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ISIS kills 50 Egypt soldiers, seized town in Sinai

send some F-16s loaded with maverick missiles now .HOT SCRAMBLE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
64 soldiers and police killed, according to army sources 50 militants killed, and civilian deaths as well.

Meanwhile Egyptian security today executed 9 MB officials in their homes and nobody is talking about it. Egypt is going toenter chaos. Sisi came to spark civil war for his foreign masters and he will flee Egypt and leave it to rot.
armed terrorist cell and they opened fire on the police
only solution for make them good
‘We are under siege’: Egyptian Colonel in Sinai | Al Bawaba

EL-ARISH, Egypt (AP) — Islamic militants on Wednesday unleashed a wave of simultaneous attacks, including suicide car bombings, on Egyptian army checkpoints in the restive northern Sinai Peninsula, killing at least 50 soldiers, security and military officials said.

The coordinated morning assaults in Sinai came a day after Egypt's president pledged to step up the battle against Islamic militants and two days after the country's state prosecutor was assassinated in the capital, Cairo. The attacks set off fierce fighting between the army and the militants that continued into Wednesday afternoon — the fiercest clashes in decades in the peninsula.

The scope and intensity of the attacks underscored the resilience and advanced planning by the militants who have for years battled Egyptian security forces in northern Sinai but intensified their insurgency over the past two years just as the government threw more resources into the drawn-out fight.

An Islamic State affiliate in Egypt claimed responsibility for Wednesday's attacks, saying its fighters targeted a total of 15 army and police positions and staged three suicide bombings, two of which targeted checkpoints and one that hit an officers' club in the nearby city of el-Arish.

The authenticity of the claim could not be immediately verified but it was posted on a Facebook page associated with the group.

Except for the attack at the officers' club, the rest took place in the town of Sheikh Zuweid and targeted at least six military checkpoints, the officials said. The militants also took soldiers captive and seized weapons and several armored vehicles, they added, speaking on condition of anonymity in line with regulations.

At least 55 soldiers were wounded, the officials also said.
As fighting raged, an army Apache gunship destroyed one of the armored carriers captured by the militants as they were driving it away, the officials added.

Egypt's military spokesman, Brig. Gen. Mohammed Samir, said clashes were still underway in the area between the armed forces and the militants. His statement put the number of soldiers killed so far at 10, but the conflicting numbers could not immediately be reconciled in the immediate aftermath of a major attack.

Samir's statement, posted on his official Facebook page, said some 70 militants attacked five checkpoints in northern Sinai and that Egyptian troops killed 22 of them and destroyed three all-terrain vehicles fitted with anti-aircraft guns.

Later Wednesday, Samir said on his Facebook page that the country's armed forces targeted two militant gatherings in northern Sinai, completely destroying them.

The Egyptian air force is "targeting terrorists on the ground as clashes continue," he said, though he did not give a new figure for militant casualties.

The officials said scores of militants were besieging Sheikh Zuweid's main police station, shelling it with mortars and rocket-propelled grenades and exchanging fire with dozens of policemen inside.

Northern Sinai has over the past two years witnessed a series of complex and successful attacks targeting Egyptian security forces, many of which have been claimed by a local affiliate of the Islamic State group.

Two of the six checkpoints attacked Wednesday were completely destroyed, the officials said. Army checkpoints in the area routinely have between 50 and 60 soldiers. The IS statement said the two checkpoints were hit by suicide bombers.

The attacks came just two days after the assassination in Cairo of the country's top prosecutor, Hisham Barakat, and one day after President Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi vowed to step up a two-year crackdown on militants.

Last week, Islamic State spokesman Abu Mohammed al-Adnani called in an audio message on IS followers to launch massive attacks during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, which is now entering its third week.

Militants in northern Sinai, which borders Israel and the Gaza Strip, have battled security forces for years but stepped up their attacks following the July 2013 military ouster of Islamist President Mohammed Morsi after days of mass street protests against his rule.

Militants attack Egyptian army checkpoints in Sinai, kill 50 - Yahoo News
how they came to Sinai from Syria.. Jordan is against them then from where they came to sinai??
Egypt Forces Kill 9 Muslim Brotherhood Members in Cairo Raid, Including Former Lawmaker - ABC News

Bullcrap, do you think we're stupid? They went into their homes and murdered them. You guys are stupid thinking you can murder everybody you will push Egypt into civil war. And now you get ISIS because you kept attacking all opposition.
we are not afraid from isil or any terror organization the army will fight for the country even if he stand up to the entire world
we are not afraid from isil or any terror organization the army will fight for the country even if he stand up to the entire world

Nobody said otherwise, what we're saying is persecuting all opposition especially moderate Islamists will leave that gap filled in by extremists.


Anyways Egyptian armed forces making statement shortly....
Is it possible that Egypt would work together with Israel to stabilize Sinai if the situation gets worse?

We can assist them if they allow us presence on border areas. Instead they created buffer zone, demolished whole neighborhoods, deported Palestinians out of Al-Arish. When we used to have a presence, no attacks of this sort happened, and also both sides benefited economically. Now all the Egyptians who were employed because of this cross border black market are left without jobs and many of them are radicalizing. It's too late now to reverse process, they are not showing any genuine signs of restoring ties. Instead they just take cues from Israel/PA who keep telling Egypt to be harsh on Gaza and close border indefinitely. They had a meeting two days ago where Israel urged Egypt not to restore ties with Hamas and keep choking Gaza residents:

In sign of warmer ties, Israeli official heads to Cairo for talks - Israel News - Jerusalem Post

Because Egypt is following Israel's orders, the situation in Sinai can't be predictable anymore. Israel is coercing the US and other regional states into adhering to its short term interests of strangling/beseiging Palestinian people/moderate Islamists in Arab nations at cost of nations suffering miserable chaos.


Israeli Channel 7: Israel gives permission for Egypt to deploy additional ground reinforcements to Sinai
No more Sharm el Sheikh for me. PS: that paper tiger of an Egyptian army better break ISIS' back fast. If even they can't do it, what will the weaklings of the GCC do? Haha Iran will be sent into Saudi Arabia to help the Al Sauds against Daash.

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