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Is Pakistan poised for default in FY 2024?

But if Zardari believed most of the terrorists are foreigners and therefore have to be taken out, it is hard to blame him. I think every Pakistani government has used military assets against suspected terrorists, even when they did not think they are foreigners. The raid on the mosque comes to mind.
Sure, but what about the groups operating in Punjab? Or the networks in Karachi? Why were these provinces spared from drone strikes despite numerous attacks on civilians & military? Shehbaz Sharif on record asked TTP to spare Punjab from attacks, as if the rest of the country meant nothing to him?
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I feel debt restructuring is inevitable. The IMF loan is not enough and I'm sure Pakistan, with its decreasing cash flows and increasing debt servicing, will run out of money soon.

Imran Khan shouldn't come back to this bankrupted country. Fixing it requires painful decisions enforced by the rifle, something which I feel only the current GHQ is willing to do.
Unfortunately he has to

Rifle can't give you investor confidence

He was in worse situation in 2018 and he did well. But back then Arabs gave him 15b$ ..will they again? Probably not

Reason why I think he shouldn't is we are still going in circles...untill nawaz sharif is done like shahbaz sharif Pakistanis won't get the Nasha off..so let's bring nawaz sharif so he is exposed to the educated class like the great administrator was

But if Zardari believed most of the terrorists are foreigners and therefore have to be taken out, it is hard to blame him. I think every Pakistani government has used military assets against suspected terrorists, even when they did not think they are foreigners. The raid on the mosque comes to mind.
It was all about 💰💰💰 nothing else

To zardari credit he negotiated a separate package for civilians 7.5b$ vs CSF which was purely military bonanza

Regardless the whole theme was kill Pakistanis and get paid mostly killed on fake intelligence of ISI
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