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ISIS attack Pakistan military checkpoint

Moral of the story : Terrorists wont differentiate between Afghans or Pakistanis, thus we both need to fight them, be it ISIS, Afghan Taliban, Haqqani, Hizb Islami or TTP. Lets stop differentiating them as they wont differentiate between us

'Islamic State' militants say attacked Pakistan-Afghan border post| Reuters

Well said . Pakistan doing same mistakes they did in tribal belt in eastern borders . Breakaway fractions will pose huge threat too in a very near future
Why do Pakistanis think ISIS cannot gain influence in Pakistan? There are millions of Pakistanis who think minorities should be treated like second grade citizens, and even some minorities deserve death, they believe there should be Caliphate and Sharia Law. Its only a matter of time before ISIS gains influence in Pakistan. Forget Taliban, ISIS carries more acceptance since they have a living and expanding Caliphate, for Arab loving Pakistanis Goat Al Baghdadi might well be their Caliph.
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