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Islamabad police arrest boy who posed in front of Quaid’s portrait in a vulgar photoshoot

Liberals going like "Islamabad police arresting kids who did nothing"...
They always find no evil in provoking the public. They always think it's ok to offend religion,tradition,society and national symbols. They think it's progressive,it's art,it's freedom of expression.
Well it's not. And all those liberals nagging about police not solving serious cases and chasing down "kids who did nothing",are only fooling themselves. Just because you're crime is not as serious,doesn't mean it's still not an offense,a crime. Imagine if they let con artists get away because "they didn't use violence".
This mentality of no respect is one of the things destroying our world.
So now we go from "merely swinging" to the "main reason". For a 21 year old adult. :D

And none of that can even remotely apply to the Pakistani case.
You want to be a nit pick then be my guest.
Did you miss the bit about during '' Student Protests about fees''.
Compared to Pakistani case, the flag incident is a walk in the park.
I do not agree with the distasteful photos at all. But how does advocating torture or misapplying the law help the situation in any constructive manner? I swear the nation as a whole has truly gone off its rockers beyond redemption.
Because in the absence of law and order along with education leaves mob justice and extremism as the only way of thought. Think of our own home country(not where we were born) and the last 6-7 years of devolution of thought and extremism that led to today’s polarized society. A lot of it has to do with people sticking more and more to their core beliefs when attacked and extremism taking hold. It doesn’t just reflect on conservatism but also liberals who refuse to negotiate or budge from their position.

What can happen to negate these affects is either education, an enemy that can be fought and faced or a complete breakdown of systems. When Pakistanis are advocating for an Afghanistan or ISIL like state as it resonates with their own varying ideas on Shariah then a counter to that would be education. That is non-existent for all intents and purposes in Pakistan due to misplaced priorities. That leaves India as the cohesive uniting enemy because when it comes to the west the enemy factor is immediately shamed by the exodus of Pakistanis to these countries from all walks of life regardless of elite or poor, liberal or conservative. Hence in a way, Indian hostility is what keeps Pakistan together(ironic that they key to destroying their greatest threat lies in making peace with it) otherwise these elements will erupt into the street over the many faults and broken systems in Pakistan. Do you think that tomorrow there wont be women beaten in the streets by people who may include PDF members or even your extended family given the emotions and sociopathic tendencies on exhibit ?
However, Ive started to realize that instead of attacking what are clearly outbursts coming from a different background and experience - its better to understand why they are there.

The law is misused here
A. Public outcry on the issue
B. The need to show results to superiors /public
C. Relative ease of taking down a effeminate young man

The same way it was for lahore harassments, murders or the corruption cases and looted wealth. When as expected it doesn’t really serve justice or solve the issues as has been the track record AND no leadership to look at things introspectively , then you so everything from blaming the victim to calls for mob justice.
I guess it has something to do with what quaid e azam said. I see it as mocking national values.

Maybe a bit of memory loss from the constant drinking on your part.
moral values and culture is scrap just a pure scrap you know why ? becuase every 25 years its changed fully . paksitan is not island on mars . we are living in this world and we will be effected with changes . better pakistnais understand good for them .
They are mocking the faith part of our society deliberately. An LGBT stunt who hate religion.

If you have problem with your eye sight, its written in capital.
A guy is just standing half naked for some publicity stunt

But your lot are finding ways to become Sasta Khadim Hussain Rizvi

Ana nu pan deyo teh Ana nu kadh leyo

It has nothing to do with religion, it's a publicity stunt, stop chimping out over lil things and

Trying to rile yourself up by bringing religion into this petty situation
And so Pakistan was saved.

Any cases of section 294 registered against the obscenities perpetuated
moral values and culture is scrap just a pure scrap you know why ? becuase every 25 years its changed fully . paksitan is not island on mars . we are living in this world and we will be effected with changes . better pakistnais understand good for them .

Should probably update quaid e azam with some lipistick and a bra aswell, well you know to keep up with the flow 😂
You see the state we are in? You suggest a kid be hanged just for a handful of pictures he took while dressed up like a cartoon in front of the Quiad's portrait and I still need to explain why you got the negative rating.
He did a crime come on. Everyone has different opinions on the punishment intensity of each crime. You cannot handover a negative rating for this. Come on
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