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ISIS Mass Retreating from Several Areas in East Aleppo After the Fall of the Kuweries Airport


Feb 11, 2014
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The liberation of the Kuweires Military Airport was not the end of the Syrian Arab Army’s military operations on Tuesday; instead, they took advantage of the Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham’s (ISIS) crumbling defenses and expanded their control over several sites inside the Deir Hafer Plains of the Aleppo Governorate’s eastern countryside.

Moments after the liberation of the Kuweries Military Airport, the Syrian Arab Army’s elite “Cheetah Forces” (Tiger Forces branch) – in coordination with the National Defense Forces (NDF) of Aleppo City and Kataebat Al-Ba’ath (Al-Ba’ath Battalions) – advanced to the village of Rasm ‘Abboud, where they were confronted by a small contingent of fighters from ISIS that were ill-prepared for the advancing pro-government forces.

Following a brief skirmish with the ISIS terrorists at Rasm ‘Abboud, the Syrian Armed Forces imposed full control over this small village located directly east of the Kuweires Military Airport; this was preceded by a mass exodus of the terrorist group’s fighters from the surrounding area to their stronghold of Deir Hafer.

In addition to losing Rasm ‘Abboud, ISIS also conceded the small village of ‘Umm Arkileh after they lost control of Sheikh Ahmad yesterday; this has allowed the Syrian Armed Forces to position themselves at the western flank of the strategic hilltop of Tal Al-Ahmad.

ISIS Mass Retreating from Several Areas in East Aleppo After the Fall of the Kuweries Airport

Kuweries airport was in Siege for 2 years by the so called invincible ISIS that USA was bombing . But Russian air forces have helped the Syrian forces to lift this immense siege in the aleppo governate which was in ISIS and Al qaeda rule for 3 years thanks to Turkey.
The liberation of the Kuweires Military Airport was not the end of the Syrian Arab Army’s military operations on Tuesday; instead, they took advantage of the Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham’s (ISIS) crumbling defenses and expanded their control over several sites inside the Deir Hafer Plains of the Aleppo Governorate’s eastern countryside.

Moments after the liberation of the Kuweries Military Airport, the Syrian Arab Army’s elite “Cheetah Forces” (Tiger Forces branch) – in coordination with the National Defense Forces (NDF) of Aleppo City and Kataebat Al-Ba’ath (Al-Ba’ath Battalions) – advanced to the village of Rasm ‘Abboud, where they were confronted by a small contingent of fighters from ISIS that were ill-prepared for the advancing pro-government forces.

Following a brief skirmish with the ISIS terrorists at Rasm ‘Abboud, the Syrian Armed Forces imposed full control over this small village located directly east of the Kuweires Military Airport; this was preceded by a mass exodus of the terrorist group’s fighters from the surrounding area to their stronghold of Deir Hafer.

In addition to losing Rasm ‘Abboud, ISIS also conceded the small village of ‘Umm Arkileh after they lost control of Sheikh Ahmad yesterday; this has allowed the Syrian Armed Forces to position themselves at the western flank of the strategic hilltop of Tal Al-Ahmad.

ISIS Mass Retreating from Several Areas in East Aleppo After the Fall of the Kuweries Airport

Kuweries airport was in Siege for 2 years by the so called invincible ISIS that USA was bombing . But Russian air forces have helped the Syrian forces to lift this immense siege in the aleppo governate which was in ISIS and Al qaeda rule for 3 years thanks to Turkey.
Go Putin Go!!!
Good. Burn in hell you kharjite monsters. Isis must be annihalated from existence. They cannot be allowed to operate and exist. May ISIS become extinct.
Don't worry we have putin in action.this is just begining ...we have great climax....just get pop corn , sit n enjoy..
it it true ? as of now no big western media is reporting it .
The rats are running back to their headquarters in turkey.
Turkey supports FSA and it showed that Russia couldn't gain any territory on that said and actually lost areas.. Next time you comment here, make sure your mouth doesnt stinky.. With these attacks, Russia will make ISIS to focus on themselves and eventually will lost the ground..
I want the ISIS members to be killed, so go head...
There is no ISIS in Aleppo

Its just the usual BS propaganda

Russia, The U.S etc have been bombing isis for months and Assads forces have almost nothing to show for it
ISIL siege of Aleppo airbase 'broken by Syrian army'

Kweires air base, besieged by ISIL since 2013, recaptured by government forces, according to Syria state media.

ISIL siege of Aleppo airbase 'broken by Syrian army' - Al Jazeera English

Syria conflict: Russia 'peace plan' revealed ahead of key summit

A Russian document circulating at the United Nations has proposed a constitutional reform process in Syria, lasting 18 months, to be followed by presidential elections.

The document does not say whether Syrian President Bashar al-Assad should remain in power during that time.

It says certain Syrian opposition groups should take part in key talks on the crisis in Vienna on Saturday.

The Syrian army meanwhile is reported to have broken a siege in the north.

Army units had made contact with troops defending Kuwairis airbase, east of Aleppo, and eliminated large numbers of Islamic State (IS) militants, the Sana news agency said.

The facility had been under attack by IS jihadists for nearly two years.

A Russian foreign ministry spokeswoman said that the priority ahead of next Saturday's meeting should be to establish which Syrian opposition groups are to be regarded as partners in the process, and which are "terrorist" and unacceptable.

Syria conflict: Russia 'peace plan' revealed ahead of key summit - BBC News
Kuweries shows that if defender have strong will , they can defend themselves from wave of suicide trucks and repel ISIS elite force with ease ...
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