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ISIS has Saudis on highest alert

Too rude.

I don't think so as he is talking nonsense about a topic that he has no idea about (aside from being a foreigner) and he literary directly hopes that ISIS will attack KSA. Such people do not deserve my respect or that of others.

Let him mind his own business and put his own house in order first. It's close to collapsing on some areas.

Anyway this is typical behavior from some Indian users here so not surprised. I wish that we could give them as much attention. Enough of problems to comment about. Yet I don't think that any Arab user ever commented on their section, LOL.
Well, being an Indian I guess you have your own giant problems starting with the biggest amount of poor on the planet, sanitation (600 million of you do not even have toilets), crime, terrorism (I think that India has the highest number of terror attacks yearly) and dozens of other problems.

You don't have to worry about the Holy Land. You will just become disappointed.

So please, comment on something that you have knowledge about. Too many wannabe professors on PDF that want their 1 minute of fame writing about topics that they have no clue about at all.


That will mysteriously save the shiekh's fat @sses from the snakes thaat look to take a bite out of it? I am sure BBC went and checked the houses of 600 million to come up with the figure - and only retards would assume that that number of people wouldnt have toilets.

They better petition the Americans to save their behinds again..

What gave you the impression that I am worried about the holy land? thee only things I am worried about is the oil that these fat bitches are sitting on, Israel and the expats who are working there.

One doesnt need to be a professor to comment on PDF, You must be a wannabe professor if you think so.
Suadia arabia is a menace for middle east ... all the suppression in middle east is due to Suadia Arabia, they try to middle in every country politics .. recently they tried to create a mess in Syria, they should get the taste of their own medicine

That will mysteriously save the shiekh's fat @sses from the snakes thaat look to take a bite out of it? I am sure BBC went and checked the houses of 600 million to come up with the figure - and only retards would assume that that number of people wouldnt have toilets.

They better petition the Americans to save their behinds again..

What gave you the impression that I am worried about the holy land? thee only things I am worried about is the oil that these fat bitches are sitting on, Israel and the expats who are working there.

One doesnt need to be a professor to comment on PDF, You must be a wannabe professor if you think so.

I did not invent those numbers. You need to call BBC and make a complain. India having the BY FAR highest number of poor on the planet is a fact though.

Same with the toilet claim.

India census: Half of homes have phones but no toilets

Nearly half of India's 1.2 billion people have no toilet at home, but more people own a mobile phone, according to the latest census data.
Only 46.9% of the 246.6 million households have lavatories while 49.8% defecate in the open. The remaining 3.2% use public toilets.

BBC News - India census: Half of homes have phones but no toilets

Nasty shit. (LOL) :lol:

There is a video of one Indian worker in KSA defecting in a shop too. Became quit a "phenomenon" in terms of negativity in the Arab world. Quite nasty. Some habits from home I guess that never leave certain people.
I would have beat him up completely if that was my shop and deported him back.

@Arabian Legend might provide the video btw.

Nobody cares about what you are worried about. You are irrelevant. Also you have no power over the expats. When they live and work in KSA we decide everything. Tell them to stop arriving. I would not mind actually. People will always seek better pastures and the GCC is one of the richest pastures. Millions are already eager to come so deporting all Indians tomorrow will be no problem. A problem for the remittances in India though as KSA are only second to the US.



Remittance corridors: New rivers of gold | The Economist

No, but if one wants to be taken seriously and not make a fool out of himself one ought to at least make a little bit of research before commenting on topics that have nothing to do with ones country, region, people etc.

Again? When did that happen? So tiny Kuwait suddenly turned into KSA? Nice to know.:lol:
Also last time I checked you were a Western (British) colony. Not KSA who never were an Western colony despite attempts of doing so. The West (Christian world) wanted nothing more than controlling Makkah and Madinah but that thankfully never happened.

Anyway let the retards have dreams of the Holy Land being targeted.:lol:
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Stay on topic, and the topic is the sheikh's crapping their skirts or whatever they wear in the fear of the fire they built.

Your off topic BS will not change the status of the mess that is the effed up region that is the Middle east or will not magically make all the half witted monkeys with petro dollar guns, mortars and grenades go away. Keep a tab on thee beheadings or the rapes or the refugees.

What should worry the fat shiekhus more is whether the US will come back to save their @sses again or not.

oh, as for the brits not running KSA before oil, what would they be more interested in running a desert filled with camel loving nomads or a land of milk and honey?

The Arabian Peninsula is one of the richest areas in terms of natural resources in the entire world (if not the richest) and has a key strategic position in the world bordering 3 continents. Europe next by, Africa and Asia which the Arabian Peninsula itself is a part of. Much richer than India on that front.

Historically Arabia was also a wealthy region for most of the time (despite not being populated as densely as what is now India) and it was a corner stone in the first international trade route in history (Incense Route) as most of the valuable goods there came from Arabia and later the Arabian Sea/Indian Ocean trade.

