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Is Israel winning?

With all these wars that USA started in Middle East, its clear that USA has managed to do what Israel wanted:To create an artificial chaos in which peace is impossible. Currently its almost impossible to find a way to unite sunnis, shias and Kurds in Iraq and Syria. Foreign intervention will continue guaranteeing that these countries will be in a state of permanent civil war. Meanwhile muslim countries with considerable influence in the area(Iran, Turkey, Saudi Arabia)have their own problems of how to preserve their influence on their border. And countries like Egypt and Jordan have pro-western dictatorships. At the same time zionist media have managed to create hatred against muslims in the non muslim world making an alliance between muslims and non muslims harder. So what happens next?
Israel Will manage to control oil and water reserves of ME, in a year or two. On financial front, shifting of financial hub, infact transformation of over all monitory system, are almost complete, awaiting a button push.
When people who are in global power today, will begin to feel the squeeze, and they already are, then ME will experience another wave of destruction, and that wave will be anti-Israel. The same people who are destroying arabs today, will destroy Israel. I see time around 2027 very very dangerous for Zionists.

I doubt it has won. You can throw Palestinians away from their homes and still be an isolated, loathed small country that begs for US dollars to survive
Soon they will not, neither small, nor isolated.
Israel is surviving

Its pissing against the wind

Its fortunate its enemy are the arabs and they are as useless and dumb fcuk as you can get at the moment

But its basic problem is always the same surrounded by a sea of arabs that keep increasing within israel too

Even the recent ball sucking by the gulf arabs could be dangerous for the jews, not because they don't want it but because it impedes their desire to ethnically cleanse the Palestinians with more relations with Arab states

How many countries US invaded since 1950? How many countries Iran invaded?

Go back to school.
Iran uses proxy wars. Iraq, Yemen, Syria, Lebanon - all have Iranian proxy militias. And thats the major reason why they are failed state, because you can't be a successful state if you have armed to teeth foreign country gangs. Iran spends billions on them, meanwhile tens of millions of Iranians live in terrible poverty.

Its USA that invaded Iraq in 2003 and created chaos in the area
Syria and Yemen are much more in chaos tnx to Iran.

Unless the year is 2006?
In 2006 Israel won. It pacified Hezbollah and pushed it away from the border. I personally served on border there and know that situation IMPROVED DRASTICALLY after the war.
With all these wars that USA started in Middle East, its clear that USA has managed to do what Israel wanted:To create an artificial chaos in which peace is impossible. Currently its almost impossible to find a way to unite sunnis, shias and Kurds in Iraq and Syria. Foreign intervention will continue guaranteeing that these countries will be in a state of permanent civil war. Meanwhile muslim countries with considerable influence in the area(Iran, Turkey, Saudi Arabia)have their own problems of how to preserve their influence on their border. And countries like Egypt and Jordan have pro-western dictatorships. At the same time zionist media have managed to create hatred against muslims in the non muslim world making an alliance between muslims and non muslims harder. So what happens next?

Israel is winning the battles but losing the war.
Iran uses proxy wars. Iraq, Yemen, Syria, Lebanon - all have Iranian proxy militias. And thats the major reason why they are failed state, because you can't be a successful state if you have armed to teeth foreign country gangs. Iran spends billions on them, meanwhile tens of millions of Iranians live in terrible poverty.
You really internalised your own propaganda, sad!

Iran has a tiny military budget and doesn't spend much on its proxies, the point of them is to be cost-effective. $5 billion or so on proxies clearly isn't the reason for "terrible poverty" in Iran, it's $60 per Iranian per year from a GDP of $450 billion.

Syria and Yemen are much more in chaos tnx to Iran.
Nonsense. Syria is far more stable now thanks to Iran. If it wasn't for Iran Syria would be a lawless anarchy overrun with Salafist groups backed by Israel.

Iran told the Houthis not to advance on Sana'a, Iran doesn't control what the Houthis do.

In 2006 Israel won.
You know you're deluded when the majority of your own political/military establishment disagrees with you.
You really internalised your own propaganda, sad!

Iran has a tiny military budget and doesn't spend much on its proxies, the point of them is to be cost-effective. $5 billion or so on proxies clearly isn't the reason for "terrible poverty" in Iran, it's $60 per Iranian per year from a GDP of $450 billion.
Iran is a corrupted to the core dictatorship, there is no any transparency there. Official military budget is only a tip of the iceberg. You have also secret spends, IRGC, Basij, hundreds of sectarian and terror militias and gangs allk over the middle east.

