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Is it time for Pakistan to reveal the Taimur(ICBM) ?

I personally believe, its already been done but I don't think that it should be tested now.Pakistan might face extra pressure.
Its ready!
What I know is work was completed on few years ago and even if go by @Rafi statement than by him work on ICBM is at advanced stage. My info says it's ready but not testing due geo political reasons. Personally when I see the economy testing it won't be great idea but when I look at Iran USA situation than I think we should go ahead with the test. Arguments can be made for both sides here.
Probably not until a platform, nuff said.
The right time to test would be AFTER foreign troops leave Afghan soil. That way, Pakistan can test numerous times in the case of failure without having to worry about special forces on the Western border preparing contingency plans to destroy nuclear facilities and confiscate weapons.

This is a very valid scenario as the OBL Raid has shown that certain superpower has the ability to conduct surgical strikes on Pakistan, leaving it unable to retaliate let alone even detect them.
Probably not until a platform, nuff said.


Fellas, Pakistan is never going to test any ICBM in the foreseeable future. By ICBM, I mean a missile with atleast 6500km to 7000km range.

Pakistan's next increase in range would most likely be a missile with 3000km to 4000km range. We need this to tackle the future indian ABM systems (Our Shaheens won't cut it once india operationalize their future ABM network).

Pakistan's missile program is built to counter india. So range is not what Pakistan is working on. Pakistan's primary goal is to counter indian defence measures. So 4000km missile, quasi-ballistic missiles, ISKANDER like missiles with sub-orbital, non-ballistic trajectory etc is where our program is headed.
I disagree with the assertion that Pakistan will NEVER test an ICBM. It all depends on the situation. There are now TWO US Carrier Strike Groups stationed in the Persian Gulf. Do you guys really think that these are there for Iran ONLY??

And if you do think that these are for Iran only then unfortunately you need to do a lot of soul searching. In a scenario where Pakistan sees these Carrier Groups as a threat to itself then it WILL TEST ICBM. There is just no doubt about this.
I disagree with the assertion that Pakistan will NEVER test an ICBM. It all depends on the situation. There are now TWO US Carrier Strike Groups stationed in the Persian Gulf. Do you guys really think that these are there for Iran ONLY??

And if you do think that these are for Iran only then unfortunately you need to do a lot of soul searching. In a scenario where Pakistan sees these Carrier Groups as a threat to itself then it WILL TEST ICBM. There is just no doubt about this.

Even if Pakistan tests an ICBM that has the range to reach US mainland, then what????

USA has developed ICBM interceptors that can intercept and destroy ICBM before ICBM's even reach US mainland. Not to mention hundreds of US military bases all over the world. US is even developing Space based missile defense systems to deal with hypersonic cruise missiles.

The only threat US takes seriously is from China and Russia in which they both can swarm thousands of nuclear armed missiles aimed at USA mainland.
But if we test an ICBM then US will sanction us. Our economy is already f**ked. There is no point in testing an ICBM.

ICBM is 50's technology anyways. Instead we should focus on developing long range hypersonic cruise missiles.
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Even if Pakistan tests an ICBM that has the range to reach US mainland, then what????

USA has developed ICBM interceptors that can intercept and destroy ICBM before ICBM's even reach US mainland. Not to mention hundreds of US military bases all over the world. US is even developing Space based missile defense systems to deal with hypersonic cruise missiles.

The only threat US takes seriously is from China and Russia in which they both can swarm thousands of nuclear armed missiles at USA mainland.
But if we test an ICBM then US will sanction us. Our economy is already f**ked. There is no point in testing an ICBM.