Incense Route - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Incense Route lasted for nearly 1 millennium starting about 3000 years ago until the 2rd century AD.

Arabian frankincense (back then the most valuable goods), precious stones, myrrh, pearls, gold etc. was bought from all corners of the world in Arabia.

KSA has one of the earliest gold mines in the world and the biggest in the ME. Active since 3000 BC!

Mahd adh Dhahab - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Indian Ocean trade - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Arabs/Semites as well as in the ancient Incense Route controlled most of the Indian Ocean trade 2 millenniums later.

Apparently the Indians also found the region important given the long trading relations.

Trade and cultural links between ancient Arabia and ancient India date back to third millennium BC.[1

Heptulla, Nejma. Indo-West Asian relations: the Nehru era. Allied Publishers, 1991. ISBN 9788170233404.

You might educate yourself. Remember what I wrote earlier to you in this thread. About the ancient ME which is the cradle of civilizations and also geography.

I prefer the world famous and majestic Arabian horses that helped conquer more or less the entire known world. Camels are also useful animals. You have them in India too if I am not mistaken.

All of that is not happening in KSA. Once again the geography might be a problem, mate.

Seriously did an big, tall and bearded and scary looking Arab beat you up when you worked/visited the GCC?

Don't worry Arabs/Semites and people from the ancient ME will keep having business with India as in the last 5000 years. Lack of toilets, poverty in India or fat sheikhs or not. Especially with the nearly 200 million Indian Muslims.

Also you can keep wishing that the Holy Land will be attacked. This will not happen and if it did then 2 million Indians will also be in danger.

Think about that for a second before your hatred eats you up.
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without oil you would have remained cave dwelling, date munching camel loving desert rats, so lets not even bother.

As for a dark tall arab beating me up in GCC, lol - I would love to see such a monkey try outside his deseert, dogs bark loudest in their own streets - and no I have never visited any arab country.

Lets not get personal here.
Yes, you are a clown. Even when I educated a little swarthy Hindu like you (LOL an Indian calling Arabs and other Middle Eastern people dark :lol:) so well you still act like a rabid dog. Arabs are much lighter skinned (as all other Middle Eastern people) on average than Indians are. I would even say that some of the AFRO-Arabs are sometimes lighter than Indians. There is a reason why you people are obsessed about skin color and use whitening cream more than anyone else. I might start involving myself in that business as it can be a good investment if I move to India.

Even in traditional WESTERN anthropology the "Arabid/Oriental/Syrid race" is a subgroup of the "Mediterranean race" which we Arabs/Semites not only inhabit the longest stretch of but are also native to.

The Oriental race[1] (also Arabid race[2] or Syrid race) is an historical term for a morphological sub-type of the Mediterranean race, as used in physical anthropology.

Must be because you just defected in public and forgot to clean your ***.

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Any responsible and sane state is prepared for such threats. That's still a galaxy away from seeing what we saw in Iraq in KSA. That will never happen. For starters the RSAF (one of the very best air forces in the entire world) could annihilate all positions of ISIS should they conquer even 1 city in KSA in a few hours.
I will burn my Saudi Arabian passport and get a French passport instead if ISIS one day manage to rule all of KSA, including the Holy Lands.:lol:
I dont know is here an ISIS terrorism thread... or an historical geopolitician Thread ..... !

i got a racist camel humper all riled up without breaking a sweat dumbsh!t.

Eh, hasani dudette, its not about hate or a wish for you to be beheaded by the monkeys running lose in your neighborhood or someone bombing your holy land....I wouldnt wish that upon you even though you are a racist .|.

The only thing that concerns me is the turmoil that has unfolded and tthat has destabilized that region, africa and our immediate neighbors to the west. Plus the oil supplies that we buy from there, plus our workers who work there.

no , they won't do anything that harm western's economy ....
even in Syria , they are just selling oils with lesser price ... so don't worry ...

Lets see, we are heavily dependent on energy supplies and we do not have easy access to Russian oil - though they are talking about a supply route that would take a decade or more.
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Lets see, we are heavily dependent on energy supplies and we do not have easy access to Russian oil - though they are talking about a supply route that would take a decade or more.

well , ISIS are just bunch of thugs ... they are not big deal , the moment that KSA , USA , Britain and Israel stop supporting them with money and information and didn't give them operation plan , they will fail ...

and all of these bullshits are some diversion tactic by Saudis , they just doesn't want to destroy all bridge behind them and want to has some excuse to deny their relationship with ISIS in future و if things go wrongs ... maybe even to make this even more realistic , they force ISIS to attack some Saudi military bases and then get slaughter by KSA army in process and then ISIS will stop their operation against KSA ....

this is middle east ( west of Asia ) and everything can happen in it ...
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