Nonsense. Syria is far more stable now thanks to Iran. If it wasn't for Iran Syria would be a lawless anarchy overrun with Salafist groups backed by Israel.
Syria was stable during the Shah, now its destroyed failed state with 12 million refugees.

Iran told the Houthis not to advance on Sana'a, Iran doesn't control what the Houthis do.
LOL sure.

You know you're deluded when the majority of your own political/military establishment disagrees with you.
Not at all. There is no any doubt that situation improved for Israel as result of 2006 war.
Man muslims can't even wake up for fajr prayer and then they talk about Israel or else

Instead they like more their Starbucks Coffee and drive along in a audi bmw bentley Lexus and some in a Ferrari.. While they are eating mc Donald's burger.. And then they take a pipe in a muslim bar called Shisha lounge..

And than you and me expect them to lose all this comfort?

I see time around 2027 very very dangerous for Zionists

Yeah and I see more and more anti Muslim organisation's in the world and specially EU.. They grow in numbers like rats.. And then they are just against Muslims but not jews because jews manage to infiltrate them and lobbying them the stupid average Muslim just brabbles how bad he feels

We have anti Muslims in every Muslim populated area and some like Egypt, UAE and other are in control and playing against their neighbors

we are in a situation in wich a higher elite comes in fine dress to a dinner and the meal are muslim populated countries and in happy talk one takes this part and the other is eating up another part of us while some are helping them like a fine enghlish butler

And I think it will get even worser in the future unless ppl will wake up
Iran is a corrupted to the core dictatorship, there is no any transparency there. Official military budget is only a tip of the iceberg. You have also secret spends, IRGC, Basij, hundreds of sectarian and terror militias and gangs allk over the middle east.
Coming from the 'country' with total military media censorship, that's quite the claim.

Regardless, even the most hawkish Zionists don't claim Iran spends more than $10billion abroad per year, which is clearly insignificant WRT poverty in Iran.

Syria was stable during the Shah, now its destroyed failed state with 12 million refugees.
The question wasn't if Syria was more stable in the 70s or now, the question was whether Iran's intervention at the invitation of the Syrian Government made Syria more or less stable than it would have been. Clearly by preventing a power vacuum that would been exploited by numerous militant jihadist groups, Iran's intervention made Syria more stable.

You seem to have a bad habit of conflating issues and shifting goalposts, not very bright are you?

LOL sure.
The JIDF school of winning internet debates has trained you well I see.

Not at all. There is no any doubt that situation improved for Israel as result of 2006 war.
So vast aspects of the Zionist Regime's military and political spheres don't regard the 2006 invasion of Lebanon as a failure? That's clearly bullshit, but stay in your echo chamber if it helps you sleep at night.
With all these wars that USA started in Middle East, its clear that USA has managed to do what Israel wanted:To create an artificial chaos in which peace is impossible. Currently its almost impossible to find a way to unite sunnis, shias and Kurds in Iraq and Syria. Foreign intervention will continue guaranteeing that these countries will be in a state of permanent civil war. Meanwhile muslim countries with considerable influence in the area(Iran, Turkey, Saudi Arabia)have their own problems of how to preserve their influence on their border. And countries like Egypt and Jordan have pro-western dictatorships. At the same time zionist media have managed to create hatred against muslims in the non muslim world making an alliance between muslims and non muslims harder. So what happens next?
Israel is not winning, its arab govt who betrayed Palastinian right of self determination.
Yes, Israel is winning. War On Terror is making sure of this.

Nations have interests in the Middle East, do they exploit theological differences on ground? Not really, US cares less about theology than you may think. Theological differences are there and Middle East, as well as ethnic ones. Middle Easterners need to help themselves by fearing God and returning to worshipping him and observing the Sunnah. This includes Shia, Kurds, Sufi's, and non-practicing Sunni's. There is no other alternative if we want to be accepted by God and show appreciation to him, and be granted his blessings. So that's first priority.

