... the nobel peace prizes for 2011 and 2013 were awarded to those who helped nato in its regime-change campaign in north africa and syria... nato formal militaries were even about to invade syria by land/sea/air in the middle of 2013.

the terrorists invading syria come from all over the world - south east asia to north america, and they are facilitated entry into syria or medical treatment for war injuries or logistics support or weapons support or refuge by the hostile governments of the countries neighboring syria - turkey, israel, jordan.

the syrian army and the syrian military and militias have withstood this attack bravely and ably... this is the fifth year of this international war... international war... let me be clear, no south asian army could have withstood such a war.

bashar al-assad retains the trust and loyalty of majority of the syrian population of whom majority are sunni muslim and which reflects in the army too... forget what the erdogan-loving turks or the saudis or the israelis say in the "syria civil war" thread... you should reflect on why nato supports the so-called rebels, why obama wants bashar al-assad removed, why the sauds wage propaganda war against the socialism-guided establishment of syria.

i understand these things better than most members of pdf, however, you need not take that at face-value but simply reflect on my questions just above.

edit : in 2014 or 2013, once in the syrian city of homs, after the terrorists had been cleared out by the syrian army, the citizens returned... it is sad the in some cases, lots of syrians go out of the country, but you must also think why in the refugee camps outside, they are visited by nato propagandists like angelina joile.
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It did happen .. But there were no children .. Only men and women ... Syicide bombers ,.. Chechans illegals ... FC shot them after they didn't stop at a check post..

Unlike your puppet Syrian "army" PAF doesn't barrel bomb urban populated areas... PAF has been using PGMs on taliban hideouts in the mountains ... With no civilians in the area ..(close to 1.2 million people had been evacuated from the area by the army before the operations.... Now you can lie all you want but the truth is that SAA isn't innocent.... There are a shitload of Syrian Arnt videos on websites like ******** and those shock/gore tubes etc..

Tell us more ? When was Pak military used to suppress protests in Islamabad or Lahore? Nobody died in Islamabad ... It was lahore where police (politicised) shot at the protestors..(Such incidents have happened in Iran aswell).

PAK Army was only called in to guard the National Assembly or to control mobs that had seized the PTV building which they did without firing a single fukin bullet!

Here you go: Breaking: Afghan Mullahs declare Jihad against Pakistan .

The same forces you are defending here, and Iran has been fighting against since 1990's have declared a war on you. A religious one, nonetheless. Now, defend them more and continue apologizing on their behalf.
Another innocent American woman murdered by the MIT scum

sad outcome but she was not so innocent it seems... after all, she was roaming about with the same "rebels" that turkey government or nato entirely, supports... she was there to spread propaganda against the syrian army and government.
i think ISIS should be killed in a way that it becomes an example for the whole World :angry::angry:
R.I.P to the reporter
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