ICBM is 50's technology anyways. Instead we should focus on developing long range hypersonic cruise missiles.
SLBM With 5000km+ range is more needed....
SLBM With 5000km+ range is more needed....
It is certainly not needed NOW. Unless you are suggesting we dig our own graves now. You need to have the right product demonstrated at the right time. We have all the ingredients. It is simply a question of when the need arises and it is certainly not now. We need to consolidate our economy and make it more robust and come out of the debt trap and have substantial reserves before we go down that line. Also I dont think such a system will be tested directly. Rather the capability will be demonstrated to the wise via other means.
What I know is work was completed on few years ago and even if go by @Rafi statement than by him work on ICBM is at advanced stage. My info says it's ready but not testing due geo political reasons. Personally when I see the economy testing it won't be great idea but when I look at Iran USA situation than I think we should go ahead with the test. Arguments can be made for both sides here.
Bro i am not teasing you, really would like to have your answer/view point on the question i asked.

By ready, do you mean that we have an ICBM ready (nearing completion) and kept in storage so that we can use/test it at some time?
Bro i am not teasing you, really would like to have your answer/view point on the question i asked.

By ready, do you mean that we have an ICBM ready (nearing completion) and kept in storage so that we can use/test it at some time?
Hi is there any shelf life of thing involved with something kept in storage for future test or use if there is any for how long
Any info will be appreciated
Thank you
Hi is there any shelf life of thing involved with something kept in storage for future test or use if there is any for how long
Any info will be appreciated
Thank you


Off course there is a shelf life for these items---. They are checked and tested often---re-furbished & upgraded in a timely manner over the years---.

Bro i am not teasing you, really would like to have your answer/view point on the question i asked.

By ready, do you mean that we have an ICBM ready (nearing completion) and kept in storage so that we can use/test it at some time?


@Zarvan stated it right---due to geo political reason---there is no reason to display this missile---or to accept that this missile exists---. It serves no tactical and practical purpose---.

Let us stay focused on our local theater of concern---.

@Zarvan stated it right---due to geo political reason---there is no reason to display this missile---or to accept that this missile exists---. It serves no tactical and practical purpose---.

Let us stay focused on our local theater of concern---.
I understand that sir. My curiosity/question was regarding the secret status @Zarvan hinted at. If he meant that the missile is READY and we have stored it somewhere for now or is he saying that we can MAKE the missile when we need. There is a difference and i think he is not clear about it either or else he would have replied. Still will be interesting to know what he think is the case.
I understand that sir. My curiosity/question was regarding the secret status @Zarvan hinted at. If he meant that the missile is READY and we have stored it somewhere for now or is he saying that we can MAKE the missile when we need. There is a difference and i think he is not clear about it either or else he would have replied. Still will be interesting to know what he think is the case.

No country makes an entire ICBM system, and "stores" it for when the time will come.

C'mon, stop teasing @Zarvan....even you know that! Lol

Whoever told @Zarvan about the ICBM obviously did not know better himself. Saying Pakistan has the "capability/know-how" to build an ICBM is so vague and downright disingenuous. Pakistan has "capability" to do alotttttt of things if we just go by the theories our scientific community knows lol

Pakistan has no 7000km+ ICBM in the works. Pakistan neither needs it nor can it afford it.

Pakistani deterrence is against india, not the U.S. We don't need ICBM for india. Some other modifications to our arsenal are needed, and they are being worked upon (albeit at a painfully slow pace).

All of this has been clarified by senior members like @Oscar and @The Deterrent multiple times.
No country makes an entire ICBM system, and "stores" it for when the time will come.

C'mon, stop teasing @Zarvan....even you know that! Lol

Whoever told @Zarvan about the ICBM obviously did not know better himself. Saying Pakistan has the "capability/know-how" to build an ICBM is so vague and downright disingenuous. Pakistan has "capability" to do alotttttt of things if we just go by the theories our scientific community knows lol

Pakistan has no 7000km+ ICBM in the works. Pakistan neither needs it nor can it afford it.

Pakistani deterrence is against india, not the U.S. We don't need ICBM for india. Some other modifications to our arsenal are needed, and they are being worked upon (albeit at a painfully slow pace).

All of this has been clarified by senior members like @Oscar and @The Deterrent multiple times.


You are correct---our concern is local---& it should stay local---.

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