Israel is getting what it wants at its pace. That does not mean it is some kind of match 'competing' with other nations. It's exercising its interests. Other nations in region are doing so successfully as well, such as Turkey, Egypt, some Gulf Arab nations. Even Iran. However, with rise of nationalism and distance from Islam, each country will look after itself. So don't expect for this region to become the new Europe/US or anything near that. At least until they return to worshiping God. You can't take God out of the equation, especially considering the Prophet told us our community will never be granted prosperity such as other communities have, except by worshipping God and observing Islam sincerely. This is one of the things the Prophet asked Allah(SWT) for when he met him, and this is a mercy of God upon us. Otherwise he would have given us power in this world even if we disregard him and in next world we will be humiliated.

So, until Muslims return to the original Islam(Sunni) and observe it sincerely(all of them), this region will remain the same. You need to worship God to develop the necessary qualities that will bring about brotherhood, prosperity, justice and so on. A lot of problems in this region are due to traditional or stubborn and competitive mentalities. Don't make mistake of understating that. Just eliminating hypocrisy and corruption among regions inhabitants would do wonders for the region, let alone other negative qualities we espouse.

As for moving towards other powers, I'm not in favor of that. Europeans/Americans are better than alternatives. We share similar beliefs on many matters. You don't know how these alternative powers would behave had they had the economic/military clout to do so. Europeans and Americans are best leaders in world stage you can have at the moment. Only thing that could be better than them form ethical sense would be an Islamic Caliphate run by a righteous Muslims.
Coming from the 'country' with total military media censorship, that's quite the claim.
There is no any "total military censorship". Every country has military secrets. For example in Israel nuclear program is a secret and data about it is not released, however u can talk about it based on foreign sources and your own speculations as much as u want.

Obviously there is no any censorship on criticism of Israeli government and its actions.

Regardless, even the most hawkish Zionists don't claim Iran spends more than $10billion abroad per year, which is clearly insignificant WRT poverty in Iran.
10 bln per year is not significant? LOL.

The question wasn't if Syria was more stable in the 70s or now, the question was whether Iran's intervention at the invitation of the Syrian Government made Syria more or less stable than it would have been. Clearly by preventing a power vacuum that would been exploited by numerous militant jihadist groups, Iran's intervention made Syria more stable.
There were many coups and government changes in Syria before. They were all not bloody and fast. But you said that Assad must stay at ALL COST. even the slaughter and ethnic cleansing of 12 million people.

You seem to have a bad habit of conflating issues and shifting goalposts, not very bright are you?
U made a baseless claim. I remember well how Nasrallah was bragging about Houthis taking Aden, not just Sanaa.

So vast aspects of the Zionist Regime's military and political spheres don't regard the 2006 invasion of Lebanon as a failure? That's clearly bullshit, but stay in your echo chamber if it helps you sleep at night.
Funny that u just contradict your first claim in this post. In Israel everyone criticizes government and army. Indeed there were many mistakes (like in any other war).

But fact that no one can deny that the situation after 2006 is much better for Israel.
There is no any "total military censorship". Every country has military secrets. For example in Israel nuclear program is a secret and data about it is not released, however u can talk about it based on foreign sources and your own speculations as much as u want.
Everybody knows there is censorship on many military activities and losses incurred by Israel.

10 bln per year is not significant? LOL.
It certainly isn't the reason for poverty in Iran, which was your original assertion. Iran's military spending is extremely low compared to its neighbours.

There were many coups and government changes in Syria before. They were all not bloody and fast. But you said that Assad must stay at ALL COST. even the slaughter and ethnic cleansing of 12 million people.
Bloodless and fast coups by groups that involve 50,000+ foreign fighters and an influx of arms and aid from regional countries trying to remove the Government? Name me one time this happened before in Syria.

Each situation is different and clearly if the Syrian Government fell there would be no one party big or powerful enough to control the ensuing chaos. I know Israel wanted this outcome very badly, but you will get used to it eventually.

U made a baseless claim. I remember well how Nasrallah was bragging about Houthis taking Aden, not just Sanaa.
Nasrallah's public boasts ≠ Iran's actual policy.

My claim is well documented, do some research.

Funny that u just contradict your first claim in this post. In Israel everyone criticizes government and army. Indeed there were many mistakes (like in any other war).
I didn't contradict anything. The dispute is whether Israel "won" the war, you are an anomaly amongst the military/political spheres in Israel for thinking that.
Israel has nothing to do with this. Muslims fought many wars each other. While sectarian fight, religious bigots and extremism is continue from hundreds of years ago. What is new???

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